Some Changes Made Due To Constant Harassment From Trolls

DIY Tube Video Community has made some changes in policy due to some YouTube trolls who follow me around the world harassing myself and anyone who ever gets to know me.

Sadly YouTube opened up its platform to trolls for about two years. That was enough to cause severe damage. And it was enough to cause me to put programs into effect on the DIY Tube Video Community to prevent this harassment. On YT, trolls seemed to have full control for a while there. On DIY Tube, the channel owner will have FULL control of their own content. They can even edit comments. Some will scream "freedom of speech". Well one person's freedom of speech ends when it impinges on another person's rights. So on DIY Tube we allow a channel owner full and complete control.

One major change taking place right now is that we are NOT going to go ahead with our coin sale as planned. At least not in the way that was originally planned. Due to myself being turned into the SEC, FTC, FCC, FBI, IRS and some other agencies, according to claims from fixedbydoc (right here on steemit), one of the worst trolls, we are just going to do away with all that.

Now doc has some tall tales that he tells you in order to turn people around to hate me. Many have joined him. Truth be told, all I ever did was block him on YT many years ago for threatening and harassing people. He told people in fine detail how to kill themselves and threatened people to no end. So I blocked him. End of story from my side. The rest is fantasy and you wont ever find any evidence to the contrary. You will see him on here a lot ranting and raving and telling his tales.

Through the years the trolls have set me up for crimes again and again. I get investigated so often, I know the authorities by name. They come along and ask me how I am doing and ask about the homestead like we are good old friends. But they must come and investigate reports and "suspected" crimes anyway. And they do.

So, like it has always been through the years, I will most likely receive visits from the various agencies. I will come through squeaky clean again as always so I am not afraid. I am just going to meet more people and gain more viewers :)

Back to the changes....

DIY Tube Video Community was planning a major coin sale and fundraiser from May 1 to June 15. But, thanks to the trolls who in this case did a good thing, we are not going forward with it. The reason is that there is just way too much gray area in the law about what is a security and what is not.

And, depending on the country a potential buyer lives in, the laws are different. Our own (US) laws are so unclear that its just better to forget it.

Anyone who wants to buy DIY Tube Coins can still do so anyway on a coin exchange here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And the DIY Tube Team can now concentrate instead on improving our website to better serve you.

DIY Tube Video Community pays you for all activities on the site. Content creators get paid in DIYT Coins for video views and thumbs up. Members who comment get paid DIYT Coins for their comments and thumbs up. And payment is made automatically every 24 hours. If you make a comment today, you will get paid tomorrow. Thats pretty cool.

As a further incentive to bring in people, we are giving away millions of DIY Tube Coins.


The first 1,000 members who upload 10 videos get 1,000 DIYT
The first 1,000 members who get 100 subscribers get 1,000 DIYT
The first 1,000 members who make 10 comments get 10 DIYT

And, if you make a shout out about DIY Tube Video Community on another video platform, we will give you 100 DIYT Coins as a thank you.

So come on over to DIY Tube Video Community and get paid for doing what you enjoy:

Oh, and its a troll free zone over there. So come on in. The water is warm and the people are friendly :)


Now Doc, that old troll is certainly going to rear his ugly head here

He rants and he raves and he spews his hate

His goons follow him around spreading their hate and lies

But that aint gonna happen on DIY Tube Community

YouTube allowed the trolls to overrun the place for a while

DIY Tube is a troll free zone

Again, old doc is just a common troll trying to get attention

Please just ignore the gnarly troll

Thank you

And if you are ever in doubt and start to wonder about things

Please feel free to ask me

I am always open to a discussion and to clear the air

But one thing I want to say

Let each man's actions speak for themselves

You wont find me harassing anyone or fighting a downvote war on their blogs

Nope. Not ever

It aint my style

I just keep on writing and moving forward with my work

Thank you

Anything below this line is the toilet.

