My Take On What I Learnt about SteemitBoard at Thursday Night Live...

in #ctp5 years ago

It was Friday morning here in Japan and I was checking out Facebook instead of getting on with whatever it was I was supposed to be doing when, all of a sudden, Thursday Night Live appeared - live! - on my Facebook feed.

So I stopped whatever I was doing on Facebook that had been keeping me away from whatever it was I was supposed to be doing for my business to have a listen. Listening to Thursday Night Live = "doing something for my business" - hurrah!

I seldom turn up to live events due to the time difference between Japan and the USA. I usually watch the recorded versions on YouTube, so it was good to see one in real time.


The theme was "Gamification," or the art of turning your activities into games to make getting more done more fun.

I commented that competing against the clock by using a countdown timer is a game that helps me get stuff done.

It was good to experience directly how Jon responds to comments as they appear on the Facebook feed. When you watch the recordings on YouTube you don't get to see the comments although it's easy enough to get the gist of what they were from Jon or Blain's responses.

Anyway, here I am with my countdown timer - its design is a nod to the mechanical Italian "pomodoro" - "tomato" - timer of "pomodoro technique" fame.

Get Free Stuff!.png

Yes, But What Did You Learn About SteemitBoard?

Well, actually, I missed that part of the live broadcast, but I watched the first half when it appeared on YouTube. What I learnt was (1) that there is a website called SteemitBoard at where everybody's performance stats are collated and displayed, and (2) that you can "gamify" things by checking your current stats and setting yourself some targets to hit within a time frame of your choosing.

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 7.12.40 PM.png

When I hopped over to the site I found that you can look up anybody whose username you know to snoop on their stats too!

Go on, have a snoop! Here is my page:

And here are my current stats so you can see if I've made any progress by the time you read this:

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 10.16.39 PM.png

But here is my favourite bit; the page that shows a "league table" of everybody's exact rank and performance, set out like this:

Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 7.12.27 PM.png

You can see all the people just above or below you. So, for me, the most fun way to "gamify" the stats is simply to note my current rank, which is #123761, and see if I can improve it day by day, or set weekly or monthly targets. How many people can I overtake on SteemitBoard by taking action today?

Now that sounds like fun!

Wow! I'm out of time! My countdown timer is beeping!

Talk again soon.

Onwards and upwards!

David Hurley

#InspiredFocus (Promo Code: TOP5)

CTP Thursday Night Live:

The Pomodoro Technique: )



Great post. Seeing I missed Thursday night Live last night. I now got the gist of it. thanks.


Thanks Bradley. Glad you got some value from it.

Thanks for the follow :)

I am always happy when I get to tune into those Thursday Night Live Trainings. I like the concept of turning our business building activities into a game and continually trying to better ourselves. It is a way of staying on our own journey and just bettering ourselves.

Haha..I like to call checking everyone else's stats "Steemit Stalking." For those of us that are numbers driven it is a great way to help set and accomplish goals. The Live Trainings are great! You are always acknowledged as a participant and there is great feedback given. Jon and Blain really step up their game in these events!! Great to have you here!

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