(? 17 = Family, 18 = Individual

in #csychology6 years ago (edited)

17 = Family Record.
18 = Individual Record.
17 = Family Law..
18 = Individual Law..
17 = Family Identity...
18 = Individual Identity...

? If you describe each thought as a number to the word, what number do you give family (17, 18), yourself (17, 18) at each point?

? If you ("as math", "had to", "were forced to", "as a thought experiment", "for paperwork", "for hexspeak", "for hexwork", "with words") describe each thought as a number to the word, what number do you give family (17, 18), yourself (17, 18) at each point?

# If asked what {17, 18} means I think {family and err or individual} at each point.

#Wath #Csychology #Csychoanalysis


A vector of attack (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_vector in "computer security") is that AB with AC can be spelled as AAB or AAC.

Meaning writing "17" letters away from an "18" can be spelled as a "118" or a "711".

I learned this from reading my URLs (URL slugs [which Wikipedia shows in category as originating from "Clean URL Slugs", for the record] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=URL_slug&redirect=no / https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Slug_(web_publishing)&redirect=no which "coincidentally" match my IDs, bank cards, license plates, phone spam callers, https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/58694/whose-jurisdiction-if-some-corrupt-cops-use-police-car-vanity-plates-abusing, https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/58694/legal-term-for-novel-technique-use-of-force-tactical-language-or-for [I asked about in my question] identically), I did not invent this idea (of which a deeper question is, how did we go from "Leetspeak"/"1337speak"/"l337speak" (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Leetspeak&redirect=no , https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/leetspeak) by [and questionably blamed on, as-if genetic "word order" specifications are scientfically judgeable as] solelysome "hackers" to then being run by "Oath.com" the same exact one-hit-wonder/anyone-can-do-it-OneClick(TM)(R)-hacking "skills"? Did Oath.com kidnap so-called "kiddyscripting" (they're now calling it "adultscripting"/"copscripting"/"spookscripting"? What we spoke as kids is now a top cop job to repeat themself?? What a job title/name change. Do these "skilled professionals" know the history of that language?) "hackers" then (change the job name/title to copscripting/spookscripting then] overtly copying (and profiting from and perpetuating) their exact work?), I am just, um, noticing. Should we call them copbros/brocops/copsiss/sisscops/spookbros/brospooks/spooksiss/sissspook to level with who is actually speaking English with "social skills"? I am not even mentioning how the mutability and permutatability of cryptographic hashes can be used/abused if not tracked. I am not even talking about how signaling can be read/misread and what that means when you speak like that "officially" and it is not tracked.

Historically, we had "Clean URLs" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_URL) well BEFORE, but then, I theorize, some
"wise" jobs/people had too much fun writing/exposing Dirty URLs instead (for enumerous/enumeratous reasons, besides that a hex|hash is easier than speaking English, for many professional jobs people prefer not to speak English on record and would prefer a hash/hex instead, that reason makes "sense", and makes "jobs". Encrypting your URLs, I mean, encrypting your thoughts, is fun if you get to call it "Intelligence", and do not have to follow public policies or report what work you did with that "thinking". Let us hear the audio of that conversation too, where you explained by "grace of G-d" why you put the A next to the B like that. A https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function / https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hex [what could be hidden fine/appropriately, secure URLs would still work] might feel better than having to speak English professionally, and not require job skills for speaking English. There are employed "mature" people who do not have TV shows about them yet, who are just changing Clean URLs into Dirty URLs as a job, and I think that cursing should be talked about too).

This is not an official police method nor psychological diagnostic tool, this information is not being given as evidence, yet is being treated as such.

There is actual meaning to these forms which deserve recognition/seriousness/integrity, for example being recognized by a number as much as a letter.

If we're taking it seriously, then should a Fire Exit have a "666" written in neon too, "just in case" there "to help them remember" solving (well, "solving", in quotes, to say again definitely not my invention) literacy issues "because this works to write a 6 there", as the job describes? Fact is, we could put clean language messages instead of a 6 given that feature works as the job describes, would English be better than a "6" for communication, otherwise what does this job really describe?

