Ode to a World Domination
A lovely day in Wellingon, New Zealand as Mary and I head off to our special event, with one of her aunties driving the car.
Cannons Creek in Porirua City has a certain reputation; formerly a place of violence and squalor, a hang-over from darker times when gangs ruled the streets. Those gangs are still there, just less public. With a growing Pacifica community, sense and sensibility has returned to the streets.
The first anniversary has arrived of the appointment of Elizabeth (Liz) Wright-Koteka as the Cook Islands High Commissioner to New Zealand. A favourite cousin of Mary's and a truly lovely person, Liz looks just so beautiful; perhaps the calm before the storm? No, not that lady.
We enter the Cook Islands Te Akapuanga Community Hall, and take our seats. Front row please, we're gently asked. At 2:00pm, the show begins...
Ode to a World Domination
The stage is set
The main tables up
Chairs a-row'd
Spaced neatly apart.
All prepared
For a special event
Something wonderful
About to present.
The door swung open
The people linger
A cry, a Turou from Tai Parau
President of Pukapuka Enua.
Liz and her two attaches
Wander through
The be-seated mass
Cook Islanders pewed.
Flag bearer James Story
President of Aitutaki Enua
With the 15 starred Jack
Unfurled, in full glory.
Up for the anthem
We stand as one
"Te Atua Mou E"
Tearfully sung.
Papa Orometua Hosea
Adds a few words
Then the opening prayer
Amen is heard.
Re-seated are we all
The welcoming speech
By Porirua Cook Islands Association
President, Mrs Akaiti Samuel.
Her Excellency Liz
Stands up and speaks
Interested we are
In what she says.
A new strategy
For all Cook Islanders
Not just back home
Here too, she utters.
The Cook Islands Government has
An eye to the future
In need of participation
Of all to consider.
Then on Liz goes
With more of the plans
A future more prosperous
The Government reckons.
First of the Pacific Islands
OECD membership beckons
No longer reliant from 2020
On aid foreign beggar'd.
A New Year ahead
A change in direction
A call for all to partake
A national debate.
Small islands alone
Yet much ocean between
De-watered, the land would be
Bigger than Europe it seems.
The students at university
Wanting to help
Have muster'd a plan
A way to promote.
The youth are excited
They have been invited
To become part of this
A future brighted.
Once silenced in shadow
Now triumphantly in consideration
A voice to be heard, they exclaim
At 4:30pm we being our trip home, some 30 miles. Weather had changed, now misty all the way back to Kilbirnie.
That Liz, she sure is one mighty arrow and a courageous sole. Just her and two other ladies representing the interests of the Government of the Cook Islands here in New Zealand, engaging with the other 35 countries embassied or commissioned here.
Youth, boy they can dream big! So much for sleep tonight.
Ian Ballantine
Wellington, New Zealand
November 16, 2019.
"Te Atua Mou E" Cook Islands National Anthem:
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Thank you @steemitboard, I love badges!
Woohoo a fellow Wellingtonian, Fantastic, with Cook Island connections ? (which is very surprising, 1st I have ever seen on this block chain)
Kia Orana: Instant Follow!
Kia Orana, Philip. Thank you for your reply. You beaut, onya mate!
My missus Mary is the Cook Islander, I'm just the bag carrier!
She's connected to the Rangiatea, Ngati Tangiia, and Teimorimotia family root through Pa Ariki, Ngati Tamakeu, and Puati.
When's the next time you're heading off to Pak'N Save, Kilbirnie? We're on Mahora, opposite the delivery truck exit.
Oh I'm the typical terrible Raro you'd ever get to meet. Born in NZ, went back to Raro to do my Intermediate Years (no idea what that is in year something terms, in my day it was Primary, Intermediate, College, University) at Nikau Side School, then finish back here in NZ.
Hmm family tree, oh dear .. my brother is so into this stuff, not me. If you'd ask me what my family tree was, I'd reply, the 2 Fejoa's next to the front fence. I do go back to the Taramai family home every now and then, at Matevera, Raro!
Say hello to your wife for me, it's really great to connect with people here on steemit, especially kiwi's, and my 1st Raro encounter, I'm blown away, the future of the Pacifics isn't as bad as I thought it was.
If we don't keep up we will get left behind!
Thanks Philip, I'll let Mary know. She's asleep now and I'm heading off to bed too. Let's stay in touch, eh? CTPtalk is my Steem tribe. If personal, tweet me on Twitter like you've been doing. Ka kite.