Review : Access Network (ACX)
Access Network (ACX) is a project built on blockchain technology aimed at helping the people's economy with an incentive system that can improve their own economy.ACX is a token economy built for the under-banked.So they may save and transact,and then vote for the development of further tools and applications with other network participants around the world.
Currently any person with a smartphone in Africa can download the Atlas app and make money as a banker to their community on the moment ACX Network goes live, hundreds of Atlas Agents and thousands of Atlas Clients will instantly switch from digital fiat into ACX tokens, which will effectively turn all agents into ACX exchanges.
Atlas is P2P platform in west africa with 17.000 user.And Atlas was founded with the vision of open and shared economies, and believes in a world in which everyone may co-own everything and co-create anything. Atlas believes that Together, we can achieve true financial and wealth inclusion.
ACX Network is brought to you by the team behind Atlas, the successful branch-less community banking platform for the under banked.
Learn more about ACX network :
Also ACX network have spesial airdrop program for their user,you can join and participate in here
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