100 Articles on Culture Curated Publication List

in #culture6 years ago

Culture is a fascinating subject that helps shape own interactions with each other, our views of the world around us, and our ideas of values and priorities. Many technologies have embedded cultural views, some may even form around a philosophy such as decentralization. In this way, Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies have helped bring forward new forms of culture.

But how has culture been viewed and studied in academia? What related topics have helped to shape analysis and literature on this subject? In order to better understand this phenomena, here are a hundred of the most cited publications mentioning "cultural" in their titles. It is a fascinating range of ideas and topics that see deep into the experience of life.

  1. "Modernity al large: cultural dimensions of globalization". A Appadurai. 1996. books.google.com . 29341 cites.
  2. "A identidade cultural na pós-modernidade". S Hall. 2006. books.google.com . 21646 cites.
  3. "Postmodernism, or, the cultural logic of late capitalism". F Jameson. 1991. books.google.com . 19104 cites.
  4. "Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy". A Appadurai. 1990. journals.sagepub.com Theory, culture & society. 11507 cites.
  5. "The field of cultural production: Essays on art and literature". P Bourdieu. 1993. books.google.com . 11350 cites.
  6. "Cultural identity and diaspora". S Hall. 2014. taylorfrancis.com Diaspora and visual culture. 10669 cites.
  7. "Representation: Cultural representations and signifying practices". S Hall. 1997. Sage . 10594 cites.
  8. "Other people's children: Cultural conflict in the classroom". L Delpit. 2006. books.google.com . 9534 cites.
  9. "Modernization and postmodernization: Cultural, economic, and political change in 43 societies". R Inglehart. 1997. books.google.com . 9326 cites.
  10. "A história cultural". R Chartier. 1990. academia.edu Entre práticas e representações. Lisboa: Difel. 8239 cites.
  11. "The social life of things: Commodities in cultural perspective". A Appadurai. 1988. books.google.com . 8195 cites.
  12. "Communication of Innovations; A Cross-Cultural Approach.". EM Rogers, FF Shoemaker. 1971. ERIC . 8162 cites.
  13. "Cultural psychology: A once and future discipline". M Cole. 1998. books.google.com . 7655 cites.
  14. "The cultural origins of human cognition". M Tomasello. 2009. books.google.com . 7416 cites.
  15. "Anthropology as cultural critique: An experimental moment in the human sciences". GE Marcus, MMJ Fischer. 2014. books.google.com . 7063 cites.
  16. "A theory of fads, fashion, custom, and cultural change as informational cascades". S Bikhchandani, D Hirshleifer, .... 1992. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of political …. 7040 cites.
  17. "The cultural nature of human development". B Rogoff. 2003. books.google.com . 7001 cites.
  18. "Back-translation for cross-cultural research". RW Brislin. 1970. journals.sagepub.com Journal of cross-cultural psychology. 6920 cites.
  19. "The cultural politics of emotion". S Ahmed. 2013. content.taylorfrancis.com . 6643 cites.
  20. "Flexible citizenship: The cultural logics of transnationality". A Ong. 1999. books.google.com . 6594 cites.
  21. "4□ Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism". F Jameson. 1993. books.google.com Postmodernism: A Reader. 6290 cites.
  22. "Principles of linguistic change, volume 3: Cognitive and cultural factors". W Labov. 2011. books.google.com . 5999 cites.
  23. "The cultural contradictions of capitalism". D Bell. 1976. books.google.com New York. 5924 cites.
  24. "Television: Technology and cultural form". R Williams. 2004. taylorfrancis.com . 5877 cites.
  25. "The self and social behavior in differing cultural contexts.". HC Triandis. 1989. psycnet.apa.org Psychological review. 5733 cites.
  26. "Modernization, cultural change, and democracy: The human development sequence". R Inglehart, C Welzel. 2005. books.google.com . 5644 cites.
  27. "The cultural biography of things: commoditization as process". I Kopytoff. 1986. books.google.com The social life of things: Commodities in cultural …. 5618 cites.
  28. "Cultural literacy: What every American needs to know". ED Hirsch Jr, JF Kett, JS Trefil. 1988. books.google.com . 5560 cites.
  29. "Modernization, cultural change, and the persistence of traditional values". R Inglehart, WE Baker. 2000. JSTOR American sociological review. 5374 cites.
  30. "In other worlds: Essays in cultural politics". GC Spivak. 2012. taylorfrancis.com . 5340 cites.
  31. "The Confucius connection: From cultural roots to economic growth". G Hofstede, MH Bond. 1988. Elsevier Organizational dynamics. 5317 cites.