Thats water. You dont wanna know whats below it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

why thank you for the words lol... yes it is no secret my disdain for you troggy... but one thing is for certain, everything i say about you is the utmost truth. i only speak of facts when it comes to your fraud, slander, scams, and ebegging etc... you are a leach on society and should be locked away for life. im here to see to it.

FBD Sticker 1.jpg

whats so funny is you are using up your power to keep greying out my comments without realizing it doesnt harm me at all. and i can delete comments and repost them over and over and over at no cost to me. and because i delete before reposting it then it doesnt count as spamming the comment lol. so keep wasting your power troggy cagey man by greying me out. dont you wish you could delete lol ;)

Adventure Business Card.jpg

Explain why you claim now that this never happened...

start at 36:33 and see proof it did happen on your own video unedited...

So, you are saying that the video you made of my masterbating a man with a pool noodle really happened as you show it???

Or, are you now finally admitting to the entire world that your friends DO INDEED edit my videos to make it look worse than it truly is???

Well, thank you for that.

you made the video as it appears in the gif... the part of YOUR video where you hit pedo tj with the pool noodle was taken directly from YOUR video yes. the clip was played back on repeat for everyone to see or do you not understand how a gif works? lol you probably think i am saying gift wrong haha... i assume you know what a gif is and how to use a video clip to make it? the clip is an unedited clip from your video played over and over.

Oh, you grayed this out. Let me post it again:

Then why do you gray out my reply???

Looks to everyone in the entire world that you do not want anyone to see my answers.

Looks to everyone in the entire world that you are guilty because you are hiding my replies.

Then why do you gray out my reply???

Looks to everyone in the entire world that you do not want anyone to see my answers.

Looks to everyone in the entire world that you are guilty because you are hiding my replies.

Your replies are are greyed out cause you never fucking ever answer the question asked cause socially inept childish retard still battling 'bullies' in grade school. Grow up and work for yourself and STOP SCAMMING OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.

why do you grey out mine and show the world you are afraid of what truths i have to say?

Adventure Business Card.jpg

why do you even bother posting on steemit and other sites where no one cares what you have to say and everyone constantly points out your scams and frauds so no one new will ever bother with you?

it only proves either you enjoy the negative attention because you are psycho or you believe there will be a different outcome with every post proving you are insane...

you will never earn money on steemit other than the pennies you give yourself and you will never be left alone and everyone will continue forever pointing out your criminal activity and fraud and scams...

your best and most intelligent move is to leave steemit for good because it is only hurting you badly to be here. your scams and fraud are not wanted here!

Just another day for the little man crawling out of bed at noon.

You and your coin sale going bye, bye.

I found these AWESOME sites you might enjoy. They belong to a true off grid family who go on these exciting cross country adventures.
Here are the links...

FBD Sticker 2.jpg

You should not change the 'blog' subject to 'toilet' cause many examples of you and coin sale being flushed below. Your friend, hb.

DIY Tube Video Community has the SiteLock seal

DIY Tube has been proven to be malware free

DIY Tube uses SSL for security



if your site is virus free then it must be your own malware put into your site to invade and hijack computer resources to cryptomine for your own benefit. right melanie?

DIYTube has diseases!

Just get up from your afternoon nap?

Once again Troy provides screenshots as his "proof". Takes down his malware, gets sitlock verification, then puts that malware back on. Pretty cagey.

Hi Troy I'm back. What cha been up too you cagey man? I had a glitch but I'm back. :) Can we grift you donations in jail? Please keep us updated on witch prison you will be residing in. Tell em bubba sent ya.

just so the facts are straight here is a screen capture of the report case number made to SEC on your scam...

SEC Report.jpg

Here is another one you grayed out:

So, you made a partial screen print of some report.

Oh, you grayed out my comments again. Here let me help you with that:

Typical Doc, he rants and raves about evidence but never shows a bit of it. Never. Not one time ever.

Just hot air.

Ranting and raving "i have proof" "I have proof" but nothing to show for it.

Partial words copied from some partial form somewhere.

Proof of nothing.

