The VERGE PURGE: How rumors can affect a coin

Recently there has been a lot of talk about how most of the Verge Team has disappeared...

Which is all just one big rumor that has spread enough FUD on the newly popular coin. After the rumor hit reddit, twitter, facebook, etc Verge Plummetted to 800 satoshi; it's 24 hour high at nearly 1800 satoshi.
Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 8.40.56 PM.png

It is now on Bittrex's highest volume list and at about 1200 satoshi. Everything else I say is all speculative but I would throw a little into verge to hold anywhere under 1200 satoshi (which I did already).

This all just proves how one little rumor can affect millions or even billions of dollars. Don't be the one who sold low because of FUD and had to buy back in at a higher rate. If you believe in that currency of course. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Keep Living The Steem Dream!


With the drop I was able to get more XVG for 919sat/.125$

Feel bad for the people for sold low, but then again you shouldn't panic sell. Glad I made the most of the situation and bought at $0.16. All there is to do now is HODL.

This coin is on the Verge of doing something

thank you just had to get that in there.But seriously, it is truly amazing how one fud article appears and the price drops like a ton of bricks. I have a few of these coins and really do believe in it.

I guess this crypto in on the....verge :P

Time to buy NXT and get Ignis airdrop..

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So thats why its dropping!!!!
Not that it changes the fact that its dumping.
neat info!

It has high support around 1100 satoshi I bought some more :)

Also it's back up over 1200 Satoshi HODL

I dont plan on dumping them anytime soon.

SKEPTIC! I've been looking for you, how are you friend?

I see the whales stopped messing with your account

For a little they have, i have been just posting gifs and tryting to keep my mouth shut so i think that helping.
How you been? Good holidays?

I don't see how that rumor is even close to accurate.

Github has constant and recent updates, which can be publicly viewed. Sad to see people spread false information.

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