Walking in the truth can be a great marketing strategy for the gospel

in #ctp5 years ago

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2Cor.1.20 - 22, "For All The Promises of God Find Their Yes In Him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, And who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee."




Many times we read the Bible as the Word Of God? But we do not really given it a thought to step out and find out who the Word Of God really is? The Word is not a book but the Mind, Will and Heart of the father revealed. The Word is God himself revealed to Man.

Therefore, while reading the Word, Look For The Seed Who Is Life In Himself (John 12:24, Genesis 1:11-12, Isaiah 65:22, Mathew 12:34). Only then, will the Word Make sense to your inner man. God gave us his Word to Educate Our Spirit man and to train us (equip and update us) in the things of God, that we might walk in the wholesome truth of God.

The Word Of God does generally two things in our lives namely: It Either Judges You Or Blesses You. While reading it, What Do You Hear? And When You Hear His Voice Talking To You Through The FELLOWSHIP AND COMMUNION with His Word, How Do You Respond To Him?

It is your response to his Word (Voice), that activates the Power of God In Your Life. Faith is our response. Faith is not a reaction. It is our response to the Word Of God. Faith cometh by repeatedly hearing the Word Of God day and night (Romans 10:17). The day utters speech, the night reveals knowledge (Psalm 19:2-5) He says, Let not the Word depart out of thy mouth and meditate in it, day and night, that you may observe (see to it, make sure ) to do all that is written in it.... (Joshua 1:8)

Buddy, the darker the night, the brighter the day. Darkness Is A Pre-requisite Of Your Greatness. In the night of our lives, The Lord Is Our Light.

Micah 7:8 - Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; When I sit in darkness, the LORD Will Be A Light To Me.

The Word Of God who is the person of Jesus is the lamp to my feet and a light unto my path. How Come? The entrance and unfolding of the Word gives light; and the unfolding gives Understanding (discernment and comprehension) to the simple. (Psalm 119:105, 130).

In the night of our lives, When We Seek His Face, even when we are a sleep, God Opens The Ears Of Men And Seals His Instructions (Job 33:14-17). Remember, Instructions Are An Invitation To Relate!
God offers us direction in the night such that, in that day we walk the talk (manifest our faith, His Word).

Instructions Are The Direction Of Discipline That Imparts Knowledge And SKill. Skill being the science (the ability) to produce solutions. Instructions ultimately impart Knowledge and skill. The Word Of God Gives You Instructions (God's Way Of Life) i.e. this Instruction includes doctrine (teaching), reproof and conviction of sin, Correction of error & discipline in obedience, and training in Righteousness (2Tim 3:16-17).

He says, Without Knowledge, My People Perish (Hosea 4:6). What Is Skill Then? It is the Anointing. Paul said in Philippians 4:13, I Can Do All Things Through Christ (The Anoint) Who Strengthens Me! It Is Presence Of God That Brings The Anointing (The Power Of God). The Anointing is the overflow of the Messiah's life.

Jesus said in John 10:10, "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I Came That They May Have and Enjoy Life, and Have It In Abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."

The Presence Of God Is A Relationship! The More We Fellowship And Commune With The Word And The Holy Spirit, Who Is The Person Of The Presence, The More We Are Transformed To The Glorious Image And Likeness Of Christ (Gen 1:26-28).

The Word Of God Is A Mirror That We Use To Look At Ourselves, Beautify Our Lives And Remind Ourselves Of Our Image In Accordance With The Will Of The Father. We are not just the hearers of the Word but also doers. ,We Manifest It And Reflect The Glory In It.

🤔 2Cor.3.18 - "And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] Continued To Behold [In The Word of God] As In A Mirror The Glory Of The Lord, Are Constantly Being Transfigured Into His Very Own Image In Ever Increasing Splendor and From One Degree Of Glory To Another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit. (AMP)

👁 2Cor.3.18 - "All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful As God Enters Our Lives And We Become Like Him."

In Conclusion ltherefore;

👉🏼 Faith Is Saying In The Dark, What God Said In The Light! Joshua 1:8, "This Book Shall Not Depart Out of Your Mouth, ..." We believe with Our hearts the Word, and confess what we believe with our own mouth, and act accordingly. (Romans 10:9).

The Holy Spirit Is The Breath Of God (Gen 2:7, John 20:22). The Word Of God Is The Voice Of God (John 1:23). You can never hear the voice of someone, nor sing, nor speak without a breath. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the Understanding of the scriptures. (Luke 24:45, Job 32:8)


Dear Heavenly Father Living In Me, You Are Such A Wonder And A Marvel To All. No One Can Ascertain How Great You Are. You Are The Self Existing God. So Faithful To YOURSELF, YOUR WORD, EVEN WHEN I Deny You In My Thoughts, Words And Actions. I Delight Myself In You. Your Word Is My Life And Light. I Am Flooded With Light. Hallelujah! Glory To God!

Further Study: Mathew 13:1-23

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Hello. Some great Bible stuff there. I am downvoting this on the sportstalk platform though as the post had no relevance to sports but that doesn't affect you on any other platform.

And blessings to you :O)

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