So typical of you Ryan

Typical Doc, he rants and raves about evidence but never shows a bit of it. Never. Not one time ever.

Just hot air.

Ranting and raving "i have proof" "I have proof" but nothing to show for it.

Partial words copied from some partial form somewhere.

Proof of nothing.

So typical of you Ryan.

all the proof you want is found at cagey man...

FBD Sticker 3.png

if you understood what you were looking at with that screen shot you would realize that the header is the report filing number and time/date and place it was filed. you really are clueless and need reading comprehension classes don't you??? i think you are certified retarded... now run along and look up the case number to see what its all about retard... you might shit yourself when you realize it is a real report against you with the SEC lol...

Gee, Troy never shows evidence he is honest and not running a scam. Explain your revenue model., post your arctics of incorporation, who are the corporate officers, how many alternate accounts do you post under? Show us something other than screenshots and redacted documents.

Its funny that you keep trying to promote your own site in the toilet. LOL

Here is you and coin sale going bye, bye.

actually,i find it an accurate analogy of a turd that just wont let go of other peoples wallets.

Oh, you grayed out my comments again. Here let me help you with that:

Typical Doc, he rants and raves about evidence but never shows a bit of it. Never. Not one time ever.

Just hot air.

Ranting and raving "i have proof" "I have proof" but nothing to show for it.

Partial words copied from some partial form somewhere.

Proof of nothing.

So typical of you Ryan

Here is another one you grayed out:

So, you made a partial screen print of some report.

So, you made a partial screen print of some report.

Typical Doc, he rants and raves about evidence but never shows a bit of it. Never. Not one time ever.

Just hot air.

Ranting and raving "i have proof" "I have proof" but nothing to show for it.

Partial words copied from some partial form somewhere.

Proof of nothing.

So typical of you Ryan.

are you sure the changes are not being made because you got caught in your little scam and are now scared that the SEC, FBI, IRS, AND FTC are investigating you?

There is no scam and the world will see DIY Tube Video Community survive just fine.

and you cant do anything to stop docs hatred of you reid unless you ask for his forgiveness and he grants it before he dies. doc didnt just dream this shit up about you. YOU YOURSELF did this to him with your jealousy about his success. thou shalt not covet reid. after all. doc lives in a shed and a few lousy acres he and addie are quite happy to live in when you have 16/18 acres to brag about with 2 sheds and 2 homes you could improve. but you dont. doc n addies chickens are doin fine along with 2 dogs n 2 cats . they seem to have peace and harmony there while everything about you is always turmoil and drama. dont be like troy. be like doc.

And all the evidence anyone ever needs is right here on this page.

You will never see me attack or harass anyone anywhere.

Yet Doc and his goons, you guys, harass me all over the world online and offline.

Anyone can see that right here on the blockchain.

Ryans dedication to destroying our lives.

My dedication to simply keep moving forward with my work.

You have 'NO WORK', you LAZY BASTARD cause YOU SCAM OTHERS. You are crooked, scamming, LAZY, worthless piece o shit. If you were honest and hard working then no one would be after you, thief, dumbass, moron. What part of STOP THE FUCKING SCAMMING don't you understand?

You are not worth wasting my time on.

There is no scam. There was no scam

WE pay for everything

We allow members to upload videos for free


So your accusations dont make sense.

Troy attacks behind proxies and sock puppet accounts. Sending PM to his followers and harassing people to "prove" that what Troy says is true. Troy has routinely attached people, t hen he deletes his comments after they have been viewed but before he can be hell accountable for them. Troy will post attack videos then replace then with sanitized versions to confuse views. He is well practiced in the art of scamming and lying. It's the only thing that Troy knows. Troy's alt-coin scam was his attempt to move from conning shut-ins out of gift cards and craft supplies to stealing some real money. Notice when he got cold feet because he realized he might get investigated, Troy went right back to this wheelhouse, ebegging for donations.

There is no scam. There was no scam

WE pay for everything

We allow members to upload videos for free


So your accusations dont make sense.

