What is Token Curated Market ?? New market using blockchain is coming
What’s the new curation token market that Blockchain’s made?

When we make a page on Reddit, we just need the page’s name and a description. In the Reddit page, there’s the content producers and the content consumers. Thus creating two categories.
However, another category is found in the curation market that uses Blockchain, the token holders. In total there are three categories; content producers, content consumers, and token holders.
Why are the token holders important? The token holders are the government. Thus, each individual becomes Reddit. Token holders are eligible to participate in politics. If you ask why use Blockchain when there’s already a reddit in the market, in the token curation market, the revenue is given to the content producers rather than the government. This is decentralization. It’s similar to a Steemit's reader paying the author for his contents.
What platform are we using at the moment?

Youtubers don’t make money through the contents that they produce, because the consumers don’t pay anything. Currently, youtubers earn money from the advertisements that are attached onto popular videos. Google takes a percentage of the money earned from advertisements. Google’s job is to encourage the youtubers to produce more quality contents. And distribute that profit to video maker.
The content producers in Steemit earn money directly from their own contents. If an advertisement comes out of it, all earnings are the content producers’. The Steem holders earn profits when the steem price goes up, by becoming a content producer, or by receiving an interest.
Naver resale cafe: Naver is kind of Google in South Korea and cafe is like facebook page
On the Naver Resale Cafe, a lot of products are sold and advertisements are seen. The cafe moderators and content producers earn profits through advertisements.Naver itself can't earn money it just earn more traffic which triggers people use Naver more
Token curation market
The platform made through token curation market has tokens as the base and has content producers make contents and content consumers enjoy contents. Advertisements are contributed and one can also earn service fees just like Airbnb. So how are the profits distributed? The token holders make an incentive system make creator satisfied. That is totally depend on how Token holder think.

Youtube is a platform with videos as the base. Token curation market is similar to Google, because, above Google, there’re Youtube, Gmail, etc. The difference is that if i wanted to contribute to the progress and direction of the platform, I just need to buy tokens and contribute to the platform. Similar to stocks; however, there’s no need to hold a large number of stocks to participate. Even small amounts of tokens can be used through Blockchain to speak and participate.
When a new platform is made, the decision-making process isn’t held by the government but rather by all the token holders. For example, when a Naver cafe is proposed, the token holders decided whether to make the cafe or not. Once the platform is made, everything that happens inside that cafe is decided by the token holders that contributed to the platform. The incentives and profit distribution are also decided by the token holders.
From my experience, the token holders of Steemit usually become the content producer. The more steem power one have, the more possibility of advertising one’s content. In the end, the problem relies on money, but I don’t see it as a negative influence. I even agree with the whales voting on themselves. Why would someone invest in something that one has to give away?
When some of the whales suggested to get rid of boosting poles such as @minnowbooster, I was against it. The logic is that posts with no value are being boosted in order to earn money. There’re arguments about a post having to have value and the value should determine the incentives. There’re even arguments that Steemit’s value is tanking due to some people’s decisions. In the end, the other posts don’t have as much value as a whale’s post, because it’s denying the possibility of a valuable post being advertised. I just didn’t support the duplicity.
I believe that a Steemit post’s value are decided by the power behind it rather than the contents. If this is so, the process of whales earning more incentives is absolute. The token curation market is different. Just because one has a lot of tokens doesn’t mean one can have a big impact on the platform. Even if a big token holder disappears, the profits I take remains. If a token holder abuses one’s power and makes others sell their tokens, the value of the tokens will tank: not something the token holders would want.
usage of token in token curation market and the others
In the token curation market, the token holders can’t make profits by their own token. They aren’t mining and maintaining blockchain and they can’t self-vote like Steemit. In other words, one can’t make money just because one has a lot of tokens. Simply put, if one invests into these tokens, one makes money from the rise in value and loses money when it falls.
Then what’s the use of tokens?
It’s to participate in politics. No other reason.
What do the token holders have to do?
They have to moderate the platform and encourage content producers to keep producing valuable contents.
What about the profits?

The value of tokens rises.
Although there is an alternative, this is the token holders’ discretion. The token holders could make a system or rule inside the platform. For example, 0.0001% of the price of all transactions sold through a Resale market platform has to be distributed to the token holders could be a rule.
If we look at the PoS system like Qtum, every time a Quantum DApp is used. DApp users are given to the Qtum holders as an incentive for their work. The token holders aren’t mining anything so they don’t need incentives for their work. If so, 0.0001% could be in incentive for operation work. If they were to slack off, the users would transition to a different place.
How can we make righteous government using toekn and blockchain
Answer is TCR
TCR stands for Token curated registries
So what is TCR?
Token-curated registries are decentrally-curated lists with intrinsic economic incentives for token holders to curate the list’s contents judiciously.
TCR is the way to make a right and proper curation market based on blockchain and token. It just sounds quite difficult but actually, it is the way to prohibit and decline some malicious district or some page based on Token which makes token value go down
So what happens when someone makes some teen porn page on Facebook or Reddit?? The page can make Facebook or Reddit's value go down. Definitely, the user will report that site and moderator will shut down that page. TCR is the way giving individual the power of moderatore without government. Using voting process on the blockchain
Let's compare with Steemit

On steemit we can regulate devilish act against steemit using flag a.k.a downvote. On the other hand, if someone writes a good post which can boost steemit value up and make steemit famous? The people who have a lot of power will give him or her a reward as a vote. which will stimulate people to create a good post. This is the way to correct the value of post inside steemit using downvote and upvote.
This kind concept called TCR in Token curation market
TCR, How it works?

