IOTA on helping refugees

in #cryptocurreny7 years ago (edited)

"Only 40% of the world have reliable internet access today, and among those who DO have reliable internet access, a number of them only have partial internet access because they live in places where internet access is censured in some way, or otherwise blocked".
-Dr. Julie Maupin

In a talk by IOTA foundation's Dr. Julie Maupin, she talks about the new project called Refunite. You will find links to Refunite and the presentation by Dr. Maupin, at the end of this post.

Dr. Maupin describes a crisis scenario where a man from Sudan was refugee, and had been separated from his family. In a situation where families who are running from oppression or war, get split up, the current refugee handling system is inefficient since many refugees have left their homes in a hurry, and haven't brought passports or identification. The different Red cross may not even share the same refugee database.

Refunite has build a system which uses opportunistic mesh network (see link at bottom for description) using cellphones and Bluetooth (among other ways of communication). Their technology allows for tiny packets of data to be sent from one persons phone to the next persons phone when they are in range with Bluetooth activated. This happens opportunistically, meaning whenever the device has a chance of sending the packets of data. This could be a message intended to reach your family, letting them know you are alive, and which refugee camp you are in.

This encrypted message will be replicated over and over in an opportunistic manner, so if someone who has your message on their phone when they leave to go to another refugee camp, will spread your message further, in that camp. Then hopefully it reaches your family who will be able to read the message, and know that you are save and where you are.

This technology will be available in times when you are not constantly connected, or have internet access, or have electricity. I just want to point out the obvious fact that most of what you have read above is from the presentation by Dr. Maupin. The WOW-factor of me learning about Refunite and the amazing possibilities of this technology, is the reason I am relaying this information to you.

This technology however, will have massive application in our developed and consuming society.
Mark my words, in a not so distant future, this technology will also affect everyone on earth in another way.
When you, and your Smartphone walk in range of a McDonald's on your way home from a night out drinking, you will connect to the McDonald's own Bluetooth/WiFi hotspot.

They will now be able to store data about your habits with a secure cryptographic encryption signed by a Smart contract which limits their power of your personal information, only using the information to better serve you. They will know which burger you desire the most, if you go for fries or onion rings, or both, as I do.

They will be able to measure your current urge to shove a burger in your face, by determining if you are entering the establishment immediately, or if you stop and think about health or garlic dip first, or in their worst nightmare, if you decide to skip the 10,000 calorie meal and go home to your can of Tuna.

The moment when you decide to be healthy and start walking away, McDonald's Bluetooth/WiFi hotspot will sense you going out of range, and then they will send you a coupon on your standard order. People all over the world, who just made a healthy decision will now hear the McDonald's-devil on their shoulder whispering deals too good to pass up.
This will bring upon my destruction, the temptation will be too great for me to handle.
I will take to the woods, collecting nuts and berries.

Here is also an interview with Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum, with Julie Maupin as the interviewer

Dr. Julie Maupin, IOTA Foundation | Going the Last Mile

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