Repeating your lies do not make them true. Otherwise your mother telling you that you are not a loser would have you working a real job. Your scam is getting people to GIVE you control of their work by posting it on your scam site so YOU can sell advertising and keep the money. You are also trying to scam people by selling them a fictitious concurrency that has no value other than what you claim it is. If it's not a scam, where are the legal documents required to conduct such operations?

all the evidence you ask us for can be found at

YES - Evidence of a mess of people hell bent on destroying a family

Evidence of a bunch of lunatics gathering together

Evidence of pure hate and harassment

Evidence of trolls slandering innocent people

Evidence that YOU harass ME and I never did a thing to you

Thank you.

I'm sorry to say but you really sound like a broken record. Your constant complaining to unknown people is exhausting and serves no purpose other than feeding your own ego. People have numerously told you not to engage. You have even written in your blogs not to engage and yet here you are doing the very thing you tell others not to do. There is nobody here that can help you.

you never do a thing for yourself either. LIKE GET A JOB!

Interesting story.

Only problem with your story.

I NEVER harass doc in any way, shape or form.

Ryan harasses me to no end.

You will never find me doing anything to him.

So, it would appear that the story is actually turned around the other way.

I am quite happy doing my work.

When I see Ryan, I do not see peace and harmony. I see a deranged man hell bent on destroying the lives on innocent people.

That is what I see.

I dare you to not gray this out.

i see a man hellbent on destroying himself and his own family by refusing to actually WORK and providing for his own family without ebegging for cash and donations. a man whos word means absolutely nothing because of his own actions.

if there is no scam then what is this we found on your website:

DO NOT go to I was getting Tracking attempts and this is what I found embedded in the script ! ! ! is domain which has been identified as high-level PC threat. It belongs to the family of web browser hijacker / redirect virus which earns web traffic and create profit via hijacking users web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, IE and Chrome.

Here is a solution to stopping the virus:

This public service announcement brought to you by:

Adventure Business Card.jpg

That is a blatant lie

What you show is google adsense

Google ads running on our site

Our site has a SiteLock safety certification on it

Our site is scoured in real time for any malware

Our site has been proven to be clean


So you now admit you are running Google ads on your site? And you receive those payments in dollars? So why were you going to use DIY Tube Coins - a worthless coin - to pay your 'contributers'?

More evidence that doc harasses innocent people

Evidence that doc spreads lies and deceit

DIY Tube Video Community is clean and safe

DIY Tube Video Community has the sitelock seal


I've often wondered if Troy's web business he used to have was just a email spam outfit pushing out scam emails to any email addresses he could harvest.

That is a blatant lie

What you show is google adsense

Google ads running on our site

Our site has a SiteLock safety certification on it

Our site is scoured in real time for any malware

Our site has been proven to be clean


DIY Tube Video Community has the SiteLock seal

DIY Tube has been proven to be malware free

DIY Tube uses SSL for security



DIY Tube Video Community has the SiteLock seal

DIY Tube has been proven to be malware free

DIY Tube uses SSL for security



if there is no scam then why did you cut and run lol... if you were legal and legit as you claim you would not have quit so easily lol.... that is proof you are a scam...

Because, since you are hell bent on destroying our company.

Because you are spreading lies on all social media sites that it is a scam.

Then there is no sense in wasting my time.

I will just let people buy the coins here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

Which just leaves us free to do other work anyway.

So, instead of running a coin sale which takes a lot of resources and funds.

We dont.

We let people buy anyway.

No harm done to us at all.

And there is NO WAY you can stop that.

Your cries of fraud and scam are useless. You cannot harm us with those words now.

We are not selling coins.

You cannot hurt us with your lies in that area.

then what are you doing turd?if youre not selling coins then how can people buy them? you make absolutely no sense putting in a middleman somehow absolves you from what you were doing yesterday? explain that?

So if you're not selling coins then what are you going to do for income??
You don't seem to be too worried about turning a profit with this latest bs "business" lol The only people who believe what you say are the bottom of the IQ barrel. With that being the only group for you to draw upon, life will leave you right where you are...forever living like a fool

Because, since you are hell bent on destroying our company.

