Steemit Update [ February 3rd, 2022 ] : Community Curators for February

Thank you to all the teams who took the time to submit an application to become Community Curators for February.
There were 16 applications in total for the five themes which was a very good start for this revival of the Community Curators.
It was a tough choice on some of the themes as there were several strong applications.
If your team was not selected this time do not be too sad. Start reviewing and refining your application for March - particularly work on getting more of your team members up to #club75 or #club100, and check you have a good diversity of language, nationality and communities.
We hope the whole community will embrace the new Community Curators, and work hard to produce good content to earn votes from them.
Community Curator Teams for February 2022
The teams selected for each of the themes are...
- Arts - art, photography, music, poetry, creative writing
The team led by @janemorane with @alena-vladi, @cindycam, @eliany, @jyoti-thelight, @nishadi89, @shohana1. -
- Finance, Business & Crypto
The team led by @kouba01 with @dilchamo, @pelon53, @reddileep, @shemul21, @fredquantum, @nane15 -
- Lifestyle - health, fitness, sport, leisure, food, travel
The team led by @papi.mati with @esteban85, @haidermehdi, @o1eh, @ponpase, @progressivechef, @willeusz -
- Science, Technology & Computing
The team led by @reminiscence01 with @cryptogecko, @daytona475, @jimah1k, @tarpan, @tucsond, @zmoreno -
- Life & Humanity - including the Diary Game, acts of kindness, charity
The team led by @event-horizon with @anroja, @disconnect, @ngoenyi, @olesia, @saracampero, @svm038. -
Congratulations to the winning teams.
Please would the leader of each winning team confirm acceptance in a comment below and include their contact details (Discord / Telegram).
Would each member of each winning team also add a comment to their team leader’s comment confirming their participation in the team and giving their contact details (Discord / Telegram).
We will then be in touch to provide the keys for the accounts.
We would suggest each team make a post declaring what tags they will be tracking for their curation, and maybe how they will be checking for plagiarised posts.
These can be refined in each weekly team report.
The @steemcurator accounts should only be used for voting and commenting. They should not be used for downvoting or making posts.
We suggest that a comment is left on each post voted to let the author know the post has been supported by the curation team.
How the Curation Teams will be rewarded
Every day the teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a team member’s post - ideally in rotation.
In total therefore no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.
Additionally each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 7 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.
These posts can either be done in rotation, week by week, or they can set beneficiaries to be shared with other members of the team.
The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.
Please note : the Booming support for communities will be continuing the same in February.
We are looking forward to seeing the new Community Curation teams in action.
The doubling of the delegations to 500,000 SP for these curation teams represents a further increase in the support being given to the community by Steemit.
We very much hope the community appreciates this and continues to strive to join #club75 and #club100 to help the Steem economy grow.
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Thank you for that honour. Of course, I confirm our participation. My discord: papi.mati#3791
Please reply in the comment under my post and give your discord contacts @ponpase @o1eh @willeusz @progressivechef @haidermehdi @esteban85
Congratulations @haidermehdi and @papi.mati 😊
Saya juga anggota baru disini. Salam kenal
Mi discord Willeusz#2348
Felicidades a todos los ganadores, a seguir fortaleciendo el ecosistema! 🙏🏼✌🏼
Dios les bendiga aquí mi discord @esteban85#5217
Gracias por está oportunidad de seguir creciendo dentro de la plataforma éxitos y bendiciones a los ganadores
Congratulations for Us !!!
My discord : ponpase#2931
Congrats, @ponpase
Selamat bang @ponpase, luar biasa
Mi discord o1eh#3516
Thanks to the Steemit team for their trust. Now we need to prove that we deserve it.
I definitely confirm my participation :)
Congratulations to all and specially to our team! Let the work begin.
I hereby confirm my participation and will be up to standards for sure.
My discord : progressivechef #3817
congrats, @papi.mati
Thank you!
Many congratulations to all the team members and thanks to Steemit Team.
DIscord: haidermehdi#0457
Thank you @steemitblog for this great opportunity. We will make sure to perform this duty in the best possible way.
I extend my congratulations to all the selected teams.
Telegram: @event-h0riz0n
Discord: event-horizon#5635
CC: @anroja, @disconnect, @ngoenyi, @olesia, @saracampero, @svm038
Great news my love. Work starts now
Telegram: @Nneya12
Discord: ngoenyi2#0664
Congrats @ngoenyi
Thank you my friend
Thank you very much, @steemitblog.
My contacts in telegram
CC: @anroja, @disconnect, @ngoenyi, @olesia, @saracampero, @svm038
Congrats, wow, super news🤩
Congrats to everyone!
