Curie Author Showcase (September 5th, 2018)

in #curation6 years ago (edited)

  • In the spirit of Curie's mission to promote undiscovered but exceptional content, we wish to use this twice weekly section to provide an author showcase for some of the outstanding authors who received Curie upvotes in past week. Curie curators and reviewers nominate authors for inclusion in this showcase and author approval is sought and attained.

  • For those new to Curie, please follow @curie, and join us on Discord:

  • Follow @curie's votes to support the authors. Please consider following our trail and voting for curated authors. If you are a SteemAuto user, @curie is an available trail to follow.

  • Vote for the @curie witness to support Curie operations (all witness payouts are used to fund Curie operations).

  • If you would like to delegate to Curie you can do so by clicking on the following links:
    50 SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
    Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.

Featured Author: @landoflight
1-to-1 workshop in Glen Coe & Glen Etive area, Scotland, 27th August 2018

Images property of @landoflight

The first of today's authors to be showcased is a relatively new blogger on Steem who stepped on the scene with his best foot. Tomasz Szatewicz promised to share on his blog stories and photos from his photo workshops and tours across Scotland, and this post is exactly that.

Images Property of @landoflight

"I run individually tailored landscape photography workshops and photo tours across Scottish Highlands and Moray that help people improve their photo skills, learn about shooting with filters and also visit spectacular, often hidden and remote spots around Scotland." – @landoflight's introduction post

This post shares pictures from his "1-to-1 workshop" with his student, Bianka. This time they explored Glen Coe & Glen Etive areas of Scotland, from Loch Leven, Ballachulish upto Glen Etive. Tomasz shares his process behind composition, choice of filters and other details that make him such an amazing landscape photographer.

Tomasz's post achieved the respectable feat of getting a resteem on the Curie blog.

Go see for yourself how good this is.

Featured Author: @kaelci
Fifth; Wrong Temple

Image taken from @kaelci's post

This next one is the fifth of a follow-on fiction story (based on a prompt) written by Kaelci. It continues Nisha's adventure to a place from a story she had been told when she was a child.

"It was said that atop this enchanted mountain, past the singing trees, was a temple to a long-forgotten God."

This quest has so far taken here through an enchanted forest, a haunted mansion, into the dungeons, and set her back in time. In this installment, she encountered the wrong Temple.

Kaelci is finding "a little space here" for herself as she contributes fictional works involving side-stories from universes created in her head. In her words:

"I am an aspiring author who strives to write at least one piece of random fiction on Steemit every day. I regularly join in with the #365daysofwriting, #freewrite, and #fiftywords writing communities as well as occasionally writing a couple of ongoing Steemit-Exclusive stories.

"My ultimate goal is to write and publish my first fantasy novel by the end of the year, which will [be] Book #1 of a trilogy. There's only three months to go! Eep! Though fantasy, it's not a tale about adventurers battling dragons and working alongside elves in an epic quest to vanquish evil, but more a story about mages and those without the gift in their struggle to live side by side in the same world, and one unfortunate girl who is caught up in the middle. My ongoing message is that there is no good and there is no evil, it's all about context."

Tick tock! We are eager, Kaelci.

Read Kaelci's work, and maybe follow her blog for more.

Featured Author: @dollarsandsense
6 Majors Way More Worthless Than Your English Degree (Comedy Open Mic Round # 28)

Images property of @dollarsandsense

"So you’re on Steemit, eh? Sorry to hear; I have a worthless degree in Creative Writing too."

Satire doesn't come any better dressed than this one. I personally really enjoyed reading this shade thrown at "worthless" college majors. And I bet you too will. I consider this one of the most creative and entertaining writings I have encountered here as of... and what better platform to showcase that than the Comedy Open Mic (if you haven't already you should keep tabs on that amazing community).

This father, veteran, freelance writer, volunteer EMT embodied in the moniker @dollarsandsense would get you laughing and throwing keyboards as he "reviews" these majors, from Bagpiping to Canadian Studies and Astrobiology. Six of them.

Read it here. Just read it! ✔

Featured Author: @markshepard
Music Video: "Moon On The River" - Life In Song #138 - Mark Shepard

Images property of @markshepard

Mark has been writing songs since 1976. At least 600 of them. Little wonder he is so awesome at it. He shares his journey through overcoming that initial barrier, to sharing his music all over the world. One of those, Together We Could Change The World, according to Mark, got featured at the closing ceremonies of the Youth Pan-Asian Games and is the theme song of the Girls' Guide of the Philipines, among other exploits in Ukraine, North America and all around the world. Mark credits much of his success to hypnosis and NLP, which he currently offers coaching on.

