$#&% Not Another Tribe!!!! Introducing ClickTrackProfit & The CTP Token

in #ctp5 years ago (edited)

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The TL;DR Stuff....:
1. CTP Token is 'officially' launched!
2. Affiliate marketing needs a new home away from PayPal...Blockchain has the potential to cater to this multi-million dollar industry!
3. ClickTrackProfit.com is proud to embrace not only crypto as a whole, but specifically Steem!
4. Our condenser can be found at CTPtalk.com
5. The CTPM is ready to be purchased, staked and start mining CTP tokens!
6. I love you all :)

Hi I'm Jon.....Better known as Jongo, Jon Golson or even by my real name...Jon G. Olson lol (@jongolson on STEEM)

I joined Steem in December 2017 after arguably one of the roughest patches in my professional life. My beloved industry (affiliate marketing) that I had fed my family with since the early 2000's was in deep trouble...

A huge chunk of us in affiliate marketing put all our eggs in one basket.... and that basket was PayPal.

Yeah, not the smartest decision I've ever made but I had no reason not to trust them....Up until that year, I had been a member of PayPal since 2001. My entire life depended on it, lesson learned and hindsight is 20-20....

So they started shutting everyone down. No reason. No answers to social media questions, support tickets...Nothing. All we could get was...'Your site broke our A.U.P. (acceptable use policy) and that's the final decision'

So for almost 17 years, I never broke their policies...But all of a sudden my business and countless other affiliate marketers in the industry got shut down...

It was really bad...

But enough of my sob story because without that experience...I would have never found Steem :)

Let's just say....I've been addicted since day one lol

As soon as I discovered Steem and learned about SMT's, all I kept thinking to myself was...This is the perfect blockchain for affiliate marketers.

We're a different breed...

We see opportunity and embrace it..But a lot of us aren't the most technically savvy. (And I'm the first to raise my hand...Ask the Steem-Engine guys, they are sick of my questions lol)

We can sit in front of a camera, write blog posts, draft emails and create ad copy with no issues at all....But get us learning basic HTML and we will find a way to mess it up ;)

Steem seemed perfect! We could actually learn by using this stuff. No complicated wallets to master, no Meta Mask to download...Just one account, use it, power it up and do what we do best....Build relationships :)

This got me thinking about how I could bring the best of what I could offer (via my affiliate marketing training site ClickTrackProfit) and see how it could benefit Steem!

And so.... ClickTrackProfit.com was re-launched about a week ago and with it...The birth of the CTP Token.

Great...A Bunch Of 'Marketers' On Steem...

Let me be clear on what CTP is...Because affiliate marketing, at times rightfully so ...Has a horrible reputation!

This is NOT a get rich quick site at all...In fact, a bunch of our training teaches members to expect to this journey to last for years lol We try to scare away the 'get rich quick seekers' from day one...

Most members we attract though are brand new to the industry. They learn by doing, as it's part of the entire DNA of the program. They are taught that the important parts of their journey are just that...The journey and what they learn on it!

They are amazing people, ready to take action but just like everyone new to anything, they will make mistakes. I know I have numerous times in my businesses...

That's why I wanted to build on Steem....This community is the BEST out there!

So here's how ClickTrackProfit works...

1. Members learn about various traffic sources and social media in the 'Click' module. They learn to develop relationships with others and grow their networks organically through social media platforms. They don't just learn it, they are rewarded for 'doing it'.

2. They learn the importance of tracking and analytics. We want to know what is working in our advertising and marketing and what is not. This module is the 'Track' part of the lessons. Lots of split testing, A/B tests, UHP training....Super nerdy math stuff ;)

3. Profit! It's the big kahuna...It's why people get into affiliate marketing in the first place. And this is where we go over email marketing and list building. We teach them about proper techniques and tips on how to get the best results from building their list...And then we HAMMER home this point...


Build your list AND Brand your name!

Branding. Personal branding at that. And a huge chunk of those lessons we teach on personal branding contain...The importance of content marketing through....Blogging.

Welcome to CTP Token!

Steem was the perfect tool for CTP members. In our relaunch, we really wanted people to understand the importance of building their brands through content marketing and when Steem-Engine stepped up...This was the perfect fit for our community.

In CTP we teach them to blog using the CTPtalk.com condenser on Steem-Engine.

We go over every aspect we can about proper blogging and content creation to help users get a taste of regular content creation but also...The blockchain!

You see, since PayPal basically left an entire industry out in the cold, I've been pushing for more crypto adoption because again...I don't think it gets any better than crypto for online payments and more specifically Steem.

So the CTP Token will encourage new affiliate marketers to jump in to the blockchain by creating content every day and of course, learning about the potential of Steem. With the rewards coming from CTP Token, they are encouraged to invest more time learning about Steem and powering up!

I think that's a pretty cool use case for the CTP Token :)

That was 800 plus words of CTP's history....Now let's get into the good stuff...

