Sworn Virgins

in #culture8 years ago

People who know a little about Albania associate it with a number of distinctive elements: the gorgeous beaches, the stunning views from mountains, the painful memories of the communist dictatorship still very visible everywhere, the cement bunkers that are silent and ever-present travel companions throughout the country, and the hospitability of the people. All of this comes from first-hand experiencing of the country and its people, as well as from conversations with the locals. Some things though are neither noticed so easily, nor discussed widely. This is a post specifically touching one of those subjects - it has recently received a very wide coverage in Western media, but it is little discussed among Albanians, for reasons I still cannot tell. The Sworn Virgins.

Image sourceThis photograph however was taken by Jill Peters and appeared in an article in veriu.com. To find Peter’s collection, please have a look at the last paragraph in this post.

The phenomenon dates back to the beginning of the 15th century, when customary law (Kanun, in Albanian) prevailed in Northern Albania. According to this set of codes and laws, women were regarded as property of their family men. Women were stripped off of almost all rights – they could not inherit property, they could not travel without a male companion, they could not vote, they could not swear, drink, or smoke; and they could not even enter specific premises which were designated for men only. However, there was a way out anticipated by the Kanun - a woman could take an oath of celibacy and continue to live the rest of her life dressed as a man and enjoying all men privileges. This woman was not supposed to have sex, marry, or have children. They didn’t have to undergo a sex-change procedure, though I doubt it would ever cross the minds of the 15th-16th century Albanians. It is however the only case in Europe when cross-dressing is recognized officially and the cross-dresser is accepted by society with all privileges such decision brings. The phenomenon had been noticed in Macedonia, Bosnia, and Croatia, but it has disappeared.

There were plenty of reasons to force a woman take such decision: the family did not have a male heir and the sworn virgin wanted to inherit the family’s wealth and property; they wanted to escape an arranged marriage; they did not want to marry at all and continue to stay with their paternal families; they wanted to actively participate in community without being regarded as lesser humans without any rights. Adopting a male identity, posture, clothing, cutting their hair, and swear celibacy for the rest of their lives, allowed these women to do all of the above. Their number was considerable in the past, and the phenomenon quite wide-spread in Northern Albania, but currently there are only a few sworn virgins left. The increased number of legal rights granted to women, especially during the communist dictatorship times that was actually favorable to gender equality, did somehow omit the need for sworn virgins. The few sworn virgins left are mostly above their fifties, and the phenomenon is gradually disappearing.

There are plenty of articles published by international media online, and I would strongly suggest a recent 2015 film of the Italian director Laura Bispuri based on a novel with the same title by Albanian writer Elvira Dones - Sworn Virgin (IMBd entry here). There is also a very good documentary of the German Director Anabela AngelovskaHakie Haki (IMBd entry here). Also, for the more curious, photographer Jill Peters who travelled to the Albanian Alps in Northern Albania multiple times, has published a stunning collection of sworn virgins in her website.

From a feminist perspective, the decision to become a sworn virgin in order to be granted all men privileges in a strictly patriarchal society is seen as a way to somehow cheat the system. The counterargument however is that little did they do to actually oppose the system - they simply chose the easiest way of how to make the system work for them. Personally, I believe in the times when the phenomenon peaked, there was little to do in terms of opposing a very strongly consolidated patriarchal system. I do think of these women as proto-feminists in their context. Of course, the sacrifice they had to make was immense, and giving up their womanhood to take over men privileges can be seen as counterintuitive in terms of feminism, but taking into account how little there was to be done, it was revolutionary of them. I am open to discussion though.

Thank you for reading. Please, drop a line in the comments section if you need more information, or if you simply want to discuss about it.


You only talk of the male "privileges" but I do not see you talking about any of the bad sides of it besides not having sex.
I guess cherry picking the good facts that support your narrative is normal now days for this feminist cancer supremacy movement.

I don't see how this is cherry picking. I am talking about things such as being able to leave the house unaccompanied to run errands, about being able to enter certain rooms in the house when men are around, about being able to wear pants, and about being able to swear, smoke, and drink. These are things so basic and yet reserved to males only. No one is talking about any kind of supremacy.

Like I said those are all the good things.
I'm sure there are some bad sides to getting treated like a man besides no sex.
women have equality now in the current year so anyone pushing the feminist narrative is pushing for supremacy. If you wernt pushing 3rd wave feminism then you would have never brought up the comment about feminisim or used it as one of the tags for the post.

Besides it does not matter what I think, only what you think. so no reason to take offence to what I say. im just your steemit asshole. 8D

Yes, there are many bad things about being treated as a man. They had to give up their identities; live, dress, and act like men in order to be considered worthy of doing basic stuff which was reserved to men only - hence privilege. I am only talking about proto-feminists, and fyi, feminism per se is about equal rights and opportunities. You brought up the supremacy concept, which is basically what feminism is strongly against. I am not talking any offence; I am just glad we're having this discussion. How you think about yourself beyond this, is not my concern 😊

Yeah more cherry picking.
I brought up the supremacy movement because that is what it has become, your cherry picking of the facts proves you are unwilling to accept anything but the good parts of being treated as a man. Your insane with your ideas of privilege.
Keep up your narrative, no one buys it but the other brain washed feminists.

I'm sure we will run into each other in the future. Have a great day. 8D

Yeah beanz supports you so I think that proves my point of the brain washed feminist. lol

Great article and great defense! I'm following and looking forward to more :)

Thank you. Following you too ☺

we don't discuss this because it happened only in the North of Albania. It was part of the Kanun of Lek Dukagjin.

North Albania is still Albania, and it is a very small country to detach from one part of it. And, yes, Kanun, the customary law, provided the grounds for the coming into existence of the sworn virgins.

Honestly, I think I read that the same phenomenon happened in South but i don't remember where I read about it.

This was a phenomenon rooted in the Dukagjin Kanun in the North. There were two other Kanuns as far as I remember further down south, but none of them provided grounds for sworn virgins. If you find/remember where you read it, please let me know.

Forgive my ignorance, but Wikipedia claims that Islam is the number one religion in Albania, and Christianity number two. How does this kanun system of law fit in? Is it secular and completely separate from either religion?

The Wikipedia information is correct; Islam is religion number one followed by Catholicism and then Orthodoxy in Albania. Kanun however was completely secular, and at the time it was drafted and started to be implemented, it sort of acted as a primitive constitution - a customary law - and stood above all faiths - also because the country in a way or another has never been really religious anyway.

So whose idea was the whole Sworn Virgins thing? Was that an already existing folk tradition, or the idiosyncratic brainchild of some particular ruler / bureaucrat?

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