About this song?

"Out in my Hypnosis on the Hudson Hornbeck Canoe, I lingered a couple of evenings while spectacular moon rises mesmerized me... and of course this song popped into my head." – Mark

Listen here.

Featured Author: @deadcountry
The Possession of Jack Torrance: Diary of a Photographer Page Three

Images property of @deadcountry

Inspired from Stephen King's The Shining novel and the adapted movie, DeadCountry creates this photographic image. He picks a pivotal moment in the story for his artistic creation: "the moment when Jack Torrance loses the last vestige of his humanity to the entity possessing him." That Here's Johnny scene.

The rest of the post details the inspiration and the process of creation of this piece.

Images Property of @deadcountry

@DeadCountry is a renowned artist who holds an MFA in Photography and have completed Teacher Certification in the State of Texas. His quest to promote his arts outside of "traditional settings" led him to Steem platform, and he revels at the opportunity to work by his value system. He has put out a vast body of work here already, and also runs a pop art shop, "where [he] gives access to an image file associated with [his] latest Diary of a Photographer post." You sure want to check out this artist and engage with them.

Possession of Jack is here.

This Curie Author Showcase was written by Curie Curator @misterakpan (Ubokobong Akpan), often with input from other Curie curators and reviewers. All images and quoted texts are the copyright of their respective authors and publishers.


Hi curie,

Thank your post in the #comedyopenmic tag.
Please note that this isn't a generic tag but rather it's a tag for our contest
If you'd like to participate you can click here to read the contest rules.

I would like to draw your attention to the rule asking contestants to include "Comedy Open Mic Round #" in the title.
We are currently on round 29

Please update your title and we will pass your entry along to the judges for judgement*.

*Judges that pass judgement only judge as far as judgement is concerned.

An official COM entry from Curie Blog would be awesome. 😁


That is just hilarious. I don't care who you are. Come one @curie , make a COM entry. :)

congrats @dollarsandsense, you surely deserve this showcase!

@sadkitten is countering 50% of @dj123 self-votes for 1 week starting Friday, September 7th 2018 because it is part of last weeks top self-voters. For more details see this post.

hey @personz you bot is acting spammy and destructive again, it's flagging folks who's self-upvoting 8.3%

SteemReports is not accurate. We go on how efficiently people vote for their own posts and you have been a moderately efficient self voter.

1stly, it's pretty accurate...i just checked my history and it's about single digit in last 1 week, go manually check it, you'll see that 8.3% number above is factual, or about avg 5.x upvote out of 70 in 1 week (go ahead and check for your own satisfaction)

2ndly your efforts and matrix of calculation is off shoot, inaccurate at targetting the wrong segment of the young steemain and self-upvoter, and most important, it's totally inconsequential comes Sep 25 when self upvote is no longer even an steem author reward option and people just start self upvoting their alt account....the big fish are already doing this in preparations for months....why is it so hard to understand about sadkitten bot not being of any use function, go re-read my discord message again to you with the simple example of a legit target case you need to build (and no it's not a's reality of abuse)......consider this is someone is exclusively upvoting anyone 1 other account 33-66% you know something is suspicious af

just like gentlebot has kept and encourage retention amongst the many that lacked intial talent and niche ...... your bot will turn off multitudes of redfish and kill a segment of retention that has not even had a chance to grow or invite other users or build relationships on Steemit

do you want me to just change my bot to self upvote an alt account (it's real easy), or can you see the point i'm trying to share?

note (would i try to contact you with examples on discord and give you a summarize explanation of how this is not going to work and is probably failing already) ..... i really believe you're trying todo goo, look don't care about the tiny flag to me, I care about the outcome and the results you are trying to achieve....something needs to change drastically, you need todo more good than harm

try adding these fields in

group self upvote (their target alt accounts where total 7 day upvote is greater than 33%...then tweak it to lower the catchment account) is over say 50-80%
5000 SP (and see what you data you come up with...then reduce by 1000SP but say over 1000 SP for goodness sake until Steem >$2 again or something)
Age >= 12 months (then reduce by 1 month at a time and see what data you get....if you start flagging 1-4 months account, you will start breeding bitterness and negative experience with minnows that don't know better)
for goodness sake set a minimal threshold anything under <25% group self upvote (including accounts they upvote eg. >say 33%) should not be considered

Do whatever you want, we don't make changes based on requests about what we "should" be doing. If you see a need for another bot feel free to make it yourself, I would be interested to hear about your algorithm idea.

