Say WHAT?!?! I Hit The EXTRA 50-SP Mark Already? Why YES I DID! Time To Delegate!
Just three days ago I made a post about delegating some of my (what I consider to be) extra SP to worthy pages, groups and communities on steemit and Discord. You can see whom I have already delegated to in the link above.
And after some ingenious powering up and donating some SBD to @adollaraday (which I have been donating to for a few months) and @friendsofgondor (which is a new donation for me), I sat down and started looking through the original post about delegating, and have come to the conclusion on who to delegate this next 50-SP to... BUT WAIT!

Instead of 50-SP to delegate, I was able to work it out that I will be delegating 75-SP
By doing this I will be setting myself at the 2000-SP mark (my personal base line) PLUS I will be giving a VERY worthy group and page on steemit my extra SP. WIN-WIN

SO Who Is The Lucky Group/Page?

@happycrazycon mentioned in the above post for delegations about this group and page and she said:
are a bunch of mamas learning and writing on this platform for a variety of topics, from parenting to crytocurrency involvement. We also strive to highlight awesome posts from the mamas in a small humble weekly curation, encouraging quality posts and engagement. We support mamas from across the globe to empower ourselves that mamas can write and mamas (who work and stay at home) have great things to offer! You may check us out at @steemitmamas to see if we are worthy of your delegation. It is still a rather new community.
I was a stay-at-home-mom, a working mom and now I am a stay-at-home-wife.. SO I can relate to ALL the ladies/mamas in this group. They have some strong writers, are putting out quality content and I want to recognize them, pay-it-forward to them and continue supporting the group.
See... not only have I delegated to them about ten minutes ago... but I am also going to be doing a weekly curation post featuring three of the mamas. And just like all my other curation posts, I will be dividing the SBD earnings from each post and giving it to the three steemitmamas I have featured.
At the bottom of ALL of my curation posts, I have this clause...
@khimgoh, @happycrazycon and ALL the other @steemitmamas out there- I AM so looking forward to this venture together!

Thanks mama! I don't know how you do it, but you're a super mama. Glad you can join us and cheers to supporting the mamas in whatever stage they are of mamahood.
lol- Thank you!!
I have been given such tremendous support on this platform and giving back and supporting others is what I am all about.
Thank you for all you do and continue to do for @steemitmamas. <3
You're very welcome!
I'm enjoying chatting with all the members in Discord.
I am so happy with this that I woke up in the middle of the night to check my phone just to know how it goes from our conversation earlier, @goldendawne!!! So glad you managed to get @khimgoh today too :)
Your generosity and support means so much to us. Cheers to great partnership together. Thank you for trusting and believing in us, for not just delegations but even curation for us. Thank you so very much for all the understanding and also being part of us now. You are a gem and we are so honoured 💖 May your good heart be rewarded in many way stoo!
lol- sorry to disturb your sleep!
Looking forward to helping all the members in the group.
So AwEsOmE! Very generous and genuine of you! Enjoyed!
Thank you so much for your generosity and love @goldenawne. What you did is simply amazing.
You're very welcome!
I am getting to know all the members in the group and I am so happy to see such a great group of ladies and writers!
Thank you @goldendawne for your love and generousity to the community. I am so grateful that you want to support us and the 75 SP is a start to something big and wonderful in the future. I am so overwhelmed with gratitute and likewise look forward to this journey together too! #steemitmamas
You are VERY welcome! I am looking forward to so much fun, curation and advancement of your group!
It was a pleasure chatting with you and @happycrazycon earlier today and getting all the details in order.
Yay! Thank you for joining us!
It was a nice surprise to come back from a camping trip and see new mamas on our team.
I appreciate your mentions, delegations, and simply seeing you around on our discord.
Welcome back from camping! We used to spend two weeks straight camping when I was growing up. We lived for 14 days from campground to campground- the best memories of my childhood were of camping.
That sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll try two weeks next time. Fresh food was a concern of mine, it I realized fast I packed way more than we needed.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for joining us @goldendawne!! You are da bomb!!
♥ ♥ ♥
THRILLED to be a part of an up-and-coming group of talented writers!
Looking forward to reading some posts over the next few days and preparing my first curation post for @steemitmamas
♥ ♥
Wow thats so cool . You are so involved you sure deserve it. 💜
Right on! I so @khackett mention steemmomas awhile back and I’ve come to the conclusion that is the best name for a group ever!!! Might have to start steempapas 😉
@philippekiene here’s a buddy for you!
@khackett come say hello, we miss your face!
Yes #steemitmamas - best group ever!
LOl do i sense a collaboration??
lol- steemitpapas with moderator "ganja cowboy" at the helm!