What is Pantos? And where to buy it?
Pantos is a scientific research project which aims to build Token Atomic Swap Technology (TAST) for token transfers, bringing all major blockchain platforms closer together.
Advantage include:
- Cross-chain token TRANSFERS (not just SWAPS)
- Frictionless migration / transfer of the SAME asset from one blockchain to another
- (Near) real-time arbitrage, which means more stability and less volatility
- Research of open source technology as a joint academic effort
- Development of a high quality, open source atomic swap / transfer protocol
- Setting an industry standard with an innovative multi-blockchain token system
- A Blockchain Domination Index to measure PAN distribution among blockchains
So what it really means is be able to transfer a PAN token from e.g. Ethereum to a PAN token on e.g. Lisk by using the TAST protocol. With this system you won’t have to exchange your token anymore, you can simply transfer them from blockchain A to blockchain B.
PAN will be the first token to become independent from currency swings on different blockchains.
For example: If the ETH price should drop for some reason, EVERY asset on the Ethereum blockchain drops with the ETH price in EUR or USD. When the PAN token on Waves, for example, is clearly not affected by the ETH drop, there is an instant arbitrage option.
PAN token should not be affected from the currency drop on a single chain.
Since the ICO has launched, it raised almost 500%+ already.
- Today is 4-Aug-2018For more information, you can see / download their whitepaper on their official website.
How can I buy Pantos?
Pantos is currently on BitPanda only, you can sign up with the link below and trade Pantos and other cryptocurrenies.