Otherwise I repeat that SteemReports is not accurate and honestly it's the bane of this project as a result.

let me repeat, 8.3% is about 5.x out of 70 100% upvote, i'm sorry that you have seen in accuracies in steemreports but it does not mean the data I'm sharing with you is in accurate, do yourself a favor load up steemd and search for my self set upvote % so everyone can see i'm using a bot of 99.9%, (do a ctrl-F and search for that string) you'll see only 5 upvotes in the last 7 days.....that is 100% accurate then

i think you're misunderstanding my message to you, i'm not trying to subvert your target, if i wanted to, i would have done so and much more discretely, i'm letting you know that the premise of you goal is not being achieve this way

i will be modifying my bot to as Sept 25 is around the corner, so that's not the point, the key in this discussion is to empower you with feedback to do more good and have a greater impact not a negative impact, which i can foresee right now

flagging and tagging anyone who has 1/10 less than a tenth of self upvote is just need to understand this

it's like saying investors who give away 93% of their income in Steem should be punish (and that's not how much I'm giving away btw...i'm already delegated "for free" over >95% of my SP and ontop of that I'm giving away >90% of my in my case you're flagging someone who is literally giving about 99% ignore my case and look at the logic I am proposing to you), or worst telling new Steemians, redfish, and tiny minnows who upvote themselves less than 1 out of 10 times should be punished

do you not see the accumulated resentment your current algo will continue to cause?

Let me put this to you as plainly as possible: I do not respond to orders. You keep telling me what I need to do, etc and this strategy will not work with me. I ignore such things and I am ignoring these statements.

I am very interested in feedback however. You have no presented your opinions as feedback, rather as orders, and your language is very confused which adds to the disarray I see.

Regarding the issue, only a very few accounts we flag each week appear as low self voters on SteemReports. They are actually high self voters due to the efficiency at which they vote. Sometimes there have been bugs but I review the list every week to check for errors.

You should note that the algorithm is changing soon to target clique voters which is I think what you are suggesting anyway.

In any case we are currently only down voting to match at most 50% of only self voted posts / comments by about 60 accounts each week. This is hardly disproportionate. What you are complaining about is a minority case of a very small minority anyway.

You can take some of my advice instead: order your thoughts and present them well or you will be misunderstood. Recognize that you have no purview over this bot and I will at most consider suggestions.

for the record, i'm happy to help give you feedback and help you modify your code i can do js, python, heck even c++, no problems, but only if you opensource it at least to a trusted community of dev (I think i asked for the discord link to your community)....but for myself, i don't want to spend time building my own flag bot, there is already so much negativity surrounding Steem, i'm happy that you're pursuing it, but since this is financial violence (and necessary at time) you need to "really" know what you're doing, and change and adapt, and keep improving to do it right

i want to wish you the best, but for now, you need to take some feedback for some tweaks and changes, your net might be catching 30-50% worthy of a flag, but as i try to point up "behavorial psychologically" it's current a wrong're catching all the baby turtles and endangered species and i see this suffocating the wrong people

here's an positive incentive (before you this gets out of hand like how angrykitty and insanepuppy started invoking a band of futile resistance that adds no value but more negativity to the platform), do this right and make sustainable and I'll talk to @transisto, @lukestokes and see what they has planned as they are much bigger whales (well 1 whale and 1 orca), if this is done well, i'm power up more of my trade steem and delegate to support

let me repeat @personz: not asking you to stop, asking you to take feedback on what works and what does not

@curie I hardly even look at my newsfeed anymore, I just come straight to you to find the best content out there. Congrats to all the featured authors. The recognition is well deserved, keep it up!

That's really smart of you. You could actually take that a notch higher by browsing to see the lists of posts upvoted daily by curie, all human curated and reviewed. Curie currently upvotes an average of 20 good quality posts daily in its main curation initiative. I suppose that's a lot to keep your taste buds excited ;-)

Congratulations to all!.

Thank you @misterakpan! I appreciate the kind words and the support!

Congrats to all the other showcased authors!

Thank you @curie. Like others have said in this post, you have become a primary source of finding great new content creators. I'm really honored to be included among these great people. Congrats to you all and thank for your support. Keep Steeming!

Thank you so much for the feature, and congratulations to the other featured authors! :D

And I am loving @landoflight's photography, or that could just be bias because I have a thing for Scotland. ;) Just lovely!

I love you guys

Nice work guys love you and congrats to the winners!

Congrats to all the featured authors! The best kind of content is stuff that's not just thrown out into the wind hastily in a hurry to get attention but fine crafted material. :)

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