
Data center or data center is a facility to place computer system, backup information, website server or database, and related components. While cloud computing is a service of information storage technology through an Internet-based network that can be accessed wirelessly via electronic devices.

Prior to the rise of data centre and cloud computing business, both are often regarded as parts of telecommunication companies. However, the latter two units of this business can stand alone because it has a clear operational and cash flow focus.

What is a Dataeum?

Dataeum uses crowdsourcing, the solution allows those who collect and generate data to be rewarded. The data will then be accessible for use in a decentralized market, according to the different needs of each market player: navigation services, BtoB prospects, list updates, telemarketing, statistics, etc.

The Dataeum platform is based on a layer of technology to ensure the efficiency, security, and flexibility of data collection to its availability in the marketplace. This real-time process ensures high system scalability. This ensures wage transparency for collectors (data collectors) and ensures real-time interaction for token holders in the market.

Dataeum already has an Application that makes it the only company that makes it possible to collect 100% of any physical data, anywhere in the world, with 100% accuracy and make it available in a decentralized market. Dataeum aims to restore full control over our data and make data more accurate using blockchain technology, crowdsourcing and smart contracts.

How Dataeum Works

Through this platform, we can collect our data, validate it and publish it in a decentralized marketplace that we can access easily. At the time we collect the data then we will receive payment for each activity in the Dataeum platform, whether it is collection, correction or verification of physical data. This payment is made through the mobile app and uses augmented reality. Smart contract and Blockchain technology will ensure all data collection and payments run transparently.


Utilization of mobile applications, as well as AI and AR will make ease in the process of collecting data automatically and accurately. The role of the community is very meaningful in the process of collecting data that will be distributed through the marketplace. Dataeum community is very helpful when the data collection process, which in that phase, is the most important stage. If the data is not collected, then the marketplace will not have any physical data from Dataeum and of course, the business model will be stalled.

Dateum Token

Dataeum in running the business model is the XDT token which is the official token of the Dataeum platform. This token will be the official currency for the Dataeum platform and can be used to transact within the platform. The advantage of using the XDT Token as a leverage tool is, someone will get a special price and certainly cheaper than others who use other cryptocurrency or fiat currency.


Number of XDT issued = 1 000 000 000 XDT

Number of tokens ICO = 500 000 000 XDT

Price Token / 1 ETH = 12 000 XDT

Hard Cap = 35 000 ETH

Pre Sales = July 2, 2018

Public Sale = August 20, 2018

Dataeum Team


If you are interested to join the token sales greeting you can get additional information via the link below:





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