The most popular food in Geurugok Aceh
Dozens of cars lined up in front of the stalls in the cross-field Banda Aceh, village Geurugok, district Gandapura, Bireuën Regency, Aceh. It is located exactly on the market capital of the subdistrict.
There, a number of officials from various regions gathered. Just stop, enjoy the famous Apaleh Sate it. Beef Sate and goat is known throughout Aceh. No less popular with the famous Satay Cooked it.
For visitors heading to Medan or Banda Aceh using cross Sumatra, it feels not afdol, if not stopped enjoying sate it.
The stall is open 24 hours. So, do not worry not goto. This Satay stall owner Saleh. He opened the Satay stalls since decades ago.
Initially only the right way if heading to Banda Aceh from Medan. Now, on the left side of the road has been opened.
This Satay is the equivalent bone soup. The billowing smoke soup gravy full of savory aroma is able to make saliva dripping. In addition to bone, in the sop also mixed fat cow or goat.
If eating goat satay, to buyer provided drinks the juice of cucumber. If eating beef sate, please select your own fresh drinks available.
One of the original buyers, Miswardi, North Aceh, mentioning every time drift toward Banda Aceh, he and his family always choose to eat in the stalls.
"The meat was savory and tender," he said.
In addition, a number of employees from North Aceh, Lhokseumawe and Bireuen they routinely become loyal customers of Satay stall it. Moreover, visitors who pass through the path of Medan-Banda Aceh.
Even any public transit stopover to stall to hammer out the taste of the people on board. Well, you curious? If a visit to Aceh. Complete Your curious with a stop at the Sate Apaleh.