Curation Team Application [Science, Technology and Computing]
SEVENGERS Assembling

Hello Steem Family,
First of all, we would like to thank the Steemit team (@steemitblog) for giving us this opportunity. We appreciate this initiative taken by the Steemit team to start curation of authored posts in decided themes rather than supporting a multitude of random niches.
As a result of this new reintegration of Community Curators, we are confident that there will be more enthusiasm and engagement on the part of authors to produce quality publications. For our part, we assume this challenge with the utmost responsibility because we are responsible for selecting publications that comply with the platform's standards.
Application for the Curation Team
We are a team of seven incredibly talented and motivated members who are working professionally in the areas we are applying for curation.
Which of the five themes above your team would like to curate for.
There has been a tendency in the past, where people have shared their views and written about only a few famous and interesting topics like blockchain, cryptocurrency, and daily diary writing, and they used to earn good rewards as well. The problem is that people appear to have virtually no interest in topics such as science, technology, and computing, even though occasionally they post something relevant about them.
Thus, not only do we want to curate and reward posts made in the Science, Technology, and Computing theme, but we will also be focusing on promoting it to a larger audience and making certain that more and more users start posting on these topics.
So, we, the Sevengers, who are mainly Engineers and Teachers, wish to apply for the Science, Computing & Technology theme and are hoping the Steemit team will accept our application. As most of our members are professionals working in the Science, Technology, and Computing field, it would be a lot better if we got to curate in the Science, Technology, and Computing theme.
Details of the team members (nationality, languages, time active on Steem, #club status).

Our team members come from all over the world and this map shows their demographics. As you can see, we have members from 6 different countries on 3 different continents making up our team.
The team was assembled (as we call it) by @cryptogecko (India). They were joined by @reminiscence01 (Nigeria), @tucsond (Indonesia), @tarpan (Bangladesh), @daytona475 (Venezuela), @zmoreno (Venezuela), @jimah1k (Ghana).
Our team has appointed @reminiscence01 as the leader of the team and is going to assume the post after our team is selected.
The team consists of two members from Venezuela as the country receives a large number of posts, and also there are other Spanish-speaking countries whose posts can be curated by these two team members.
The most used languages that we cover are English, Hindi, Bengali, Bahasa Indonesia, Igbo, Spanish, Twi, Gonja, Dagbani, Punjabi, and Gujarati. In the case of other languages being used by authors in our theme, we will be using a translator to understand the content, since we know that there are various languages present in the Steemit ecosystem.

