Crypico - The Coming Freelance Revolution
By far, one of the more popular niches of the blockchain industry is the incorporation of freelancing services onto the blockchain. This is only natural, as part of what makes cryptocurrency so appealing is this idea of direct peer-to-peer payments. By cutting out the middle-men, we don't have to deal with banks, payroll, or any of the trust and faith-based systems upon which the old financial world rely. One just needs to trust your own security measures, and your ability to handle disputes. However, while the act of transacting with crypto has become easier and easier with the adoption of mobile wallets and the like, it's still difficult to find work as an independent worker - also known as a freelancer - without making some connections.
And there are several forums for this. Reddit has several sections dedicated to listing and hiring for jobs which pay in cryptocurrency. However, much is to be desired. One of the newer additions to this space is a web-platform called Crypico. Crypico is a simple jobs-posting board which pays in cryptocurrency. However, the layout is quite novel. Where websites like Reddit have both job offers and requests in one linear stream, Crypico uses a blog-style platform, with many of the modules and sections reminding one of something constructed in WordPress. WordPress, if you're not aware, have many crypto payment-based plugins available. But that aside, it allows them to organize the platform in an organic way.
The result of this modularity is such that not only are there job boards, but other features as well. When you first land on the front page, you're greeted with two options - you can either search services by keyword or categories, or you can simply browse by clicking one of the more popular kinds of services, such as web development, music, and design. There's even a "featured" section where posters can pay to sponsor their ad and have it in a more limited pool of jobs, making it more visible when people visit the front page. This feature is powered both by "CoinPayments" and "Stripe" - two of the more popular digital payment solutions.
Nearly everything on the site is easily accessible from the front page. So, after looking at the various ways to easily search the platform for jobs, one can next navigate to the top of the page. Here, there are several categories. You'll see the familiar sections of job posts and requests, called "Gigs" here. Uniquely though, you'll also see a list of current workers. This is important because - what if there's no current or active services up for offer? Well, here people can list their skills and what kinds of services they typically offer. That way, you can still find someone who might have the skills necessary to fulfill your needs. All you have to do is reach out.
Finally, there is a search feature. Each gig posting requires a few keywords. That way, when using this feature, the most relevant gig postings appear. So even if it's not at the top of the other sections, one can yet again find something specific and tailored to your needs. There's nothing more annoying than searching for a web developer, only to find that they aren't proficient in the one language you need. This saves everyone time, energy, and most importantly - money. This is after all what this is all about - connecting employers to skilled workers all without the need for a trust-based third party. Crypico offers the platform to find them, but it does not take a cut from the transaction?
Well, as it says in their FAQs, their business model collects revenue through advertising and the use of featured listings. The platform is a lite and nimble interface for finding and posting work. This keeps their operating costs down and allows them to focus on maintaining the platform and community.
While there is an integrated wallet used for payments, it is currently free of fees or charges. Even miner fees. There are several main cryptocurrencies available. However, just like any online wallet, it's only wise to keep enough in your wallet for you to actively use. Security is always important. One never knows what could happen. There's not currently an escrow platform, as it is still in development. However, they offer arbitrage through a third party called BitRated.
But wait you say - Aren't you forgetting something? You're right! Crypico also has a section solely dedicated to airdrops and bounty programs. Say what! Yes, there's a whole section - accessible from the top - where project leads can post airdrops as well as ways you can participate in bounties. Bounties, if you don't know, are ways you can earn coins by participating in various tasks. These can be as simple as sharing a social media post to writing a full-fledged article.
Overall, Crypico offers a full-fledged platform for finding and posting work. However, since they are fairly new, the amount of posts are reflective of that. The only way to fix that is to sign up yourself and to get started in the community. Not ready to take the plunge? They have an active on-site community chat as well as a Telegram group. Both of which are growing daily as the developers continue their outreach. Signup is free, and it sure beats mindless scrolling through Reddit subforums or listings on LocalBitcoin. In essence, they streamline the process and make it where it's easy to sign up and play.
“Crypico puts the power to earn cryptocurrency in the hands of all people, regardless of background or skill set.” -Ty Smith
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This has been an unbiased, sponsored review. All views expressed are my own.
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