The View of the Roofs from Above is Different by the Cases

in #culture7 years ago (edited)

What did you think about the roof of a traditional house in Bukchon? Perhaps you may imagine rich and comfortable life. That’s right. Bukchon was a village of rich people.

Not everyone has been able to live such a life.
There was a chance to take a picture of a roof through a village of a Gongjoo city in Chungcheongnam-do.

I came acrossed the roof of old village. It was very impressive. The roofs of the poor village came into my heart.

The village I saw was a poor village. The roof was made of tin. When it rains, you could hear the music the rain sounds made. I had lived in such a house when I was young.

Painting on the walls of that house is meant to cover up the sorrow of the poverty.

The house of this village has been at least 50 years old. It seemed to be built to avoid barely wind and rain during times of poverty. The roof of the old and poor village looks desolate

Some houses have already left.

Some people are not leaving yet. Life continues.

The laundry hanging on the roof shows that life is still continuing here.

Soon the houses of this town will be demolished. And new houses will come in. The contrast between the old and the new made the change of this village more dramatic.

And those who lived in this house will move to another poor village.

I know that people who have been living in this village are not lazy.
I take photos of poor and ruined houses because I know their lives a little bit.
There is nothing I can do for them. What I can do is leave the pictures of the traces of their life.

북촌에서 본 전통가옥의 지붕을 보고 어떤 생각을 하셨는지?
아마도 풍요롭고 편안한 느낌을 가졌을 것이다. 북촌은 부자들의 마을이었다.
모든 사람들이 그런 삶을 살 수 있었던 것은 아니다.

충청남도 공주의 어느 마을을 지나면서 지붕 사진을 찍을 기회가 있었다.
차를 타고 지나가다가 마을의 지붕을 보았다. 매우 인상적이었다. 북촌의 지붕을 보았기 때문인지 가난한 마을의 지붕은 더욱 마음에 와 닿았다.

내가 본 마을은 가난한 마을이었다. 지붕은 양철로 만들어져 있었다. 비가 오면 빗소리가 그대로 들리는 양철지붕이다. 난 어릴 때 그런 집에서 살았다.

마을의 벽에 그림이 그려진 것은 가난함을 얼마라도 가려주기 위한 것이리라.
이마을의 집은 적어도 40년 이상은 되었다. 가난했던 시절에 비바람을 피하기 위해 지은 집인 듯하다.

어떤 집은 이미 사람들이 떠났다. 어떤 사람들은 아직 떠나지 못하고 있다. 삶은 계속된다. 옥상에 걸려져 있는 빨래는 이곳에서 삶이 계속되고 있다는 것을 보여주고 있다.

얼마 지나지 않아 이 동네의 집들은 모두 철거될 것이다. 그리고 새로운 집들이 들어설 것이다. 그리고 이집에 살고 있었던 사람들은 또 다른 가난한 동네로 갈것이다.

적어도 이동네 살고 있었던 사람들은 게을러서 가난한 사람들이 아니다. 내가 가난하고 무너진 집을 사진찍는 것은 그들의 삶을 잘 알고 있기 때문이다.
내가 할 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없다. 그저 그들의 삶의 흔적을 사진으로 조금씩 남겨 놓을 수 있을 뿐이다.


First thank you for sharing your pictures,

I always find these small country towns interesting no matter what country they are fund in. And I'm sure you are right that it is a very poor town, however, I see it a little differently,

and maybe I'm too optimistic, but what I mostly see is independent people with their own dwelling that they probably own free and clear. And if I'm right, what we're really talking about is people who have learned to create their personal autonomy.

It's not fair to compare the life of a city dwelling to that of a country dwelling, these are two completely different lifestyles,

The former is always working to keep up with something, the latter has found a way to happiness by having everything paid off and living a more simple and self fulfilling lifestyle (IMO).

Generally Speaking.

Thank you for your comment

@slowwalker nim,
how did you take these pics?
with a drone?

On the street.
Beside the village there was a street where I could look down

WOW, thank you SlowWalker...

It's the reality of life that not all will be blessed. Those houses are already considered a good house for middle-class people here in the Philippines. The lower-class only live in the streets and dwelling made of whatever they can scavenge like this.

Sad story for your people that they will move to another village once their houses are demolished.

Thank you for your photo.
We need to concern for our neighbors' life.

Photo is not mine but that is how most of the less fortunate people live here. You are right, we need to give care to them, small things matter to them. You just made me recall that I always give 20 pesos to an old lady, around 60-70 year old, everytime I chance upon her when I go home from work. She collects all sorts of plastics, from soda to cans, etc. and sell them so she can provide to her family. I saw her again 2 days ago and gave her another 20 pesos, and since you voted my comment, I will give her 100 pesos this time one I see her again, thank you.

a wistful post, @slowwalker.

The poor we will always have with us, but as you say, they paint the walls to create a little colour and distract from their poverty.

Still, the sound of rain on a tin roof at night can be comforting, and they are away from the city where the poverty is even more dismal.

I think we a re beginning to think alike, my friend, because you end your post by saying, "What I can do is leave the pictures of the traces of their life," and I begin my post today with the title, "Traces of Other Lives" and discuss the same topic of wealth and poverty.

Is this a coincidence? Perhaps, or maybe an example of what Jung calls synchronicity.

Have a good day, @slowwalker

저희 외할머니댁에는 아직도 양철지붕이라 빗소리듣기넘 좋아여 ㅎㅎ!
좋은글 잘보고갑니다! 팔로우도 꾸욱

Unfortunately, the poor have remained as they were. So life is arranged. And everyone survives and adapts as best he can.

잘보고 갑니다 꾸벅

저 앞에서 친구들과 뛰어놀고 있는 어릴적 모습이 오버랩되어 미소가 지어지는 아침입니다^^
허~~~벌써 그럴 나이는 아닌데... 저도 나이가 묵나봅니다 ㅎㅎ

나이를 먹어서인지 점점 센치해지는 것 같습니다.
옛날일이 더 많이 생각나고 그립기도 하고 말이지요

Sadly, it seems to be talking about our story. Of course the town you mentioned is different from our village. But most of us can not live here except only 5%.
Because we are so poor that we can not go back to their new homes with the compensation they receive.
The reality is always sad.
So, sometimes we say hope in this situation.

Thanks you for sharing pictures, yes i know it's hard for them to leave their houses because the poor community always struggled to find resources in new place so that can be reason too but i think we should whatever we can for them and the rest of depend on them to follow which way .

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