(If you analyzed our societal data NSA-PRISM-style with "Total Information Awarenss" e.g. a keylogger++ then you could find all the examples of "911" being artfully put next to "211" as a severity indicator in public hexing/labeling, where the "411" becomes a neutral lebel. You do not want a 9 you want a 4 if there is an 11 next, but if a 0 appears then be careful [the "scary 404" is "6", with enough numbers to become a word nearly, which does not occur naturally in math at the beginning of a URL {patterns beyond a statistical probability, to the point of which that's human-coded intervention/signaling}, verifiable at https://steemit.com/@scribe/comments like https://steemit.com/data/@scribe/r66od1 & https://steemit.com/data/@scribe/r66p67 & https://steemit.com/data/@scribe/r66paq my very last/previous sequential comments in order], then again with a 101 a 0 is a good sign. Modern hexastrology (I give these "jobs" dignity by saying Hexspeak instead), now actually an "analyst" job.) ...ideally an Analyst job could put a "101" and "Edu" for education, if URLs are a freeform writing job.

Because of this, as a "thought experiment" (science slang, only the best #ScienceSlang), I started only traveling on the 18th not the 17th of a month, which I am fairly sure spooks the spooks.

I bet the spooks are not talking about that part either, and who started that idea was not me. (Where is their #Spookspertise? What are the #Spooksperts? When will #SpookExperiences be talked about, even those Spooks who call their work a #Spooksperiment?)

If spooks do not need to speak, I can then just copy how spooks do not speak English, and know I am following the Law, and speaking English, like a Spook. (Hashtag #LawLikeASpook #ScienceLikeASpook #SuperstitiousLikeASpook #StereotypingLikeASpook #SpellLikeASpook. I hereby declare #SpookLaw has a hashtag too, because judgementally #SpooksLaw means the spooks speak the best spook? Oh, #HashtagToo too.)

So to join the Spook Parade (I call it a parade because I have zero doubt that these spooks do not have fun, such sporty choreography), I also stopped traveling on "6" days (making a serious debate of whether a 7th or 8th day is better/worse than a 5th day, I mean thinking only for G-dly legal reasons of course), which I bet makes finding a Spook to make a hit difficult, if it's not a Horoscope Spook Friendly Day.

(For the record, Zodiac Spooks are related to Horoscope Spooks, it must be because of their blood type, the Spook Gene?

Does anyone know what day is the Zodiac Spook Parade before or after the Horoscope Spook Parade do you know? Do not tell the Autistic Spooks and the Paranoid Spooks (and forget the Pervert Spooks and Terrorist Spooks, but remember Dexter Spooks, because Dexter is a cop too), but I will ask the Schizophrenic Spooks what to think, I hear they're the Best Spooks.)

#SpookParade #ParadeSpook #HoroscopeSpook #ZodiacSpook #AutisticSpook #ParanoidSpook #SchizophrenicSpook #BestSpook

(I am stating that police are not the same as spooks these days, there is a difference between cop and spook jobs/goals, if this is how some "speak". At a time when EVIDENCE is ATTAINABLE (and could be EXEMPLARY electronically), these signaling methods are NOT a SCIENCE. #PoliceTheSpooks #SpookFriendly #SpookFriendlyTime #SpookFriendlyDay #SpookFriendlyMonth #SpookFriendlyYear #SpookFriendlyTimestamp #SpookFriendlyHash #SpookFriendlyHex #SpookFriendlyPuzzle #SpookFriendlyRiddle #SpookFriendlyJoker #SpookFriendlySodoku #SpookFriendlyPsychosis #SpookFriendlyPropaganda #SpookFriendlyNumb3rs #SpookFriendlyPerverts #SpookFriendlyPersonofInterest #SpookFriendlyRacism #SpookFriendlyTerrorists #SpookFriendlyAdvert #SpookFriendlyJokeSkills #SpookFriendlyJobSkills #SpookAlly #SpookAllies #SpookGene #SpookGenetics #SpookProfiling #SpookFriendlyProfiling #ProfilingTheSpooks #ProfileTheSpooks. #ProfileTheSpook. #TaughtBySpooks. #EducatedBySpooks. #TrainedBySpooks. #LearnedFromSpooks. #LearnedFromTheBestSpooks.)