Telegram :
Discord : Disconnected Rat#8807
Thanks for the opportunity, I promise to make the best use of resources "as always". Users are eager to see the results of this new plan. Thank you for increasing the support of Steemcurator accounts to 500,000, they will be of great help to give meaningful votes that allow users to obtain more rewards and grow faster.
Discord: saracampero#0510
Telegram : @anroja
Discord : anroja#8443
Selamat bang @anroja
Terima kasih bang
Telegram svm038
Discord svm038#6376
Many many Congrats Dear Miss @event-horizon on your new role, it would be a great opportunity to support the Pak Community also on SteemIt, Wish you best of luck in future endeavors.
More Power to you.
I congratulate all the teams selected and remind them that choosing them is more of a task than an honor. Let us assume this responsibility.
Discord: kouba#2216
Cc- @dilchamo - @reddileep - @shemul21 @fredquantum - @nane15 - @pelon53
Congratulations to all once again.
Discord: fredquantum#3622
Congratulations to all.
Congratulations to all.
Congratulations 🌷🌷
Discord : @Dilchamo#9380
Telegram: @Dilchamodi
Congratulations to all.
Congratulations to all. 💪
Thanks to Steemitblog for this great opportunity. I humbly accept this role as the team leader for Sevengers.
Congratulations to all the selected teams.
Telegram :
Discord : Reminiscence#0353
Thanks You to the Steemit Team for giving us the opportunity, to the Sevengers Team selected for the Science, Technology & Computing Field.
My Discord : tucsond#1590
My Telegram : @TengkuYusak
Congratulations my brother @tucsond, hopefully your representation from the Steem Entrepreneurs Community can make the best contribution to the Steemit Team and the Steemit Platform with the best commitment and performance with your team... cheeerss
Yes Brother, I will do my best...👍😊
Selamat bapak, sukses dalam bekerja
Terima Kasih Bu Maulida
Selamat pak @tucsond
Terimakasih 👍😊
selamat Bg Yusak, terpilih mjadi bagian tim, Semoga sukses juga dalam menjalankan tugas bersama tim nntinya
Thank you Steemitblog for selecting the SEVENGERS. I’m honored to accept this role as a memeber of the SEVENGERS team, congratulations to the other selected teams.
Discord : jimah1k#2459
Thank you for the opportunity provided. Congratulations to all the selected teams!
Discord: daytona475#3263
Thank you very much for this announcement, SteemitBlog team. I am very glad that my Science, Technology and Computing team has been selected. I am very excited to accept this role. I can be reached at my discord zmoreno#5410 and my telegram @isaveronica. Many blessings, and congratulations to all the selected teams.
I am confirming my participation with the team
Telegram: @Tarpan12345672
Discord : tarpan#2384
Discord: cryptogecko#3308
You are all invited:
Congratulations to the winners, I hope they can generate honest and fair curation management for the welfare of the ecosystem.
I am at your disposal for any support you may require.
Muchas gracias por el apoyo amigo @adeljose, lo aprecio mucho.
Thank you so much @steemitblog from the core of my heart and on behalf of my talented team.
I hereby congratulate my teammates and all the other winning teams on this big achievement.
We will make sure to give the best results of this responsibility given to us.
Discord: janemorane 🧚🏻♀#6505
CC: @shohana1, @nishadi89, @cindycam, @jyoti-thelight, @eliany, @alena-vladi
Hi, thank you very much for this selection and the great opportunity, Congratulations to all.
My discord : @jyoti-thelight#6650
Telegram :-
My discord : SHOHANA#7389
Telegram :-
Thank you steemit team. I am so happy to be a part of this amazing platform. ❤
Discord :- nishadi89#3276
Telegram :-
Thank you Steemit and thank you my wonderful team!
My discord: Alena Vladi#7585
Telegram: @telovshlyape
Hello, thank you very much for this selection. Congratulations to all.
My Discord: cindycam#3361
My Telegram:
Yes dear together we will achieve this
I'm so much grateful we are given the opportunity to display our talent, steemitblog will never be disappointed in us.
Discord; eliany#3544
Hello All My Seniors @papi.mati @event-horizon @svm038 @haidermehdi @tarpan
Congratulations . May You Success all life Ameen
Welcome 🤗
Congratulations to all those selected, a new challenge lies ahead, leaving the name of Steem high and the trust that has been placed in you is a golden responsibility. I wish that they can have a great organization so that their work is effective and efficient, always thinking about the development and growth of the Steem community.
It is a new opportunity to shine and it is that belonging to the steemit work team is something surprising. Of course it brings new challenges and more work with it, but I think that if you decided to be among the teams it is because you are willing to give your best.
Forward team of curators. My best wishes. 👏👏👏👏