CRYPTO STORY or from 0 to 100 million $$
Well guys and girls, so sit back, because it will be quite a story. I'm no writer or blogger, so I'll express myself and write the way my mouth grew and say things without embellishments the way they met me in life, the good and cheerful and the bad and sad. When I think about it like that, I don't think I've written anything longer than one A4 in an email lately. If it seems to you that the story seems a bit chaotic, or if different events and thoughts intersect, then you will probably be right. I told myself that I would never make the cursor back once, meaning that I wouldn't delete anything, because there was simply no time for that. Well, I'm in the first paragraph and so far I'm doing well, so we'll see if it lasts me until the end. Since I have an idea that I will translate the story into English so that everyone can read it, I have no idea how it will sound like, because an Englishman I´m just as good as a crypto trader. So now to the point of matter, you're probably wondering what's going on. Because I like to read and follow the stories of successful people, and as a young man I also said to myself that I would like to make some money, because as we all know, when a person has a good punch of money in his pocket, life is a little more fun and varied. I also didn't want to stress whether I would pay a rent or whether I would have to decide in the store whether to buy cheaper or more expensive salami, as I had seen with my parents as a little boy. But most of all, I wanted to devote myself to something generally beneficial in life, but it's done better when it's earned, yes. In other words, as they say in my favorite movie „czech made man“, I had saliva for those whores rustling $$. I will probably return to the announcements from this movie, I recommend watching, the main idea from the outsider is rich, probably that´s why I enjoyed it so much, but also because there are many ways how to earn money and it is necessary to try it! Well, you see, I'm already turning, so back, this is a story written by life itself, my path to money. If you're not interested in how to make money, don't even read it, because I understand that there are more important things in life etc, and it could seem a little shallow to you. And because in all the stories I read, whether in Forbes or anywhere else, I miss the details of why something was done one way or another, why the decision was such or poppy and what shaped the person in each stage of his life on the road to the desired success. And also that there are few "complete" stories, so I decided to write my own and say to myself that there are more people like me and they simply enjoy reading such stories and maybe they find themselves or get an idea in the whole story. Success in this story, I will consider earning a bundle of money, so do not expect sports, singing and similar performances. I also mention right at the beginning that if you only want to make money and don't think about anything else, you will probably succeed, it just depends on how many times you break your handle and how many times you have the strength to get up, who all leaves you during the process and you will probably find out in the end, that you are actually satisfied with something else, unless you are lucky enough to do what you enjoy and fulfill and the money came with it. There are such a people, I wish them so much and I envy them in a good way, that's probably the best thing that can happen to you in the field of work. But you don't care about this bullshit now, because saying something like that to someone who has no money is like throwing peas at a wall, I know that. So let's get to it, I'll have to start from an early age and also write a few lines about myself so that it maybe makes sense. Or I can tell you straight away what worked in the end and save many hours of writing and writing. But it wouldn't be so much fun, and especially I couldn't pretend to be doing something. I think this will also be an interesting experience, looking like a digital nomad today, being free and traveling - I don't do that, don't worry, It´s covid and even if it wasn't, I'd still be sitting in the office just like now. In other words, have a great work life balance. I really don't know what all those people (nomads) mean, those who do nothing by their physical presence do. Maybe they just send tasks through teams or program or do marketing, I really don't know, but I have to ask more of them, that's my problem in my opinion, I ask a little, it's probably because I'm an introvert and I'm only interested in a few specific industries . Or maybe they're just doing trading with Bitcoin ₿, which, as I found out, can also feed quite well, but I'm ahead of it and it belongs to another chapter. But don't worry, I didn't really earn the 100 million by trading, but according to the title of the story, it probably played a role in that crypto, didn't it? So let's make sure we don't prolong it further. I will be happy if you comment on each chapter and possibly write what you would be interested in, what worked for you or what your journey was like and who knows, maybe in the end we will come up with something together. I will always dedicate a paragraph in the following chapter to your reactions, so that we have it somewhere clearly or directly next to your comments under the post or I post it and we discuss it separetely. Do I have to continue at all? Will you be interested in this journey/story? Thanks for any feedback. Btw call me ROI.