  32. "Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures". DE Beaton, C Bombardier, F Guillemin, MB Ferraz. 2000. journals.lww.com Spine. 5286 cites.
  33. "From etymology to pragmatics: Metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure". E Sweetser. 1991. books.google.com . 5040 cites.
  34. "Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications". JW Berry, JW Berry, YH Poortinga, MH Segall, .... 2002. books.google.com . 4912 cites.
  35. "Identity and agency in cultural worlds". D Holland. 2001. books.google.com . 4837 cites.
  36. "The city and the grassroots: a cross-cultural theory of urban social movements". M Castells. 1983. books.google.com . 4806 cites.
  37. "Cross-cultural adaptation of health-related quality of life measures: literature review and proposed guidelines". F Guillemin, C Bombardier, D Beaton. 1993. Elsevier Journal of clinical epidemiology. 4713 cites.
  38. "Rethinking multiculturalism: Cultural diversity and political theory". B Parekh. 2001. journals.sagepub.com Ethnicities. 4684 cites.
  39. "Questions of cultural identity". S Hall, P Du Gay. 2006. is.muni.cz . 4513 cites.
  40. "Cultural transmission and evolution: a quantitative approach". LL Cavalli-Sforza, MW Feldman. 1981. books.google.com . 4451 cites.
  41. "Religion as a cultural system". C Geertz, M Banton. 1966. books.google.com . 4360 cites.
  42. "The role of institutionalization in cultural persistence". LG Zucker. 1977. JSTOR American sociological review. 4190 cites.
  43. "Border crossings: Cultural workers and the politics of education". HA Giroux. 2007. taylorfrancis.com . 4133 cites.
  44. "The woman in the body: A cultural analysis of reproduction". E Martin. 2001. books.google.com . 4066 cites.
  45. "Tropics of discourse essays in cultural criticism". HV White. 1978. philpapers.org . 4064 cites.
  46. "Understanding cultural differences:[Germans, French and Americans]". ET Hall, MR Hall. 1990. dzwrqtc5twf12.storage.googleapis … . 4038 cites.
  47. "Whose culture has capital? A critical race theory discussion of community cultural wealth". TJ Yosso*. 2005. Taylor & Francis Race ethnicity and education. 3945 cites.
  48. "Cultural thought patterns in inter‐cultural education". RB Kaplan. 1966. Wiley Online Library Language learning. 3941 cites.
  49. "Reflections on exile and other literary and cultural essays". EW Said. 2001. Granta Books . 3894 cites.
  50. "Beyond individualism/collectivism: New cultural dimensions of values.". SH Schwartz. 1994. doi.apa.org . 3873 cites.
  51. "Dialogic inquiry: Towards a socio-cultural practice and theory of education". G Wells. 1999. books.google.com . 3866 cites.
  52. "Cultural constraints in management theories". G Hofstede. 1993. journals.aom.org Academy of Management Perspectives. 3843 cites.
  53. "The cultural contradictions of motherhood". S Hays. 1998. books.google.com . 3811 cites.
  54. "Universals and cultural differences in facial expressions of emotion.". P Ekman. 1971. psycnet.apa.org Nebraska symposium on motivation. 3774 cites.
  55. "The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories". G Hofstede. 1983. Springer Journal of international business studies. 3751 cites.
  56. "Cultural diversity in organizations: Theory, research and practice". T Cox. 1994. books.google.com . 3728 cites.
  57. "The cultural politics of English as an international language". A Pennycook. 2017. content.taylorfrancis.com . 3660 cites.
  58. "Culture, illness, and care: clinical lessons from anthropologic and cross-cultural research". A Kleinman, L Eisenberg, B Good. 1978. Am Coll Physicians Annals of internal medicine. 3619 cites.
  59. "The cultural industries". D Hesmondhalgh. 2007. hrcak.srce.hr . 3604 cites.
  60. "Cultural myths and supports for rape.". MR Burt. 1980. psycnet.apa.org Journal of personality and social psychology. 3561 cites.
  61. "Cultural shock: Adjustment to new cultural environments". K Oberg. 1960. journals.sagepub.com Practical anthropology. 3555 cites.
  62. "Cultural reproduction and social reproduction". P Bourdieu. 2018. taylorfrancis.com Inequality. 3494 cites.
  63. "Cross-cultural pragmatic failure". J Thomas. 1983. pdfs.semanticscholar.org Applied linguistics. 3494 cites.
  64. "Vested interests: Cross-dressing and cultural anxiety". M Garber. 2012. content.taylorfrancis.com . 3433 cites.
  65. "Comparative perspectives on social movements: Political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings". D McAdam, JD McCarthy, MN Zald, NZ Mayer. 1996. books.google.com . 3430 cites.
  66. "A theory of cultural values and some implications for work". SH Schwartz. 1999. Wiley Online Library Applied psychology. 3428 cites.
