Daily STEEM and STEEM DOLLAR price 17.06.2018
STEEM $1,67 USD (+0,62%)
0,00025454 BTC (-0,44%)
Market Cap
$436.630.852 USD
66.694 BTC
Volume (24h)
$1.082.010 USD
165,27 BTC
Circulating Supply
262.020.434 STEEM
Total Supply
278.994.528 STEEM
Steem Dollars (SBD)
$1,30 USD (-0,34%)
0,00019900 BTC (-1,39%)
Market Cap
$19.714.913 USD
3.011 BTC
Volume (24h)
$366.396 USD
55,97 BTC
Circulating Supply
15.132.376 SBD
slowly steem is going towards a very attractive price. i am counting on it going down further to around $1 and i can invest big
does vote bank still does subscriber upvotes?