RE: Killing Bitcoin With A Million Sob Stories
I think there WAS an attempt made to crash crypto. The powers behind the drive soon realized they could not crash crypto without crashing themselves. Other markets responded in kind. There was also an attempt to lower the price so the late-comers could buy in. When the price of crypto fell, many sold stocks to buy into crypto. A lot more of the old guard now have interest in the success of crypto. The resistance isn't what it used to be and the banks would be wise to hedge their bets, so to speak. But I cannot claim expertise in this matter. Just a women following strings of action.
To sob stories. There is no argument made against crypto that could not be as readily laid against the stock-market, not a one. You want to talk about sob stories. Stock markets sob stories out-weigh every tragedy tome ever written. Yet, no one is suggesting we dismantle stock markets. The nonsense got up in these markets has crashed world economies more than once, as has the recent nonsense within the banking industry, yet we keep banking. ( I use nonsense highly euphemistically.)
I like your work here and think it is very insightful and the parallels you draw are accurate.
I still maintain currencies like steem are more valuable in the longterm because there is not just technology, but an economy backing it up. The need to maintain an investment in SP offers security and stability that other cryptos might not have. The only aspect holding us back is that we must go through other crypto.