How to Mine Litecoins and Dogecoins - Is it worth your time to mine for cryptocoins?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Mining Cryptocoins is an arms race that reward early adopters. You've probably heard of the Bitcoin, a decentralized first crypto was launched in early 2009. Similar digital currencies crept into the world market since then, including a spinoff called Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash.

Currently, there are many digital gold encouragement where people can make a small profit by investing a few hundred dollars of equipment, and then spend months going to get digital coins before the return of their investment.

LiteCoin, Dogecoin, and Feathercoin are three cryptocurrencies-based liquid cost advantage scrypt is best for beginners. On the present value of Litecoins, one can get an income of 50 cents per day, 10 Dollar funds by using hardware mining level of skating. Dogecoins and Feathercoin will turn a profit a little less with mining the same hardware but is becoming more popular every day.

采矿 Cryptocoins 是一种奖励早期采纳者的军备竞赛。你可能听说过比特币, 一个分散的第一加密是在2009初推出的。从那时起, 类似的数字货币就悄悄进入了世界市场, 包括一个叫做比特比特币现金的副产品。

目前, 有许多数字黄金的鼓励, 人们可以通过投资几百美元的设备赚取小额利润, 然后花几个月的时间去获取数字硬币之前, 他们的投资回报。

LiteCoin, Dogecoin, ftc 是三 cryptocurrencies-based 液体成本优势 scrypt 是初学者最好的。在目前的价值 Litecoins, 可以获得50美分的收入, 10 美元的资金使用的硬件开采水平的滑冰。Dogecoins 和 ftc 将会在开采同样的硬件时少一点利润, 但每天都变得越来越受欢迎。

Is It Worth It to Mine Cryptocoins?

As a hobby, Yeah, kriptocoin mining can produce for small-maybe one or two dollars per day. In particular, Litecoins, Dogecoins, and Feathercoin are very easy to access by ordinary people to me, and someone can cover the cost of hardware for $1000 in about 18-24 months.

As for the second, no, the mining kriptocoin is not a reliable way to generate alot of money for most people. The advantages of mining cryptocoins only becomes important when one is willing to invest $3,000-$5000 for the cost of the hardware in advance, at that time you could potentially produce $50 per day or more.

Now, there's a small possibility that the Litecoins, Dogecoins, or Feathercoin will jump in value along with the Bitcoin at some point. Then it happened, perhaps, you could find yourself sitting in the thousands of Dollars cryptocoins. Note: the emphasis here is on ' little chance ', with the meaning ' a little better than winning the Lottery '.

我的 Cryptocoins 值得吗?

作为一个爱好, 是的, kriptocoin 采矿可以生产为小-也许一或两美元每天。特别是, Litecoins、Dogecoins 和 ftc 都很容易被普通人访问, 有人可以在大约18-24 月内支付1000美元的硬件费用。

至于第二个, 不, 采矿 kriptocoin 不是一个可靠的方式来为大多数人产生大量的钱。当一个人愿意提前投资3000美元-5000 美元用于硬件的成本时, 挖掘 cryptocoins 的优势就变得很重要, 届时您可能每天或更多地生产50美元。

现在, 有一个小的可能性, Litecoins, Dogecoins, 或 ftc 将跳跃在价值与比特币在某一时刻。然后它发生了, 也许, 你会发现自己坐在数千美元的 cryptocoins。注意: 这里强调的是 "小机会", 意思是 "比赢彩票好一点"。

How to Cryptocoin mining work

Short tutorial below are written for starting the miners want to save costs in advance to less than a thousand dollars. This tutorial focuses on the coins ' scrypt ' mining, apply Litecoins, Dogecoins, or Feathercoins.

The overall focus of mining was achieved three things:

-Provide bookkeeping services to a network of coins. Mining is basically a computer 24/7 called ' transaction verification '.

-Get paid for Your accounting services by receiving fractional coins every few days.

-Keep Your cost him down, including electricity and hardware.

如何 Cryptocoin 采矿工作

下面的简短教程是为启动矿工们想节省的成本提前到少于1000美元。本教程的重点是硬币 ' scrypt ' 采矿, 应用 Litecoins, Dogecoins, 或 Feathercoins。


-为钱币网络提供簿记服务。采矿基本上是一个计算机24/7 称为 ' 交易验证 '。

-每隔几天就会收到分数币, 以支付您的会计服务费用。

-让你的成本降低, 包括电力和硬件。

Laundry List: You Must Specify Cryptocoins

You need ten things to mine Litekin, Dogecoin, and/or Feathercoin.

