Haejin Portfilio - Day 1


Like i said yesterday, today i will start to track haejin portifolio on a daily basis.

For us to have enough data to start the tracking, i picked up the first day of this week, and did a retroactive input (03/05/2018).

The rules stablished for this tracking is on yesterday post.

Later i will do some backtracking of his predictions.

You can download the excel file where i am entering the data here:

Here is the first week resume:


Added $100,000.00 to the Portfolio for the operations


Buy Recomendations:


Sell Recomendations:

None of the opened positions




Buy Recomendations:


Sell Recomendations:

None of the opened positiions




Buy Recomendations:


Sell Recomendations:

None of the opened positions




Buy Recomendations:


Sell Recomendations:

None of the opened positions




Buy Recomendations:


Sell Recomendations:

None of the opened positions

No target price or date were reached on any of these dates.

Haejin Portifolio Status 03/09/2018

2018-03-10 (1).png

Total Portfolio Value Over Time

2018-03-10 (5).png

Captal Gain/Loss ovet Time

2018-03-10 (4).png

If you think i made any mistake, feel free to comment.

Thank you for you attention


Masssssssive profits sooooooooooon! I can feel it!!

:) :) :) :) :) Glad to see this started xo


You just got my follow. Thanks for doing this. I'm looking forward to the next post.


I am going to follow you to see where this will go. Good thing that those are not real money! :) I also upvoted all of your posts because why not. Best of luck!

I never put real money on anyone else decision. I have to make my own decision after some research and using techniques that i spent some time studying.

It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

@Haejin You do not provide any entertainment. I brought you some.

How are we going to know if he or she's picks outperform the "market"? Without that this is a waste of time.

Define "Market"

It is not a waste of time, because is tracking his predictions of what would happen if money were used to buy the assets.

If you are saying that i should compare with other "technical analysts" you are wrong.

Each analyst have its own performance rate.

No, track it compared to the "market" the way stock picks are compared to the Dow Jones or S&P 500 to see if someone's portfolio actually outperforms some measure of the average of the market without humans picking stocks. Haven't you ever heard someone brag about their stock picks when some unmanaged market index actually outperformed his portfolio? That person made some bad picks but thinks he's done well just because the market as a whole did well.

As far as I know there is no such thing as a crypto index but it wouldn't be hard to come up with one just using the top 50 in market cap and give weights to each according to their market cap. Maybe I should create it and call it the Kirby Hopper 50 LOL!

Thank you for the clarification. Comparing the performance with an index is a good indication, but for that we would need a index percieved by most of the players on the market as reliable.

I Will do some research to see if i can find any good index.

Nice. I'll keep the resteems coming.

Ill be sending over SP shortly

I think it would be interesting to compare the payout with the average coin price, this way we can compare his investment advice with the average crypto movement.

The average movement of each currency is already there on the gain/loss column.

If you buy $1000 or $10 and the price move up 10%, your invested money will also move up 10%

$1000 Will become $1100, and $10 Will become $11.

I meant the average movement of all altcoins.
Meaning: If you would invest randomly would you be better off than investing with Haejins advice.

If all cryptos go up, did the average one move better than his advice?
If all go down, did the average go down stronger?

Lol, I actually planned something similar. As I noticed in 2 samples that analysts are very bad in predicting a sentiment change in the market. In both cases 4 out of 5 analysts did not predict the sentiment change.
So I thought it might be nice to check this more often.

Anyways I think your idea is even better. And if I do a TA on your number of followers, I see a very strong uptrend for the coming weeks 😀

There is good analysts and bad analysts. The only way to make sure is to actually check if what they say actually happens.

Also, good analysts aren't 100% right all the time, but their hits are higher than their misses.

Also, is Always good to make your own tracking and draw your own conclusions.

So basically, what you're saying is, Haejin is garbage and the Haejin dick riders need to realise that they are flogging a dead horse! 😁

I can't say that for sure at this moment, but he definetly have a bad start.

Since he doesn't set an specific entry price, i have to assume that the price of the day of the prediction is the entry price.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.23
JST 0.031
BTC 82060.98
ETH 2058.00
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.82