Update: Borzalom and CCRevolution Discuss Patent Progress

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Recording Date: February 12th, 2018

Recording Length: 00:09:51

Details of Transcript: CCRevolution & Borzalom Discuss Patent Status

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Please scroll to the bottom of this post for a Q & A we thought was needed to clarify a few of the points that were brought up with CCRevolution and Borzalom during their conversation.

Hello everybody! This is CCRevolution, I’m actually driving along here with Borzalom. We have been with the lawyers during this trip and we’re actually on our way to another meeting. We haven’t made any recordings for a long time. Borzalom and I are just having a conversation as we drive here, lots of great things are coming up and a lot of discussions and I got the idea to press record and just send out an update so everybody knows where we are and what’s happening. We had a meeting on Friday with the lawyer and he was again very impressed.

At first he was trying to understand things more clearly, asking a lot of very good questions and then coming to the point of gaining a better understanding of what needs to be patented and the technical aspect of it. And it is a very complex thing that Borzalom is building here.

The lawyers are a technical team. As I said they are trying to understand things but they have the basis of understanding of crypto, of technology, of networking, you know we really gotta be patient. This is a really special time for this company and a very special time for this technology, and it needs to be done properly. So we’re not rushing this, this is what I had said with my last update. This needs to be done right - and that’s what we’re intending to do so that we lock down this technology and make sure its protected for the XTRABYTES community, for XTRABYTES, and long into the future for the projects that we’ll be able to develop. I’m going to just open the mic up here for Borzalom so he can say a few words.

Hello everybody! [laughter] This is difficult to me - I prefer text, you know this!

He said it’s difficult for him to express himself. Maybe I can draw some questions out of him [Borzalom]. Let me see here… Did you like the lawyer?

The lawyer is a very good technical (person). He absolutely, immediately understood the technology. I spoke about this before. I see who understands the technology and who does not. If we’re talking (for) maybe five seconds and I see this question, (that) is good - this lawyer’s questions (are) always good. Immediately, he understands the technology. Every question is pointing to the next question and the next question, so he is very good (and) understands that the patent will (need to) be proper. It needs working and many many work until we’ll be done.

What he’s saying is that with in his conversations with people in general he can always see whether or not this person understands technology - he can see this very quick. Where as this lawyer he was asking the right questions all the time, and so he knew very soon, very quickly that the lawyer is understanding what’s happening, and that’s obviously very good for us.

We make new drawings every time the information gets more complex and (change) graphics (for it) to be better understood. Dave and I wrote the text and showed to lawyer and lawyer read and tried to understand. The new questions we are adding to a new text and this new text will be changed until it is very well understandable.

What he’s saying is we’re going to continue to narrow things down to the point where we have a strong technical patent that is easily understandable by everybody. And that is the job between the two of us of course and the lawyers.

This is important, this is a very very deep technical process. At this moment the patent needs (to be) easily understandable so (we) need to add more graphics and easier text - as this is deeper and deeper tech. [indiscernible]. Nobody understands the deeper level, some understand the higher levels, like...this is a networking layer, this is a node... (that is) for most people.

He’s discussing basically the different layers, the different levels of the technology. Some of it is extremely complex and, you know, the surface stuff - which is what the user will be able to use - is simple.

Maybe everyone will be able to better understand what is (involved with this) big work. We need (to find) similar patents … [indiscernible] What is comparable? What is the difference between this system and other patented systems? There is (much) work (to be performed to show) all the differences between similar patents. This needs (to be shown) to lawyer to clarify how XTRABYTES will be. But of course everything (appears) similar like another.

Other similar patents would be relating to peer-to-peer stuff that’s out there - there’s some similarities there. But he’s taking it to a whole new level. We have to make sure we’re not too closely related to anything and if we are we need to describe very carefully the differences in what we’re bringing to the table here for the patent office.

As we talked some minutes ago, the lawyer is a technical (person). The lawyer understands how bitcoin transactions and bitcoin blocks work. He asked “What is the difference between bitcoin transaction and what’s with XTRABYTES transactions?” And I showed (him) the difference and why (XTRABYTES) is faster than Bitcoin transactions. And so the lawyer (now) understands this and can write the technical text better.

And another which was very good for us. We had to bring him the basics, the outline and the technical descriptions and so he showed us three different patents. One of them was Ripple’s and the two others were from networking. He said “It’s my job to bring what you guys have to this level”. So he’s looking for the technical description, how does it work, what’s the internal workings, some general drawings that we’re creating now. They’re going to be taking that and turning it into a professional level patent that is going to be stamped for the future, permanent, this is what we created. That’s what is happening with these lawyers here.

If I leak a small information about the networking layer it will be different. Bitcoin uses a point-to-point system but we changed up this and use an advanced point-to-point system. But the details are secret at this time. But we showed the lawyer and the lawyer understood why we needed another connection layer, a networking layer, and why (we needed) a back door with this connection layer in a simple point-to-point system. But at this moment all is a secret, so (it’s) impossible to share more details.

This is the thing, you guys really have really no idea. As i’ve been saying for the last two months since we decided we were going to do this that you’re going to be extremely happy when you see what is being patented. As Borzalom said he just leaked a little bit about part of what’s coming. But I can assure you that is a very small part of the bigger picture of what is going to get patented.

Everybody is thinking this is just a patent, But it is not JUST a patent. This is very different from an average patent, (it is) more difficult and (there will be) more patent connections to make. It is difficult, it’s not just a patent...[indiscernible] it will need more work and more time until it is finished [indiscernible] as a final version.

Borzalom there was describing the main patent because we’re actually going to be doing more than one patent. And so, we’re going to have the main patent which is going to have some special things that happen inside our technology that the lawyer has recognized as patentable as well.

We start another meeting with (the) lawyer and tomorrow we’ll continue this work. I think we need more time to write down these infographics, (it’s) impossible to show the lawyer without so we (are) working and we must continue working. I think this conversation continues while I work in the background.

He’s telling me it’s time to work. [laughter] He wants to start drawing more.

Dave needs to start driving more if not he’ll kill me [laughs]

This is important! Alright, so this is CCrevolution and Borzalom signing off, we’ll talk to you all later, have a great day!


Transcript Q&A

Multiple patents are mentioned, how many are there in total?

At this moment the amount of individual patents being filed have not been confirmed by CCRevolution or Borzalom. We will update the community once we have a clear answer.

Does this mean it will take longer than expected?

At this moment there is no confirmation on the expected date for a Patent Pending status. Once we have word of a more concrete ballpark figure we will share it with the community.

Will the drawings mentioned throughout the conversation be included in the patents?

Correct, the drawings & illustrations that Borzalom and CCRevolution mention in their discussion pertains directly to those they seek to implement in the patents.

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