(I say this/that/thir/ther versus evidence-based electronics being made exemplary for evidence, so we can teach these spooks to read logs better instead, and pay them to find evidence instead of employing opinion and hexpinion in hexspeak. Psychotechnology, err psychoblockchains or evidenchains/evidentronics (coined now), make evidence triple-confirmable. Otherwise we can try to code Fire Exits with a 666 mark, if we do not want to give legislating Temple OS ID/Mac OS X ID/Windows ME ID (an operating system with ID check, my breakthrough untried idea ...maybe after we crucify Zuck like Gates like Luddites for show first, then we can try ID checks?) a try first. Otherwise society risks recreating broken evidence models, based on the best spook.)


3} https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Numb3rs_(TV_series)&redirect=no (somehow not about actual alphanumerics, but makes "3" clearly the point? Of all the intergers to letter... For a show about "math", it does not talk about who went spelling their title/name that way.)
2} https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_(TV_series) (about a cop like that, who does that.)
1} https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person_of_Interest_(TV_series) (about cops who talk (in code) to the robot CCTV like a human being.)

In terms of determination, to be honest, I'm not gonna lie, I thought "1617" would be better "sounding" than "1619" for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_1619_Project from https://www.NYTimes.com/column/1619-project, in terms of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_are_known_knowns#:~:text=known%20unknowns "known unknowns". (Plus https://www.WolframAlpha.com/input?i=%7E, a decent range helps, add some open-minded https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Approximation [if a math sign {Math_Sign_Slogan} was worded/called "open-minded", it would be a "~" {about sign} or " {integral sign}"?] ~pending to be safer.)

And there (if not further there, our spaceships going to the Moon are the first time we know exactly what second we all landed), just there (n' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_There... because because, because, good you asked), I balanced Donald Rumsfeld and Nikole Hannah-Jones together (karmatic ying/yang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_and_yang Rep/Dem emotional work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion_work example, maybe me balancing Republican/Democrat again, my behavior because of my politically-polarized parents [1 Dem vs 1 Rep, me picking parentsides, coining now also as parentside, pause the beat I will drop the mic later] who just cancelled eachother when voting), can anyone beat that Csychology/Psychology Wath/Math logic, huh?

Besides the 1619 and 1617 are otherwise triggering differently (just in my opinion?)?, and that definitely sometimes will matter. I do not want the United States founded in, ahem, 1666 (even if we prove it, same for 1444, that's too triggering, I/we will not hear it), urm, I think that would be too, too much, but 1618 I could understand being a compromise to avoid nuclear war, if we must hermenuetically (who wants to call hermenuetiscientifically a word yet?) decide what decides.

In principle, I think (& when I wrote https://iSew.info/2014/04/12/maybe-foundation-maybe-creative && http://web.archive.org/web/1/https://iSew.info/2014/04/12/maybe-foundation-maybe-creative in stylized vocabulary) society must be open to multiple story sources. Er,—or else. (I wrote alot, earlier, before Internet, often on the sides and back of classwork paper and in Directory Structures/Folder Titles, takes work getting back to speed, in WordPress of all places, G-d damn WordPress. I never say/blog "damn", but I mean it about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordPress, a full "G-d damn WordPress", and I will swear to the record there.)

And reasonably, there is something to be said about proving what happened before https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-entry_bookkeeping blockchaining set record-keeping standards, I am willing to hear that being a "founder" (or "founders") does not mean having the last/final word (https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/have+the+last+word).

May be serious, as much as funny, for some to think about as an example, for History and Herstory n' Hirstory too, that what marketing studies commonly suggest, is that that matters too.

