Stereotypes about Slovenians #6 WE ARE ALCOHOLICS?!

in #culture7 years ago


They say we are alcoholics!

What an accusation! A Slovenian only drinks around 12 litres of pure alcohol per year, it's not like its a competition.

There is no surprise when, in the same sentence, the words alcohol and Slovenia meet. We are, afterall, the nation of wine and beer.

You see, after a hard week of working, women, dogs, friends and so on and so on what else is there to do other than get shitfaced drunk right? Ending the year with 150 l of beer in your belly, some 50 l of wine for a liver and 3 l of hard liqueour in your brain. And they say we drink too much pfft. It's so true.


And you end up like this. Extreme drinking leads to extreme dancing.

And remember children, after a night of drinking and you feel realltly bad, it's the alcohols fault, not yours.




Se bolj kadi nekej zadnje cajte:)))

kadi in sadi :)

Heheh amate po gozdovih skrito :D

kolikor vem, bolj po vrtovih, med papriko in čebulo :D

Good point :D

Hehehe odvisno od konca :D s kje pa si?

Original LJ. Zdj Dolenjska ---> Location unknown :) Ti?

To je pa kr razlika pol hehe :) smo mal skrivnostni 😂 evo iz Mengša

Ja ce kdaj prplavam v kitovski status lih nebi hotu da vsi vejo kdo sm pa kje sm... Baje puščanje svinca ljudem v glavi pusti posledice tudi na strelcu hahah Cool konc, poznaš Roka Petroviča? Igral smo pink ponk tam pr vas v eni dvorani 15 let nazaj... :)

To pa sigurno! Js bom vesel ce bom kdaj sardina ratu hahaha menda da res :D poznam, mogoc smo clo skp igral pong ponk lejga tega hehe

Sam grindi... Js sm mel sreco pol leta nazaj da sm se naloudu s coinsi, po tem je bil pa itak hype... Use je slo gor ful :) Steemit je pa itak omogocil ---> Majnas kripto z glavo... Kupuj STEEM pa se power-upi ti js priporocam ker do konc tega leta bo STEEM vredn vec k srebro:)

Ja? Cool haha, pol smo vrjetn isti letnik, 86,87,88? Na morju sem zdej nepremagljiv btw, ucasih ni blo tko:=)

Heheh hudo! Sm vesel zate :D ma probavam pa upam da pocas bo hehe ne drgac sm letnik 94 sam pozam vseeno hehe to zihr tm nek pr Umagu hodš na morje :p se vidmo pa da te nabijem hahaha or not who knows

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