Note: In the infographic image above, the red inner circle around the profile picture shows the morning (AM) time and the blue outer circle shows the afternoon (PM) time.
Why would your team make a good curation team?
The team consists of Engineers, Scientists, and Teachers, all of whom have real-life expertise that is appropriate for the theme for which we are applying. Our team believes in implementing the best support and guidance for authors writing within our niche and we will work to select valuable contributions that are made in our theme.
As part of our support program, we aim to encourage users who produce quality content to also invest their time in encouraging other authors by voting on their posts and also interacting with them continuously. Thus, we aim to encourage participation throughout our community.
We want to support active authors and commenters who comment regularly and are constructive in addition to complying with all the established initiatives such as #club5050, #club75, and #club100. In short, we are going to give priority to authors who not only post valuable content in our theme but who also spend time engaging with other posts, which is the basis of a social platform.
Anything special about how your team will do curation to ensure the widest reach?
Certainly, we will take proper measures before rewarding posts in our theme that are made in accordance with our requirements. We will also coordinate the time as a team so that the workflow is as organized and efficient as possible, guaranteeing a broader scope.
We cover 3 continents with different time zones. Proper scheduling will be done to ensure that team members are available for curation and also to respond to feedback and complaints from the users.
We will be in search of content that follows the three tags: Science, Technology, and Computing. Users will be limited to at least 2 upvotes in a week and we won't be curating content that have already received curation from other curators. I believe this strategy will enable us to reach out to a wide number of users and ensure quality content is being rewarded.
In the following section, we have put together the points and methods we heavily rely on while curating. However, we are open to proposals and future changes to improve these aspects.
- We will make sure that the posts made in our theme are of high quality with original content that adds value to the ecosystem, with relevant information.
- Another important thing we will look for in the posts is that the posts must be presented well using proper formatting
- We will make sure that the language that is used is appropriate, consistent, and accurate
- We will only curate posts that have more than 300 words
- We will make sure that the tag used should be relevant to the content in question
- #club5050, #club75, #club100, #steemexclusive tags are to be given priority in the curation process
- We will make sure that the post contains a clear and engaging title and the images added in the post are of good quality and are referenced with copyright-free sources.
- We will try to mostly curate members who belong to at least #Club5050
How your team will ensure your team will not vote for any posts with plagiarised content.
We are a team of professionals. Most of us have gone through the thesis writing and submission process at our universities. So, all of our members have the knowledge and resources to find the plagiarism content that any user posts in our theme.
First, we review each citation contained in the publication. There must be a proper reference for each and a direct link to the original author. When a plagiarism detection program detects a small percentage of plagiarism, it is verified whether the link belongs to the author or not. If it belongs to the author, then there is no plagiarism, but if it has been published elsewhere, it will not be considered #steemexclusive. Alternatively, if it is not an original work of the author, it is evaluated by comparing the words where we see if the sentences were spun to make the new sentences.
If there is a higher percentage of plagiarism and the source comes from other web pages, the author must be notified in a precise comment, mentioning the account that fights against plagiarism on the platform. This is in order to check if it really is plagiarism and take the corresponding measures.
If any plagiarism is found we will report it in the comments, and we will also tag relevant accounts that can downvote the post to show that the author is trying to play the system.
Best regards,
Yes, SEVENGERS we are. We assembled to take on the challenge of curation in the Science, Technology and Computing.
If you are an author with good intentions, you will see yourself rising, and if you are not, we will find out if you are plagiarising.
Mic Drops
Congratulations to everybody in the team, I have seen all of you working hard in the past couple of days. I hope that we get the opportunity to curate the posts in the SCoT theme.
Wish Us luck to be chosen
I am happy to be part of this wonderful team. I trust that together we can do a good job on our subject, because we are specialists in that 💪
Thank you guys so much for your hard work and responsibility!
Best wishes with you SEVENGERS. Wish to see you in the curation field. Best of luck !
Thank you so much @steemdoctor1, your support means a lot to us and we will make sure that good quality posts get the reward they deserve.
Thanks for having our back bro.
Thank you very much for your support!
I am very happy and proud to be part of this wonderful group, where science, computer and technology professionals come together to support the people who write about such topics in Steemit. I am excited to know that we will do a great job, let's hope for good results for this honest and hard working team.
Thank you so much. I believe in this team.
That's cool!!
Good luck Sevengers. 😎
Your support is highly appreciated.
Thank you for your support, we appreciate it!
I have seen many of the team members doing great stuff on Steemit and this gives me the assurance that they are going to deliver effectively in the selected theme "Science, Technology and Computing". I wish the team the very best on this. Steem On.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you so much Fred. Your support is highly appreciated.
I am very proud to be in this great Team. I'm sure our team will work hard to do curation in the fields of: Science, Technology and Computing. We are a solid team and can work together in good management in one team.
Thanks You My Friends to all of you who have worked hard in preparing the submission of this application.
Congratulations to all "SEVENGERS" members.
I am very happy to be in this team. Hopefully this team will get the opportunity to be selected for the curation team in the fields of: Science, Technology and Computing.
Thank you. I believe to have joined the right team to carry out this task diligently.
You are right. Thanks You for the good cooperation. Hope The SEVENGERS Team get this opportunity.
I believe we are a wonderful team, with each member having a true interest in the topic we are discussing. This group is remarkably well-rounded; everyone is an expert in their subject and, of course, is familiar with the platform. Our team is dedicated to working in a fair, honest, and prudent manner. It's a privilege to be a part of this group. And we have complete faith in each other. We'll be able to manage a curated account as well. We intend to give everyone in this category a fair vote.
If we have the opportunity, I hope we can do an incredible job!
Yea, sure.
Very great. "SEVENGERS" A team of great people. @tucsond one of our team on it. He is a smart person in all fields.
I'm sure all here are educated and broad-minded people. A very suitable team to carry out this mandate.
I hope this team will represent us and hopefully SEVENGERS will get the trust of the steemit team.
Thank you for your support
Thanks You Brother for your support our Team. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to be selected in this field.
Thank you for your kind words and your support we appreciate it!
I have faith in the team we have assembled. And I hope that we are given the chance to show our worth to the team and all steamians as a whole. Good luck to us all.
We are the SEVENGERS !!!!
Thank you @jimah1k. I'm confident in our team.