
Hi Mike, I have some on my desk in front of me whenever I want to work with one in particular. Sometimes I place them in a small bag under my pillow or carry them in my pocket. My husband like to tape certain pain relieving stones right onto his body with surgical tape. Sometimes he wraps his in a bandana around his neck. I have some instructions:
Attuning to your Crystal Companions
Sit quietly, clear your thoughts, creating a sacred moment to connect.
Hold your new crystals in your hands over your heart center.
Ask silently or out loud for them to connect to your essence or I AM presence.
Imagine yourself connecting to each of the crystals essences, one by one.
Let them know that you would love to connect with them to assist you on
your path.
Ways To Get Acquainted
1.Carry them with you one at a time to get familiar with each ones energy.
2.Place them upon your nightstand to keep them in your energy field.
3.Put them under your pillow while you sleep & ask them to connect with you.
4.Place them around a glass of water & intend their energy to charge it for drinking.
5.Enjoy a nice soaking bath with your crystals, they love to share their great vibes.
6.Keep them close to your bare skin for intimate contact.
7.Wear them as a piece of jewelry, such as a pendant, works awesome if your creative.
8.Keep them on your desk while working on your computer.
9.Put them around your home to increase the vibrations in your personal space.
10.The ways are endless…..use your imagination…..and have fun!
Let them know that you are willing to assist them in their journey to awareness too!
Enjoy co-creating exciting new experiences with your crystal allies.

I had no idea they had more uses than keeping a door opened. Sounds good except for the talking to them. I guess you find them to be helpful or you wouldn't be using them.

I guess it is because I believe they can and then they do, or else we would not be able to connect. It probably all comes down to beliefs. All I can say is it works for me! xoxoxo

EXCELLENT tips, @sunscape! This deserves it's own post that could then point back to this source post. Could you, would you? That would give me a chance to feature another crystal post of yours, that's linked to this one, since it's so late for this one. ;)

Okay @angelacs I have put the post together for connecting with crystals. I hope you enjoy it. xoxo Sunscape

Wonderful! Thank you, @sunscape. Just commented and upvoted.

Going to resteem and FB/tweet this.. thought I had last time! ;)

You know you could EASILY do up tip sheets for each crystal and sell for $3.95 each online, right? This SAME comment above you did with the 10 points would make ONE tip sheet. ;)

EDIT: oh-ohhh Too late to resteem but did FB/tweet.

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