  67. "Individualism and collectivism: Cross-cultural perspectives on self-ingroup relationships.". HC Triandis, R Bontempo, MJ Villareal, .... 1988. doi.apa.org Journal of personality …. 3394 cites.
  68. "Culture and consumption: A theoretical account of the structure and movement of the cultural meaning of consumer goods". G McCracken. 1986. academic.oup.com Journal of consumer research. 3389 cites.
  69. "Questions of Cultural Identity: SAGE Publications". S Hall, P Du Gay. 1996. books.google.com . 3376 cites.
  70. "Media culture: Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the post-modern". D Kellner. 2003. content.taylorfrancis.com . 3353 cites.
  71. "Cultural reproduction and social reproduction". P Bourdieu. 1973. books.google.com London: Tavistock. 3335 cites.
  72. "Cultural studies: Theory and practice". C Barker. 2003. Sage . 3314 cites.
  73. "Minority education and caste: The American system in cross-cultural perspective.". JU Ogbu. 1979. ERIC Crisis. 3170 cites.
  74. "Pós-modernismo: a lógica cultural do capitalismo tardio". F Jameson, ME Cevasco. 1996. sidalc.net . 3167 cites.
  75. "The archive and the repertoire: Performing cultural memory in the Americas". D Taylor. 2003. books.google.com . 3147 cites.
  76. "Who is the celebrity endorser? Cultural foundations of the endorsement process". G McCracken. 1989. academic.oup.com Journal of consumer research. 3054 cites.
  77. "Ação Cultural: para a liberdade e outros escritos". P Freire. 2014. books.google.com . 3032 cites.
  78. "Manliness and civilization: A cultural history of gender and race in the United States, 1880-1917". G Bederman. 2008. books.google.com . 3003 cites.
  79. "Indústria cultural e sociedade". TW Adorno, JM de Almeida. 2002. hugoribeiro.com.br . 2961 cites.
  80. "Toward a theory of the universal content and structure of values: Extensions and cross-cultural replications.". SH Schwartz, W Bilsky. 1990. psycnet.apa.org Journal of personality and social …. 2939 cites.
  81. "Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies". S Blum-Kulka, J House, G Kasper. 1989. Ablex Pub . 2931 cites.
  82. "Cultural theory". M Thompson. 2018. taylorfrancis.com . 2924 cites.
  83. "Cross-cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self-esteem". E Diener, M Diener. 2009. Springer Culture and well-being. 2901 cites.
  84. "Methods and data analysis for cross-cultural research". FJR Van de Vijver, K Leung, K Leung. 1997. books.google.com . 2850 cites.
  85. "Cognitive development: Its cultural and social foundations". AR Luria. 1976. books.google.com . 2836 cites.
  86. "American kinship: A cultural account". DM Schneider, DM Schneider. 1980. books.google.com . 2832 cites.
  87. "The Columbian exchange: biological and cultural consequences of 1492". AW Crosby. 2003. books.google.com . 2800 cites.
  88. "Highbrow/lowbrow: The emergence of cultural hierarchy in America". LW Levine. 1990. books.google.com . 2782 cites.
  89. "Spaces of identity: Global media, electronic landscapes and cultural boundaries". K Robins, D Morley. 2002. taylorfrancis.com . 2779 cites.
  90. "Managing cultural diversity: Implications for organizational competitiveness". TH Cox, S Blake. 1991. journals.aom.org Academy of Management Perspectives. 2765 cites.
  91. "Social class differences in family-school relationships: The importance of cultural capital". A Lareau. 1987. JSTOR Sociology of education. 2761 cites.
  92. "Managing cultural differences". RT Moran, PR Harris, S Moran. 2007. taylorfrancis.com . 2720 cites.
  93. "Cultural intimacy: Social poetics in the nation-state". M Herzfeld. 2014. content.taylorfrancis.com . 2708 cites.
  94. "Cultural beliefs and the organization of society: A historical and theoretical reflection on collectivist and individualist societies". A Greif. 1994. journals.uchicago.edu Journal of political economy. 2701 cites.
  95. "The body: Social process and cultural theory". M Featherstone, M Hepworth, BS Turner. 1991. books.google.com . 2692 cites.
  96. "Immigrant acts: on Asian American cultural politics". L Lowe. 1996. books.google.com . 2691 cites.
  97. "The twilight of equality?: Neoliberalism, cultural politics, and the attack on democracy". L Duggan. 2012. books.google.com . 2691 cites.
  98. "Cultural imperialism: A critical introduction". J Tomlinson. 2001. books.google.com . 2690 cites.
  99. "Television, audiences and cultural studies". D Morley. 2003. taylorfrancis.com . 2672 cites.
  100. "Cultural identity and global process". J Friedman. 1994. books.google.com . 2647 cites.


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