Curation With Style: The Best of the Unmentionables Ep. 14 (8/10/17)

Warning: This curation list may cause an insatiable desire to join The Unmentionables and improve your writing - reader beware.

The best of The Unmentionables content (8/10/17) - curated with love.

(Huge thanks to @enchantedspirit for becoming our group curator - be sure to give her a follow and some love!)


Editorial Notes

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Life pauses after a tragedy, even for those who only hear and witness it through the news. That immortal line from Star Wars describes it perfectly. "There is a great disturbance in The Force."

That's exactly what happens. It shatters your concentration. Creativity vanishes -- even if you're miles away, continents away.

The pieces featured here were clearly already in production when madness erupted in the world again. (The DDOS attack against Steemit the other day, also didn't help.) But there has been a marked reduction in the rate of submissions in the aftermath of Las Vegas -- as people try to find their rhythm again. Therefore, this is a short list today, but the work is still top notch.

I may do a longer Arts & Culture list next to make up for the stumble. Somehow, it all will even out. I appreciate your patience.

I'm left tonight with one of my favorite quotes from Robert Frost after a time of upheaval and chaos: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

It does, indeed.


The Curator's Choices

The artist known as Derosnec -- @derosnec -- is back with another installment of her vlog on music production. This segment is on mixing and finishing. It includes two nice little samples of how one version came out ... and how another artist and his magic affected the final result. It's another fascinating look into how real artists work. I'm sure lots of you will recognize yourselves in what she says.


My Songwriting Process: Part 4
Mixing and Finishing



@positivesteem is roaming the earth spreading the good word about Steemit -- to anyone who will listen. This is a different kind of travelogue than we've featured in the last two CPs, but it, too, is great!


My Steemit Fueled Trans-Mongolia Adventure


Speaking of roaming the earth, @mountainwashere is at it again. This time, he's talking about geology.

When I was in college, I had to take at least one semester -- 3 class credits and a lab course -- in a "hard science," which posed a real problem for me. There was no astronomy option ... so that was out. I refused to kill and dissect living creatures just for a grade ... so biology was out. I can't stand horrible smells, so scratch chemistry. Physics has never made one speck of sense to me ... so that left -- geology.

My father told the story for years of my grades for that semester. In the unbroken string of A's in my humanities, literature, psychology and social sciences classes, one grade was not like the others. That was my D+ in geology. I didn't give a rat's ass. I passed the course. And life went on. So, if I'm willing to feature a post on geology, you know it has to be special. Mountain's work always is.

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Stone Is Memory
History in the Rocks



Panda's Picks

I've seen the name @ADSactly for weeks, since shortly after stepping into Steemit, but I had no idea who or what it was except that it was ... well ... kinda famous. I've also been running too hard to stop and investigate ... so the mystery continued. Until now. The One True Panda -- @fatpandadesign -- cornered the creature and nabbed an interview. Step inside and find out what he found.

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Panda Interviews ADSactly
An Influential & Crypto-Loving Gang of Achievers



Visit our past posts!

Curation With Style No. 13
Curation With Style No. 12
Curation With Style No. 11
Curation With Style No. 10


Would you like the chance to see one of your posts featured here? Join our friendly writing-and-curating group The Unmentionables. Find us here: @unmentionable. Join us here -- on Discord. It's quick. It's easy. And you'll be glad you did. Three of the best reasons I can think of off the top of my head!

We hope to meet you soon on our dedicated Discord server -- where our awesome Welcome bot Mr. MeeSeeks will greet you and get you started. Then a real human will hustle along to help you further. At least that's how it's supposed to work. If the room is empty when you arrive, give it a few. Eventually, someone's bound to notice.


The author of this list of curated posts by members of The Unmentionables is @enchantedspirit whose mostly metaphysical writing can be found on her own blog. The opinions here are strictly hers ... but they're also very true! (With occasional prompting and cheerleading from @fatpandadesign. That guy has his fingers in every pie.)





Thanks so much for including my post in today's curation! @enchantedspirit's commentary always make this one of my favourite curation post chains. Looking forward to reading the other great picks too!

She does such an amazing job each post - I've noticed that since she cut the post size down, we've started getting even higher post values too. And it gives us more votes for members daily too! :D

This group is growing so quickly and i'm so proud of the hard work everyone has done. Everyone is rapidly growing (those that are putting in the work, that is).

Yay!! Excited to see what we can build from here...

Thank you for curating my interview with @ADSactly - they're such a woderful group of people and they really want to get to know us/team up with us to grow. I'm getting closer and closer with many high ranking members, so this could be something that could be beneficial for all of us as a group.

And as always @enchantedspirit, amazing job on the curation post. Your posts continue to grow in value and I am so appreciative of your hard work. You're amazing <3

I am. I can't deny it.

Steem is changing the world brother .. It has changed my world literally and I have only been here for 3 weeks it really is a game changer and I am loving it. Cheer$;)


Its a great thing you are doing. I am doing my best writing since I became a steemian(unmentionable) I would love to make your list. Alas though, I am still a newbie. :))

Keep on writing and growing! Our curator @enchantedspirit picks who makes the lists or not - so that's her call - but, if you write something that really catches her eye, you'll make it!

Don't give up <3

Great work as always, @enchantedspirit ! Thanks for picking my post!

You really are a great curator @enchantedspirit!!! I love reading these :)

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