Application For Month Of July For "Theme Art " By "The Efficient Seven"

in #curatorteamapplication3 years ago (edited)


Greetings -steemitblog team, we had great experience of Curation with Sc04 in month of June, it is a pleasure for us to present the application of our team The Efficients Seven for the topic Theme Arts for month of July.

Details of our team:

User nameCountryLanguageClub status
@suboohiPakistanUrdu, English#club100
@waterjoeIndonesiaEnglish, Indonesian#club100
@msharifBangladeshBangla, English#club100
@roszVenezuelaFrench, Spanish and English#club100
@simonnwigweNigeriaEnglish and Twi#club75
@monzz122IndiaEnglish and hindi#club75
@franyeligonzalezColumbiaSpanish and English#club5050

Our team has members from maximum diversity, i.e. seven countries (venuzela , Colombia, Nigeria , Indonesia, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh ), most of them have Curation experience of Community Accounts, @sc04 and @sc06 account . We can communicate/deal with 8 different languages.

More details of our team:

User nameCommunityExperienceSteem history
@suboohiadmin of siz and moderator at steem foodsCuration of siz comunity account & sc04 in june1 year and 5 months
@waterjoeactive userCuration from personal account1 years and 4months.
@msharifmoderator of steem-database, steem studios and steemit networtCuration with sc04 in June2 years
@roszActive UsersCuration with sc04 in Junemore than 2years
@simonnwigwemod at steem 4 Nigeria & Steem Travelcomunity sc04 in June1years and 5 months.
@monzz122admin of comunity Steem Indiacuration with @steemindiaa account and & sc04 in June1 year and 9months.
@franyeligonzalezmoderator of the Worldofxpilar community and Colombia-Original for 9 monthshave experience as a curator of steemcurator 06 in month March and & sc04 in June4years


We will make a good team of curators since we are all active and dedicated steemains, we are experienced, we have professionals from various areas in our team, most of them administrators and moderators from different communities, we can cover 8 languages, we communicate effectively and support each other To be an efficient curating team, we are tireless workers on this platform.

Curator details:

DayCuratorTagTime of upvoting
Monday@suboohi#diy , #art, #creativewriting0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.
Tuesday@waterjoe#poetry, #creativewriting, #art0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.
Wednesday@rosz#music, #art, #craft0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.
Thursday@franyeligonzalez#photography, #art, #craft0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.
Friday@simonnwigwe#creativewriting, #poetry, #art0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.
Saturday@monz122#craft, #diy, #photography0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.
Sunday@msharif#creativity, #creativewriting, #photography0:00 UTC/24:00 UTC.

The UTC time seems to us the most indicated since it is a universal time, each curator would start his round of curatorship at 0:00 UTC and would end at 11:59 UTC. Always in communication in case an eventuality arises to any member of the team.


Curating Guidelines:

  • #steemexclusive content only.
  • Plagiarism free content.
  • Content with images without copyright (preferably own images).
  • Publications with good content development having minimum 250word
  • The user must be part of a club ( #club5050 , #club75 , #club100) and we will check club through before Curation.

Plagiarism detection:

Anti-plagiarism tools will be used to scan texts and images, reviewing the user's trajectory, preferably verified users in the newcomers community and whit constant activity on the platform.


In our team all members have great interest in different field of art. @franyeligonzalez has great knowledge of art and photography, @monz122 has skills of art and craft, and creative writing, @waterjoe has good sense of poetry, literature and creative content writing, @rosz has great interest in crafting, music and content writing, @simonnwigwe has great skills of creative writing, poetry and music, @msharif is lover of literature and photography and @suboohi has great skills in crafting, painting, music and content writing.

We are excited to work together as a curation team that values and supports quality, original content.

Best regards

The Efficient Seven



Mucho éxito para todos, han realizado un excelente trabajo, constantes y todos los días superándose.

Demostraron estar a la altura del compromiso.

Éxito chicos!

Hola amiga, gracias, esperamos poder seguir dando lo mejor!!

Thanks dear for your good words and support

Cuando un equipo de trabajo cuenta con calidad, entrega por el trabajo, asistencia al resto de los miembros del ecosistema, entre otras cualidades, se merece la oportunidad se seguir trabajando para recompensar las labores de creación de contenido original dentro de la plataforma.

El equipo de SC04 que trabajo en el mes de junio cumplió con todos los requerimientos que debe tener un equipo de curación y considero que se merece seguir trabajando en el próximo mes que esta a punto de comenzar.

Considero que equipos de trabajos como es, es lo que necesita la plataforma para mantener un alto estandar de publicacion y la misma se revalorice en el tiempo.

Los felicito por el trabajo realizado y ojala puedan continuar con el mismo

Hola querido amigo, muchas gracias por tus hermosas palabras, esperamos seguir dando lo mejor de nosotros. Saludos!!

A very good group, with people committed to the Steemit platform and who will do a very good job selecting the best posts according to their categories. Congratulations and many successes. ♥️

Hola amiga, muchas gracias por tus palabras, esperemos nos brinden una segunda oportunidad!!

Thank you very much for supporting us ❤️

Saludos mis amigos espero, vuelvan a repetir porque ha realizado un buen trabajo, les deseo mucho éxito 🙌

Hola querida amiga, muchas gracias por el apoyo!

Thanks for your good words and support ❤️

Este mes realizaron un excelente trabajo.

Les deseo el mejor de los éxitos y espero que nuevamente tengan el cargo de curadores

Un abrazote

Hola amigo, muchas gracias por tus deseos!!

Thanks for your good words and support ❤️

Mucha suerte también en esta oportunidad. Han hecho un gran trabajo, hay una gran diversidad en muchos aspectos. Saludos.

Hola amigo, gracias por tus lindas palabras!!

Thanks for your good words and support

Great team, good luck all, Hopefully what has been planned will be achieved 🙏🏻

Thanks dear for your support ❤️

Best of luck team you did great work this month

Thanks dear

good luck all friends!

Thanks dear for your support

You are welcome my friend

Hola equipo, les deseo la mejor para uds. Han venido haciendo un trabajo excelente y espero puedan seguir ejerciendo ese rol por lo menos unos 3 meses más jejeje.

Mi amiga franyeli, te deseo muchos éxitos y bendiciones en esta nueva oportunidad. Estoy seguro que serán elegidos nuevamente.


Hoola amigo, hahahaha ojalá y sea así. Gracias por tu comentario!!

Thanks for your good words and support

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