Batu Angkat - Angkat ( Lift stone )
Batu angkek-angkek in Indonesian means lift stone. Batu Angkek-angkek is located in Nagari Balai Tabuh, Sungayang, Tanah Datar, Batusangkar, West Sumatra. Named Batu Angkek-angkek. From some types of questions, we want to make sure that we can do media money from the batu angkek - angkek it can be used for it, we can not realize, if not lifted then our wish may not, believe or not be submitted to each of us.
for more face , art & culture of minangkabau , feel free to follow MSR team @edguci @mevro @bongarif @hafizolgafur @ingatanvisual
jujur sajo, hafiz alun pernah kasiko lai da @budiharianto04, ajak lah kami ko :p
jadi da, bio ado kesempatan da hehehehe
main wak kastu hahaha