The Convenient Hindu Story' Lives ini Aceh

in #culture7 years ago


Few people know when the Hindu religion goes to Aceh. However, one of the citizens of Keudah, Kuta Raja Sub-district, Banda Aceh, Rada Krishna (55) recounted, the Hindu religion was brought by his grandfather to Aceh around 1934.

Ironically, since then there has never been a Nyepi celebration in Aceh, "Hindus in Aceh are very few. So never celebrate Nyepi. When Nyepi celebration arrives, we will usually go to Medan (North Sumatra), "said Rada Krisna who is also chairman of Hindu society in Aceh.

Overall, unat Hinduism in Aceh is only about 25 people. Where, there is one family in Sigli numbered 5 people, and in Banda Aceh there are 20 people with five families. In fact, before the tsunami struck Aceh 2004 first, Hindus in Banda Aceh reached 100 people, but because many exposed to the tsunami wave of Hindus only 20 people.

The issue of religious tolerance in Aceh, according to Rada krisna, is unquestionable, because the people of Aceh are very tolerant, "although we are a minority here, we are greatly appreciated. I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Aceh for that matter. They always help us, we are very comfortable staying here. Until whenever we will stay here and will die here. "Reveals Rada Krishna

*** Bahasa Indonesia ***

Cerita Umat Hindu Yang Nyaman Tinggal di Aceh

Sedikit orang mengetahui kapan agama Hindu masuk ke Aceh. Namun, salah seorang warga Keudah, Kecamatan Kuta Raja, Banda Aceh, Rada Krisna (55) menceritakan, agama Hindu dibawa oleh kakeknya ke Aceh sekitar tahun 1934.

Ironisnya, sejak saat itu pula tidak pernah ada perayaan Nyepi di Aceh,”umat Hindu di Aceh sangat sedikit. Makanya tidak pernah merayakan Nyepi. Saat perayaan Nyepi tiba, biasanya kami akan ke Medan (Sumatera Utara),” ujar Rada Krisna yang juga sebagai ketua perkumpulan umat Hindu di Aceh.

Secara keseluruhan, unat Hindu di Aceh hanya berkisar 25 orang saja. Dimana, terdapat satu keluarga di Sigli berjumalh 5 orang, dan di Banda Aceh terdapat 20 orang dengan lima keluarga.

Padahal, sebelum bencana tsunami melanda Aceh 2004 dulu, umat Hindu di Banda Aceh mencapai 100 orang, namun karena banyak terkena gelombang tsunami umat Hindu hanya tinggal 20 orang saja.
Masalah toleransi umat beragama di Aceh, menurut Rada krisna, tidak perlu diragukan lagi, sebab masyarakat Aceh sangat toleran,”walaupun kami minoritas di sini, kami sangat dihargai. Saya mengucapkan terimasih banyak pada masyarakat Aceh untuk hal tersebut. Mereka selalu membantu kami, kami sangat nyaman tinggal disini. Sampai kapanpun kami akan tinggal disini dan akan mati disini.” Ungkap Rada Krisna.

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