A intersting juxtaposing of power. Power of consumtion and culture.
As someone who has grown up in western society, I've been indoctrinated with the view of feminism.
In this worldview, the power is rendered solely to the male gender, in essence, every aspect of reality can be boiled down to patriarchate. The evidence to them is the power of the political class that predominates males. The merchant class and the various prominent industry leaders are all males too. All the males work together to uphold the traditions and so forth.
This theory of reality can never be disproved of course by the virtue that half of the world is in cahoots.
To deduct and examine power is very complex and dizzying. Somewhat impossible, to do it in an ever-compassing/theory of everything.
The point of this post is to entertain another aspect of power that is neglected by the feminist idea of society.
That is the Power of purchase and the Power of culture.
It is common to hear that, money is power. Most people are also familiar with "wallet democracy" Meaning that we choose our ruling bodies by funding them. An example would be that you would support a local store over a branded one or wise versa.
If you look around by asking your familiar surrounding or by searching the internet. One will find that in many households the Lady of the house is the one who dictates the buying. Buying of necessity and also out of "fun"
When you are familiar with this, you can start seeing how the advertisement is painted from the feminine reality.
You can see how brands, politics, and really anything revolving getting money from a common consumer is tilted to make a woman more inclined to buy. There is a distinct difference in how to sell certain products between men and women, however, you can market a product in a general natural way with a slight lean.
If this is the case then every woman holds the power of the household to shape their local and international community by selecting buying certainties. For example, if you ask any western Lady about their opinion if water should be regarded as a human basic right and thus not be able to monetize they would agree. However, they directly support companies like Nestle that are actively trying to privatize water.
Nestle which sells candy-like products, also has had a fair amount of scandals about human rights violations.
Now let's examine the culture.
One can see there are a vast array of cultures around the world that dominate more by one gender than the other one (arguably) and it has been so for out the ages.
In today's western society, males are less interested in traditional male achievements, such as earning honor among peers, innovating their farm, or participating in religious activities.
Of course, I am being redundant, oversimplifying it. Most men want in essence what men always wanted, a home, friends, and some meaningful activities. For a man to have that he needs a lover, to some point in a man's life he needs a lover. He wants a family, and to have this he needs a woman.
In this way, women play a powerful role in a western society where “god is dead” She is the shaper of acceptable culture. She hasn’t realized this yet.
The Boys will change themselves to a degree that it's beneficial to get a partner short and long-term. They will pursue whatever is fashionable. If the ladies decide that they are attracted to one piece of clothing the men who know will change to it, and the other men will after years discover the same clothing and will wear it. See it's not an overnight thing, it is a gradual thing that takes time.
Men are rather a loose term, it's more about the boys in adolescence and early “adult” life that are the most affected once, but it's evidently in those constellations that the females are the decider of what/where and why is good to do. Because boys care a lot. They are driven by hormones and whatnot, however, this will be extended later in life by the virtue of classical conditioning, and the expectation begins to form in the young mind. Later on, the woman will decide on the culture with her wallet.
One could argue “No women don't control the culture its the big entertainment industry that shit out artists and fuses them with capital so any fragile mind will come in contact and fall for it”
Yes maybe that is the case, sure there is/has been a very strict monopoly in many countries of who gets to become famous in this industry however, they will evolve male look-alikes and copycats to become whatever this man is, take Justin Bieber him a part of the establishment and very disliked by the male population at his beginning but today, he is accepted and emulated by boys.
Here you can argue “See the boys are emulating someone that has been chosen by the big industry to upkeep the patriciate” Here the line is drawn, the boys wouldn’t emulate Justin Bieber or Harry Styles or any other pop singer unless the female fans were fanatic about it.
In today's internet-connected society the woman will use her internet connection to express her desire for a certain type of partner, whether that be a gangster or a drainer. She could do this by liking posts about it or making a post about it. She can join trends that celebrate one type of man and degrade another. This will ripple through the consciousness of the users and to some, it will stick and start shaping. She will also use her internet connection to buy various items, and thus you have these Western Socialist women who buy from Amazon. Who celebrates charters that would only be within her fantasy. In this sporadic point of self-expression, she is actively steering the world toward a place that she doesn't want. How fascinating.