Olson You Fat F#@K....!!!

in #ctp5 years ago (edited)

Olson You Fat F#@K....!!!.png

I've done some pretty silly things in my lifetime...

One of those, is becoming an entrepreneur LOL

I mean, this is such a great job. I get to pick my own hours. Work as long as I want. Build my dreams. And help others realize their potential.

It's a pretty sweet gig!

However there is something I learned from one of my mentors years ago that has helped my journey immensely...And I'm going to paraphrase the conversation I had with him...

Mentor: How many members do you have in your membership site?

Me: Around 30,000 give or take.

Mentor: Sweet so you are making around 30k a month then... (1 dollar per month per member was the going rate back in the day lol)

Me: Oh man, not even close...Maybe 300 bucks a month!

Mentor: Dude...Seriously? We need to work on that! Ok, here's another question...How many hate mails are you getting a day?

Me: Huh? Umm, none...

Mentor: There's your problem...If you aren't pissing someone off, you aren't doing your job very well!

That was the biggest slap in the face I had ever heard when it came to building businesses online...I'm SUPPOSED to get hate mail? People are supposed to dislike what I'm doing?

This didn't make any sense....

Basically the advice goes like this...Stop trying to please everyone. It'll drive you nuts. And if people start throwing you under the bus, that means they see something in you they WANT to see in themselves.

Or as Theodore Roosevelt famously said....

(Screenshot from Goodreads.com)

Get. Our. Asses. Kicked...Everyday!

That's the goal of an entrepreneur because it kinda toughens us up. And I miss it...

Seriously, over the past 2 years...No one has really...Thrown me under the bus LOL And I'm not used to that because years ago around the time I heard that advice from my mentor...I was being called every name in the book LOL

It's not that I was going around looking for trouble. I was cocky at times and a prick I'm sure...But at the end of the day, all I wanted to do was see everyone in my business win!

And it's still my goal to this day.

If you are reading this blog...All I want is for you to win. And win big in life and business!

So imagine my surprise when I was closing up shop last night and got this gem in my inbox...

There was a whole lot more name calling and jabs thrown at me but I think you get the general idea...This guy was a raving fan of mine :)

At first...

I was taken back. I wasn't used to this kind of message in my inbox these days...

But then I remembered....The wise words from a former U.S. President and my mentor from years past....

This is what we 'want' to see every now and again.

Doesn't mean we should be happy that people call us every name in the book...However the point is, we are OUT THERE. In the arena. Getting our asses kicked everyday.

And it's extremely easy to point fingers and tell others how bad they are doing at life...

That's a spectator sport....

We do it all the time to celebrities, sports stars and famous people. Because they are easy targets. They are 'out there'.

However the real courage of being an entrepreneur is to welcome the criticism. Expect it. Receive it. Flip it into motivational fire power. (And turn it into content of course lol)

People are just people. We all have things we are going through. No one knows the path you have taken to get to this point...

Don't take it too personal and look at it as a badge of honor when you start getting the hate flung at you...

Because that means you are doing something right ;)


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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/olson-you-fat-fk/


True. Never thought of it that way before but true.

Great post!!!

Don't follow me :D <<< joke.......you get it I am sure LOL

LOL Thanks for that (and the resteem too)

There are always haters online business brick and motor they are always lurking somewhere ready to pounce. Its how they are and are not happy unless they are attacking someone. Let it roll off ya and keep on trucking.


Just means you are on people's radar. Which is a good thing....Unless you are really are a scum bag LOL Which in my case....I don't think I am LOL

Ahahaha. I was just telling a guy I know about the value of haters! He had one on steem and it really bothered him :)

I told him that I had to pay my first hater, but not for long....

Thanks for a great post. We all need to remember that....

:) oh you remember that hate i used to get lol

toughened me up a bit even though to be honest i took every single one to heart. hard to admin that. but learned how to let it slide ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

people are always willing to criticize others, so easy to do with email.
but come on, criticize my words, actions or marketing.
Cool, let's debate it.
But just calling me fat........eh, FU too and keep it
TEGUY should not be called fat.......Bills fan maybe.... but not fat

ha ha ha ha sorry about last night. if you are a bears fan that is lol

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Every once in a while I get a "discouraging" word, and it always takes me aback... sometimes earned, sometimes unwarranted.... I always stop and see if it is something I have done wrong, or done right, that brings out the emnity. I ask others whose opinion I value their take on it... and either ignore the "haters" or do something positive to address their issues. It's still all a learning process for me....

Now, how can anyone hate Mama?

I know that it is cliche, but haters gonna hate... It's always like that...

So, turn your head on another side and walk your way... ;)

This is such great advice, because trying to please everyone will literally make you ill. I learned this tough lesson a long time ago & have been happier since. One person's critical words doesn't define you. As hurtful as those words can be (& class should always come into the picture), sometimes it does make you evaluate anything that needs to be tweaked. Also, as you said, you can be proud because you are active & MAKING those dreams happen; not sitting on the sidelines wishing for it.

I encourage people in my path to always be their authentic selves. There is no one else in the world exactly like us & we each have something to bring to the table. Thank you for the reminder. You got this! Keep on dreaming & steeming :)

I have never thought about it that way before, so maybe need to work on getting some hate mail.

LOL I mean...You don't need to seek it out...Just keep building. Staying in front of people. Creating value. Be seen....You'll attract a hater or two LOL

I love haters I live of them and their negativity it gives me something to do as in putting them back in their rightful place and I love stirring the pot. Chin up Jon there is worse things they could have said and when they just use poor swear words it shows their lack of real education. They wouldn't last five seconds with me.

LOL Thanks man. Nah I'm good. Just had to share the alien feeling I had of getting hate mail again LOL

That's probably because why I am not an entrepreneur AND NEVER WILL BE!

lol it’s not that bad. people are just people.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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