I mean, "to round" (math) and "be well-rounded" (language/literacy), are often met with similar social calculations. I would not blame anyone for suggesting a scientific possibility it was not just 1619 but also 1617 maybe too, bringing rationalist https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Bayesian reasoning as our Google-PageRank-friendly (multiple results, statistically identified plausibilities, underlying err undertruthing or underwise, er, overwise maybe an "A/B question") scientific style.

Oh, and I put each ampersand variation, "n'", "&" (and https://serverfault.com/questions/53577/linux-bash-syntax-meaning-of-and "&&"), and "and", because I am open to questioning which was amperfirst err ampersecond.

If you hear me o' if you know what I mean, I am happy if we can agree it was generally between 1600 and 1800, so is that so-so, hear hear? (I meant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hear,_hear in case you did not hear the first time I said hear, might help to verbally repeat verbally. Given human memory is as feeble as societal memory, id argue rather "https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/so-so", is it much to ask that society acknowledges ``Social-Memory Issues`` might be relevant foundational questions, worth recording equally, worth recording too?

...Okay, we got to, um, let me doublecheck, ten (10) paragraphs (Edit: After editing, checking again, still 5+5 par), okay I triplechecked, just to be normal sounding okay, because then, phew, we're Thank G-d not "odd" (coining), that would be soo weird, so now we're Thank G-d "even" (coined)? :/ Oh, and I avoid making emoticons/emoji so I focus/speak English vocabulary words, but I will reserve my (I coined originally? Nobody ever made it first? Never ever did a mathematician make an integral face? After we decide who invented the Telegraph, preferably/ideally/exceptionally we wait after we https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control all of reality, and all our chats and paperwork, well a textsingularity (text-only singularity, coined now, dropping my mic now) is realisticer than a singularity) rare integral sign face (inspired by https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral_symbol, type Unicode_Compose_Key U-222B [the 2s x 3 are part of the Official Unicode keysign https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters, idea not mine]) to show how I changed facial expression while writing and editing. :/ :∫ Read my integral sign. :| =∫ Oh and, okay, soooooooooo with ten (10) Os, is not as we._rd, so we're straight? Also, I remember where I was when I first learned it is not spelled "OK"——I was floored (for real, grinds my keys, flashbacks, 2nd grade, keyed in, hear my teacher spell "O, K, A, Y", I'm sitting middle of the classroom, shocked, stunned, damn that throws me back, I bowed my head, could not believe, life changing, I could never repeat "OK" again, just "Okay"? I wanted to ask why it still sounds like "O, K" when spoken, but I did not have the heart to speak, just not ok.), why "ay" and not "ey" to make "key", okey, I mean, this not that if thlog r threcord, okay still ten paragraphs ok?, why cut "e" and not "a" out?.. :∫

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#Identity #Dating #Timing #17 #18 $17 $18 I waited til I was 18 (years old) to try sex, to try meds/drugs, and to try a psychologist, for the same reasons.

#Conscience #Conmental Consciously, deliberately, I waited til I could testify as an adult.

—Gabriel Croft/Prosody Context

(Originally/initially posted through centralized platform(s) at https://conifer.rhizome.org/037/accounts/20200802033800/http://web.archive.org/web/20200802033800/https://twitter.com/prosodyContext/status/1289767211066732545, http://web.archive.org/web/20200802033800/https://twitter.com/prosodyContext/status/1289767211066732545, from https://twitter.com/prosodyContext/status/1289767211066732545 first.)

Baby C and Kid A (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_A)?

Adult A or Adult Z?

"Kid A" is a soundtrack (and also the full album name) by the English (and English speaking) group called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiohead.

"Kid_A" is so popular (even with the pitchy voice, where you can not hear the words clearly even though they're adults, a voice that sounds like mental problems) that it redirects on Wikipedia directly to their Radiohead listing, there are zero other references for the term/variable "Kid A", it was defined as a word (equal to any other major encyclopedia word) by Radiohead.

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