
in #cryptolitic2 years ago

1 Bitcoin = 100 000 000 $SAT

Lets work out if we divide all the Satoshi out amoung the world population equally, how much would each person get?

Share all the Satoshi's with people

21 Million Bitcoin add 8 zeros on the end to get $SAT 2100000000000000 $SAT

7.934 Billion people

2100000000000000 $SAT / 7 934 230 939 p

= 264 675.93597 $SAT / pp

21000000 $BTC / 7 934 230 939 p

= 0.00264675935 $BTC / pp

What is the current $ value of that?



So if we lived in a completely fair world of equality there are enough Satoshi's to give every single person 264675 of them each.

This is impossible because Satoshi are lost and some can't share, just the thought to creates more relativity and perspective for those getting more into CRYPTO Relativity?

We can call this Global Satoshi relativity or Crypto Relativity?

src: https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/

#cryptolitic @cryptolitic

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