Best wishes for your new home—to say warm pot. 乔迁之喜话温锅

in #culture7 years ago


My friend bought a new house and invited us to visit his new home. That means to warm pot in dalian language. This is one of the great things in life, especially for us, it's not easy to buy a house, because the house is so expensive that nearly all the money is put on the house . We are vry happy for him and went to celebrate the new house . Now let me share the custom of moving into new house .


A warm pot called "temperature" and "greenhouse", "burning", "Tian Tun", refers to the new house is completed, a warm invitation to friends and relatives came to know the new house, friends and neighbors bring gifts to celebrate the new house including all the people light the fire and make it higher and higher.

It is said that moving has a lot of attention, it is handed down from the older generation. For me, I don't know much, but I know a little bit about it now. Look, my nephew is holding the Steamed Buns like fish, happy enough to ask for good fortune ,safety and success.


In general, relatives and friends will bring some gifts to new home, like food, money, cookers , pot and many other things . It used to express their best wishes. For example , noodles symbolize long, tofu are blessing, Welsh onion, mean the day was very red, cabbage means rich, fish Steamed Buns, Fagao, means better and better by each year . There are also hongbao with 138 yuan which means rich for a lifetime. All of these things express the peace and happiness all the time.


Respect the kitchen god before dinner. The old told us what to do before dinner . They are very special about it. Before the cooker, put the fish Steamed Buns, Fagao, green onions, vermicelli, and some other dishes. lit a stick of incense and after Incense burning almost, everyone can eat.


When the guests leave, they also bring some steamed buns and some cakes to friends and relatives , some of them bring them back to their neighbors". If you bring two chopsticks, the owner will have one, and then let her family take back the other one. It means you are rich , I am rich too, we are becoming rich quickly .

Dear friends, do you know other the customs of moving house ? it is saying ten different villages, different customs miles away! Our country is large , the traditional culture is also vast and abundant . Let good traditions continue to carry on and we will contribute our power to make it flourish.

Thank you for your reading!



据说搬家有很多讲究,都是从老一辈那流传下来的。对于我来说,懂的并不多,不过如今也算知道了一些。瞧,新家亮堂堂,大侄儿在捧馒头鱼来一张,讨个年年有余, 大吉大利呢。

一般来说亲戚朋友来新家都要带些礼物,有带食物的,也有送钱的,也有买炊具的,大家纷纷用贺礼来表达自己的祝福。粉条象征着细水长流,豆腐谐音都福,大葱,意味着以后的日子过的很冲,白菜意味百财,鱼馒头,发糕,都表达一年更比一年高,年年发达。有的地方包红包138, 意味着一生发。总之都是求顺风顺水,大吉大利,平安幸福之意。

这是在饭前敬灶神。朋友家有老人,就很讲究。炉灶前,摆上大鱼馒头, 发糕,大葱,粉条,刚做的菜,点燃一炷香。香烧的差不多了,就可以吃饭了。


亲爱的朋友们, 不知道你们乔迁新居都有什么习俗呢?所谓十里不同村, 百里不同俗,中国地大物博, 传统文化也非常的深厚,让好的传统不断的传承下来,继续发扬光大吧!



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哈哈, 那你赶紧请大家吃饭啊,新房子越热闹越好呢!


Fantastic post!

thank you !



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买的成品。 有模具,大连的特色或者说山东特色,因为据说80%的人来自山东, 过生日,过年办事情什么的都有鱼馒头!

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