Cryptocurrency blood bath... My thoughts

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello all... Just wanted to post my thoughts on all that is going on in the crypto world.

So about 4 weeks ago I blogged on how I just didn't like what I was seeing with Ethereum. I had the majority of my position into Ethereum & pulled it. While I pulled it, I just flat out pulled all my shares on everything. Turned out to be a great move. Today Ethereum is tanking @ $137usd on Gdax at the moment. Time I pulled funds Ethereum was @ $388.

Anyway I really feel like this whole correction thing was needed & is a very good thing. It will shake out these wanna be day traders & stop Gdax from crashing (hopefully).

I really feel the like the market cap is gonna goto as low as $47 billion in the (July 29th to Aug 4th range). I plan on buying back in around the low 50 billion dollar range. I feel bad for all those college kids that put their student loan money into this when the cap was 100+ billion.

I really believe in EOS & I bought a nice chuck @ $2.21 pre-mature & that is turning out to be a mistake. I plan on buying some today in the low $1 range to help out my avg. You live in learn, but excited for the 1st of the month. What a shit storm this month has been. Have faith in tech! Free up cash & buy in when others are afraid & you'll never regret it!

Good luck everyone!
I'll be picking up some Steem, EOS, Stratis, Antshares, & Litecoin today =)



Nice post. I think the long-term trend will be upward.

😔😔 I'm poor to invest so using steemit to make some money

Gotta start somewhere. If I was from a 3rd wold country i'd be on steem trying to make money as well. I respect the hustle, always.

Possibly more still to come, depending on how bitcoin issues are resolved. I meant to liquidate more of my positions a week ago but never got around to it. Cursing myself now but never mind. I've held through far worse drops (percentage wise) than this and I still believe, so let's hope things are resolved quickly in august

Agreed... I just don't like how they're leaving a lot of people in the dark & nervous. Making a ton of market money leave that doesn't need to, but everything is by design in my opinion, so they're letting it go like this for a reason. I'm guessing to flush out the weak guys with their lunch money tied up in this thing.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 62261.48
ETH 2423.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66