Crypto Talk Live (Ep.5) - Ron Paul on the cryptocurrency craze, Nathan of, and Chuck of

On this episode of
Crypto Talk Live
Every guest is on STEEMIT. We have on air guest Nathan Biddle aka @biddle who discuss his projects and Boolean means a datatype which has a single binary variable, and having two possible values called “true” and “false.” is a revolutionary news accuracy and news accountability platform that aims to combat Fake News and misinformation.In studio we have @nevereXpected who has written a beginners guide to crypto at @neverXpected is a huge crypto ethusiast that also walks us through a step by step explanation on how to build a gpu mining rig at home. My advice to you is that is you are not already following @biddle or @neverXpected, you should be.
Are you really going to ignore my emails and messages regarding
Order #1262 from Steem.Cards?
EDIT: CODE received
seems my emails went to spam
Didn't get an email, let me check my spam folder. I don't ignore any of my emails, but I sure do get a lot. CHECK YOUR EMAIL - IT'S THERE.
Thank you for responding.
I get anxious when I spend 20+ SBD on something and don't get a eCODE
Order #1262 was purchased Feb 13 7:27PM
Shipping updated email on Feb 14th 1:04PM
No code was in email.
No code received yet.
EDIT: CODE received
seems my emails went to spam
Thank you. I received your email with the code.
Highly rEsteemed!
Upvote ^_^
Great episode. I liked the banter between you and Frank. Yall don’t hold back with your opinions, and I find the honesty refreshing.
There might be a better way to patch in your callers. It was super hard to hear. I had to crank it to max to hear Frank, but your voice was loud and clear.
I agree, We need that audio louder because I can ever hear it after the fact.