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in #crystal2 years ago (edited)

Additional Addendum
The Owner / Agent has inspected the unit prior to lease and has no knowledge of current bed bug infestation.

It is agreed between Owner / Agent and Resident as follows:

Resident(s) declare that all furnishings and other personal items being brought in to the unit are free from bed bugs.

Resident agrees to comply with the following responsibilities pertaining to the prevention and treatment of possible bed bug infestations:

  1. Resident shall practice good housekeeping and maintenance habits, including:

Resident shall not use or bring second-hand furnishings, appliances, etc which have not first been inspected for the presence of bed bugs. If rented furnishings are to be used Resident is obligated to ensure the rental company has established procedures to prevent bed bug infestation and perform inspections of their inventory.
Resident shall cover all mattresses and box springs with impermeable covers to prevent bed bug nesting.
Resident shall check for bed bugs within their personal belongings prior to re-entering rental unit when returning from stays outside the unit.

  1. Resident shall report any problems or suspicion of problems immediately, including:

Report any suspected bed bug infestations immediately.
Report any maintenance needs immediately to minimize the possibility of harboring bed bugs within cracks, holes or otherwise or allowing bed bugs to travel from unit to unit.

  1. Resident shall cooperate and comply with all pest control efforts and requirements, including, but not limited to:

Allowing access to pest Control Company when proper notice is given, as requested by Owner / Agent, and comply with all requests related to pest control company treatments.
Sealing all items prior to them being removed from the unit for cleaning and sterilization.
Removing all bedding, drapes, curtains, and non-fixed rugs.
Checking and / or removing mattresses and box springs. Heavily infested mattresses are not salvageable and must be sealed and disposed of properly.
Removing all items from dressers, nightstands, and closets.
Vacuuming all floor areas including closet spaces, furniture, mattresses and box springs, and inside all storage furnishings.
Wash all machine-washable items and dry items on high heat setting. Any other items necessitating cleaning which cannot be done by Resident must be taken to a professional dry cleaning company for cleaning and decontamination.

  1. Resident agrees to reimburse landlord for all treatment costs if it is determined that a bed bug infestation began within Resident’s unit.

  2. Resident agrees to indemnify and hold the Owner / Agent harmless for expenses arising from any action, claim, loss, damage and/or expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by Owner / Agent as a result of Resident and / or their guest’s failure to comply with the terms of this Addendum and Lease / Rental Agreement.

  3. Resident agrees that the landlord shall not be liable for any loss of personal property to the Resident, as a result of an infestation of bedbugs. Resident agrees to obtain personal property insurance to cover such losses.

  4. Resident agrees that a failure to comply with the terms of this Addendum shall constitute a material breach of the Lease / Rental Agreement and may subject the Resident to court action, including unlawful detainer / eviction proceedings.


I / We agree to the addition of the provisions identified herein to our WA State Lease / Rental Agreement & Security Deposit Receipt.

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