New Logo for Crypto Talk Live - Do you like, can you better?
Working on changing up the format and the look and feel of the show. I thought it would be good to start off with this logo and see what you guys think. I am asking here because Steemit is what keeps the show going on. So...
Perfect 🤐
Hey when i shut down @vandalizmrecordz i donated vegas refiel fund to the big Go fund me. Thanks for all your support in the past. More exciting news!! I have invited a facebook friend to steemit n he want to do a Facebook rapper cypher. This will expose steemit to 200k people given the groups he is pulling the artists from. Once his profile n post are ready please support. This is an effort to invite more memebers!

I will I cant wait till he gets the approval
hey check my profile too I'm helping a hard worker get back on his feet in vegas via steemit