-Free private database called coin purse. This is a container that is password protected that stores your income and save the entire record book network.
-Free mining software package consisting of cgminer and strata.
-Membership in the outdoor mining online, which is a community of miners who combine their computers to enhance the profitability and stability of income.
-Membership in the exchange of currencies online, where you can exchange your virtual coins with cash, and vice versa.
-Full time internet connection is a reliable, ideally 2 megabits per second or faster speeds.
-The mounting hardware location in your basement or cool room air conditioned and others.
-A desktop computer or a computer specifically designed for mining. Yes, you can use your current computer to start, but you can not use the computer while the miners are running. Special separate computer is ideal. Tip: do not use laptops, game consoles or hand-held devices to mine. These devices are not effective enough to generate income.
-An ATI graphics processing unit (GPU) or special processing device called a chip ASIC mining. It will cost anywhere from $90 used to $3000 for each new chip GPU or ASIC. GPU or ASIC will become the workhorse in providing accounting services and mining jobs.
-The home fans to blow cool air across the computer Your mining. Mining produces great heat, and cooling hardware is crucial to your success.
-Personal curiosity. You really need a strong appetite for learning to read and constantly, because there are changes in technology and new techniques to optimize the result mining coin. The most successful coin miners spend hours each week studying how best to adjust and improve the performance of the mining of their coins.

洗衣单: 必须指定 Cryptocoins

你需要十件东西来挖掘 Litekin、Dogecoin 和/或 ftc。

-免费采矿软件包, 包括 cgminer 和地层。
-在户外采矿网上的成员, 这是一个矿工社区, 他们结合他们的计算机, 以提高利润和稳定的收入。
-在线交换货币的会员, 在那里你可以用现金交换你的虚拟硬币, 反之亦然。
-全时互联网连接是一个可靠的, 理想的2兆比特每秒或更快的速度。
-台式计算机或专门为挖掘而设计的计算机。是的, 您可以使用当前计算机启动, 但在矿工运行时不能使用计算机。特殊的独立计算机是理想的。提示: 不要使用笔记本电脑、游戏机或 hand-held 设备。这些设备没有足够的效率来产生收入。
-ATI 图形处理单元 (GPU) 或特殊处理设备, 称为芯片 ASIC 挖掘。每个新的芯片 GPU 或 ASIC 将花费90美元用于3000美元的任何地方。GPU 或 ASIC 将成为提供会计服务和挖掘工作的主力。
-家用风扇在电脑上吹冷气, 你的采矿。采矿产生巨大的热量, 冷却硬件对你的成功至关重要。
-个人的好奇心。你真的需要一个强烈的求知欲, 学习阅读和不断, 因为有变化的技术和新的技术, 以优化结果挖掘硬币。最成功的硬币矿工每周花几个小时研究如何最好地调整和改善他们的硬币开采的表现。

Why Not Mine Bitcoin?

If you have already started to mine the Bitcoins in 2009, you can generate thousands of dollars right now. At the same time, there are many ways to lose money too.

Today, the mining operation is reserved only for Bitcoin large-scale. During the last five years, the difficulties of mathematics to find Bitcoins has grown far beyond what can be achieved in individual homes. The costs of investment and maintenance in advance at this time to mine the Bitcoin is no longer feasible for small-scale consumer.

Unless you are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars for the hardware industry and rent an air-conditioned Office to accommodate your hardware, there is no advantage in mining Bitcoin. You better buy a crypto-cost with Your regular money, and menyelipkannya with the hope of increasing its value.

Litekin and Dogecoin are popular digital currencies are still within reach of the user consumer level with budget hobbies, with Feathercoin being a good third option that gets traction.


如果你已经在2009年开始开采比特, 你现在就可以产生几千美元。同时, 也有很多方法来赔钱。

今天, 采矿业务只保留给比特币 large-scale。在过去的五年里, 数学找比特的困难远远超出了个人家庭所能取得的成就。在这个时候, 投资和维修的成本, 在这个时候, 我的比特币不再是可行的 small-scale 消费者。

除非你愿意为硬件行业花费数万美元, 租用一个有空调的办公室来容纳你的硬件, 否则在开采比特币方面就没有优势。你最好用你的普通钱买一个密码, menyelipkannya, 希望增加它的价值。

Litekin 和 Dogecoin 是受欢迎的数字货币仍然在用户消费水平的范围内, 与预算的爱好, ftc 是一个良好的第三个选择, 得到牵引力。

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Follow me @wahyue


What you are saying is completely false. You can buy NOW a L3 asic computer for less than 1500$ at (you have to wait for the next batch) . This computer will produce you around 1300$/month and consume less than 100$ electricity in US and in most Europen countries. This means that its minnig will pay its value in less than 2 months! This is true also for bitcoin, because the best asic computer from the same vendor will pay itself in less than 4 months. Also mining with gpu is extremly profitable, if not how you would explain the world wide shortage in gaming gpu cards? Please stop spreading false information.

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