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RE: Crafting Paragraphs on Your Posts

in #curation6 years ago

you are teasing, maybe I came here for sentence structure :D

I can say it's not as taxing on focus to read in small chunks rather than big blocky mess you have to unravel, but I'm already used to both,

I would agree it's better to take care of the eyes and not to strain them all day every day, take some preventative measures and exercise the muscles as well as keep in mind the blink rate,

we don't blink as much when we are reading on a screen, doing anything on a screen for that matter, colors moving parts all make us focus on them, so the retina and the muscles controlling the eye are kept under constant tension,

so they loose durability and ability to move ....

annnnyways :D time to break into paragraphs, yeah looks a bit better, no time to edit and punctuate it's good enough :D


amazing how that white space can improve even text without punctuation eh?