Someone who wants to make a district will list their idea and the ultimate goal of there district on the community. Importantly they also need to stake their own token when they make a proposal. Surely listee will get that token back when there are no any problems.
So what will be the problems? If someone who applies a district called ' the best way to act the terror' that district will be definitly blocked by the token holders. Since it will negatively affect to token price. So the token holders can easily block or reject that district staking more token than listee's and listee's backer's deposit.
However, there can be another situation. Like, even though that district has a really good incentive system for users and a good idea, deposit hunters can take listee's deposit using the power of the money. Don't worry though! If they trying to take their advantage rather than make a pie bigger? The others will bet against them and take their money and cure viruses.
So Token hunters won't oppose good proposal since they can be ripped. But if a district is an unhealthy and low quality? Definitely, hunters will find and take that district's proposal down to take a deposit.
Eventually, the districts have goodwill and healthy incentive system will be created on that token platform again and again and again and conduce token price goes up.
Token curation market is the platform like a Reddit. However, Reddit governs by users. Which means the users can buy Reddit token and make themselves get involve that page. Yeah if we use blockchain everyone has an opportunity to govern the district and propose their idea.
The role

Consumers will find a good contents and enjoy that.
Creators will provide decent contents and make brilliant district like UBER for the consumers to earn money.
Token holdrs must filter the districts out that can cause token price go down and encourage the creator and distribute incentives for them to make more interesting contents.
How the token price goes up?

More districts come out based on this token, More the demand of this token will surge like a rocket. What if next UBER or Airbnb come out using this Token? People will crazy to buy this token for manage this district. But we must know that this token is not like Steem. On Steemit who has tones of steem power means everything. We can get a $100 reward with a single photo if we holding a lot of steem power. But token curation market is not. Which means even though you have tones of tokens, You can't make a money that much. The money will flow into someone who really joins to that district. The only way you can earn money is to dedicate that district or make the token price goes up. So most important things for the token holders is maker a rational decision for curators to make the create great contents and drag a lot of traffic.
Blockchain will free us. like the way Give the money who really own and deserve. 5 years ago I read a book was written by Jeremy Rifkin called "Zero margins". It talked about a share economic will take us to society of prosperity from society of scarcity.It was really impressive and interesting what he said and eventually it changed like that. but now world is changing more faster than he thought.
La'Zooz is the company like UBER using blockchain and Slockit is like an Airbnb using blockchain.Why we need those company? Those platforms actually don't have a middleman. Yeah. It means no service fee lol.
UBER made a great success changing 1 little concept. "Car for private to Car for share". They saying like we sharing everything but they own everything to share everything, Paradox. The world based on trust collapsing super fast. And the world No need to trust is coming. We made a middleman and paid them money because we can't trust each other. Now? we can have that money for us since we don't need to try to trust. We can trust 100% with blockchain!!!

More specific and accurate informtaion about TCR
Coins mentioned in post:
My vote's = 4.70 $- lovely for you @whynotdoit ))
good post
Yup, good content is what is going to make this platform great, i'm so sick of hearing ppl ask for upvotes on posts with only 1 picture and a few lines of text, i prefer to take 3 days writing a good post that i feel acomplished and that i actually gave something to the community!
First i hear about this TCR need to do my own research on that subject... thanks for the post keep up with the good work
Appreciated for your kind comment:0 !!
I also feel tired someone who replied without reading my post and just spam like "vote me or follow me"
But it is one of the consequences that steemit users can print money for another. But they miss one thing!! I always check someone's post and vote really care my post lol
Anyway coin or token using TCR and DAO will grow super fast in this year I guess. those are new revolution !! and finally free us
This is a good thing but also a bad thing... it frees us, but the old system won't like that, and it will fight against this new systems, let's just hope that the new system, which we users defend can win against it
I am Young but I know who give up to change can’t be there for long :))
I'm also young and you are right!
Love that image, first time seeing it BTW
When you want to Flag them but see their Steem power]

INDEED!!!! Be a whale is everything inside steemit

NICE meme my friend lmao
nice post my friend JIN
Thank you, friend. It is really good .
I have a very exiting news for all crypto lovers it's the arrival regarding BitX. It has lot's of potential in the crypto world .The new trend in crypto and also there is a limited airdrop for 15000 applicants . Check my post here; https://steemit.com/altcoin/@steemread/brand-new-bitx-the-future-of-crypto-traders