The Peusijuek Culture Is Still Cling In Aceh Community
Peusijuek is one of the customary rituals or processions in Acehnese culture. This tradition is usually done to ask for salvation, peace, and happiness in life. The Peusijuek tradition is one of the traditions that have existed since ancient times, and is still practiced today. This tradition is usually done in almost all the customary activities of the Acehnese people, such as customary weddings, traditional celebrations, thanksgiving and other traditional ceremonies.

The Origin of the Peusijuek Tradition
This Peusijuek tradition is one of the old traditions of the people of Aceh. Historically, this Peusijuek Tradition is one of Hindu cultural heritage. Hindu culture in Aceh itself is caused by the relationship between Aceh and India in the past, so indirectly Hindu culture that began to affect the culture of the people of Aceh. One of them is with this Peusijuek Tradition. The word "Peusijuek" itself is derived from the word "sijue", which in Aceh means "cold". So it can also mean cooling or cooling.
At that time the peusijuk ceremony performed still using certain mantras or prayers. But since the entry of Islam in Aceh, the tradition was later changed by inserting elements of Islam in it such as prayers of salvation, salvation, prayers in other Islamic teachings. Nevertheless, this Peusijuek procession procession is still maintained to the present form.
In the implementation of this Peusijuek tradition there are three things that are most important, namely tools and tools peusijuek, movement, and prayer. For Peusijuek devices and materials usually consist of talam, bu leukat (glutinous), red (red coconut), breueh pade (rice), teupong taweue (flour mixed with water), on sisikuek (a cocor duck leaf), manek manoe ( types of leaves), naleueng sambo (a kind of grass), glok (hand wash) and sangee (hood). For the people of Aceh, every Peusijuek material has a special philosophy and meaning in it.
Implementation of Peusijuek Tradition
Peusijuek ritual implementation is usually done by religious leaders or traditional leaders who elder by the community. This is necessary because the Peusijuek tradition is a sacred ritual, so to do so it must be the person who best understands the prayers and the procession in the ritual. What if the person who diPeusuuek is men, usually held by Teungku or Ustadz. While what if diPeusijuek is a woman, it will be done by Ummi or a woman who elder by the community.
The Traditional Function of Peusijuek
In the culture of Acehnese society, the Peusijuek tradition is basically functioned to ask for salvation, peace, and happiness in life. However peusijeuk function is also divided into several types, such as, Peusijuek meulangga (during the dispute), Peusijuek pade bijeh (start planting rice), Peusijuek place tall (inhabit the new house), Peudijuek peudong rumoh (build house), Peusijuek kaurubeuen ( when sacrificing), Peusijuek vehicle, Peusijuek pilgrimage, Peusijuek circumcision, and Peusijuek marriage.