1. The CTP Token will be (and has been already) air dropped to @Steem.Leo stakers.

I'm doing it a little bit different though...I'm issuing tokens to around 25-50 accounts at a time. I want to see what happens when people slowly get air dropped instead of all at once. It might do nothing at all, but we're about 100-150 account in now...So let's see LOL

@Khaleelkazi has been a HUGE help for me getting this token up and running. I literally, have no idea what I'm doing and he's been extra patient with me. But that's not the only reason I chose to air drop to Leo stakers...The big one....Business ownership and investing, I believe go hand in hand.

They are risk takers just like entrepreneurs, and it's a tribe I believe in big time!

2. There Will Be Miners!

The CTPM token is ready to be purchased and staked. It's on sale right now for 2 STEEM per miner. And get ready....We're about to get super 'markety' right now...I will be raising the price of the miner within the next week.

I want this miner and token to have huge value down the road, so I will be following a lot of other tribe's examples on how to manage things. Token burns and sinks will be coming! So if you think the marriage between affiliate marketing and Steem has some legs, be sure to pick up a miner or two :)

3. The Token! The glorious CTP Token!

The use case was described above, but again for me...It's the perfect match. The CTPTalk condenser will help new affiliates learn content creation but also the potential of the blockchain. They will learn by DOING and the community support will be there for them on their journey.

Here are the stats for the token itself....

  • Full details are always [available here] Simply click on SCOT settings.

O.k.....Word count is now....Almost 1200 words and a 7 minute read according to Busy!

I think that goes over everything....Just a few closing words.

If you have met me or dealt with me in the past, you know I am super passionate about things I believe in...Steem is it! It's been my focus for almost 2 years now and I believe ClickTrackProfit was made for this blockchain.

That being said, I'm still learning :)

And trying to get better everyday. If you see something that's not right, or you have concerns about, please drop me a line anytime.

We have a few communities set up...

As you may or may not know, we set up @SteemSavvy last year. With the idea of helping new Steemians to the blockchain. Our Discord is very lively and if you need us, we're there every day!

The ClickTrackProfit community is just being built on Telegram. If you want to swing by, we're there as well at anytime!

I look forward to working with everyone at ClickTrackProfit and welcoming them to Steem. You guys are going to love this place....It's truly the best blockchain out there!

And as for you amazing Steemians...Thank you for showing me how powerful this place can be. I'm going to work non-stop to add massive value to this blockchain.

This is only the first step :)


I was around when paypal dumped all Traffic Exchanges and Affiliate Marketing related websites and saw an industry going down in flames. I truely believe that cryptos can be an answer for such business models so I find your project really interesting. In addition I've been following @jongolson for a certain time on steem and what I learned is that he doesn't do things half way ;-). I just bought 50 CTPM to support this project.

Best regards,

Thanks very much for the kind words :)

Yeah it was a nasty time for everyone involved...But crypto is just this perfect match and exactly what that industry needs. Hopefully this one step closer :)

If we all do what he says, We will all prosper. Power to the CTP

Good to see this. I'm still going to read this full post very interesting giving you history!

Thanks very much :) For sure, poke around and if you have any questions, please let me know.

@clicktrackprofit picked up a Few Miners. Thank you for the Tokens. I look Forward to your HUGE Success !

Awesome! Thank you so much for your support!

I'm so excited for the progress you are making Jon. I'm a believer in what you do, but more importantly, I'm a believer in Jon. You are a honest, hard working guy that genuinely is looking to build relationships. That's a powerful combination. Keep up the great work! I bought into a few miners ;)

Appreciate you man. Thank you for all your support and friendship over this journey. Means the world bro!

nice work! I wish you massive success

Thanks Paula....Appreciate the kind words and support!

Wishes are great, fantastic, but action is even better Jump in the waters are clean, clear and getting smoother everyday

Awesome! I was eagerly waiting for this post. Now I'm gonna buy a bunch of Miners. But wait, tell me if there ever gonna be some Mega Miners available too?

Awesome to hear :)

Nah, only the CTPM, we want to keep it super simple for people. So the only miners we will have are these :)

Great! Bought & staked. Also joined your TG.

@jongolson, Unfortunate to know about your past breakdown phase brother. But most importantly you've stood strong and now you are creating your own stuff and this project is your own baby. So, good wishes from my side brother and hope that your years of efforts definitely will fly high with wings.

Today bought some CTP TOKEN and CTP MINERS and excited for this journey.

Posted using Partiko Android

Appreciate that, thanks man! Yeah it sucked but hey, without that...I would have never found Steem :)

Welcome and that's true. End is a new beginning. 🙂

Posted using Partiko Android

I like this idea, anything that replaces paypal with a trustworthy alternative is worth supporting


The further we all get from PayPal the better.

I have always been interested in affiliate marketing.
Now I have the opportunity here on Steem.
I will take a look this afternoon to see how it works!
Good initiative Jon!

awesome. thanks very much for taking a look. we’re a fun community that like to learn this stuff by doing :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Staked my tokens and bought and staked a few miners.. Looking forward to see how things progress

so cool. thank you so much. appreciate the support.

Posted using Partiko iOS

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