Because you are spreading lies on all social media sites that it is a scam.

Then there is no sense in wasting my time.

I will just let people buy the coins here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

Which just leaves us free to do other work anyway.

So, instead of running a coin sale which takes a lot of resources and funds.

We dont.

We let people buy anyway.

No harm done to us at all.

And there is NO WAY you can stop that.

Your cries of fraud and scam are useless. You cannot harm us with those words now.

We are not selling coins.

You cannot hurt us with your lies in that area.

Give a definative link to the value of these coins. The link you provide dosen't give a dollar value. I cant even see a listing for it. Supply a screenshot for it from

Ok. You asked for it.


Thank you. So what is the dollar equivalent for a DIYTube coin?

I'll move the conversation on.

So your screenshot shows a DIY Tube coin at 0.0001. And this is equal to 0.002 Ethereum?

no shit. preach it doc! nobody whos legit cuts and runs like our fav scam artist does.

yeppers. if he is so sure he is in the right then why bother running away? just proof he lied and is a scam. honest people dont run.

There is no scam. There was no scam

WE pay for everything

We allow members to upload videos for free


So your accusations dont make sense.

So your are receiving Google Adsense - in dollars? And your contributers are receiving DIY Tube Coins?

so you have endless money to pay people with??? where does this money come from because your tube coin is illegal according to the SEC, IRS, and FBI... therefore a SCAM!!!

since you cut and run so easily,you are certainly no captain of industry. you need to get a real job reid. if you dont your wife will certainly leave you with your kid and you will be paying child support or go to prison if you dont.

Whats wrong Ryan? Dont want the truth to be told?

Here is a comment you grayed out. Let me repeat it:

There is no scam and the world will see DIY Tube Video Community survive just fine.

There is no scam and the world will see DIY Tube Video Community survive just fine.

Whats wrong Ryan? Dont want the truth to be told?

Here is a comment you grayed out. Let me repeat it:

There is no scam and the world will see DIY Tube Video Community survive just fine

DO NOT go to I was getting Tracking attempts and this is what I found embedded in the script ! ! ! is domain which has been identified as high-level PC threat. It belongs to the family of web browser hijacker / redirect virus which earns web traffic and create profit via hijacking users web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, IE and Chrome.

Here is a solution to stopping the virus:

This public service announcement brought to you by:
FBD Sticker Add.jpg

That is a blatant lie

What you show is google adsense

Google ads running on our site

Our site has a SiteLock safety certification on it

Our site is scoured in real time for any malware

Our site has been proven to be clean


More evidence that doc harasses innocent people

Evidence that doc spreads lies and deceit

DIY Tube Video Community is clean and safe

DIY Tube Video Community has the sitelock seal


wait a minute cocksucker. you said before no adsense ads were running on your site before.

That is a blatant lie

What you show is google adsense

Google ads running on our site

Our site has a SiteLock safety certification on it

Our site is scoured in real time for any malware

Our site has been proven to be clean


DIY Tube Video Community has the SiteLock seal

DIY Tube has been proven to be malware free

DIY Tube uses SSL for security



Your dementia is showing little man. You keep posting the same thing.
You should probably call MOOOOOOOOOMMY!

Think he must have overdosed on the parrot food!

if your site is virus free then why are so many people getting this warning and having this issue?

DO NOT go to I was getting Tracking attempts and this is what I found embedded in the script ! ! ! is domain which has been identified as high-level PC threat. It belongs to the family of web browser hijacker / redirect virus which earns web traffic and create profit via hijacking users web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, IE and Chrome.

Here is a solution to stopping the virus:

it seems you would want people to be informed about needing virus protection on your website if you truly were caring about those visiting your sites... clearly you are a scam and trying to rip people off because you are trying to hide the fact your website has viruses designed to steal info and crypto from those that visit your websites...

DO NOT go to I was getting Tracking attempts and this is what I found embedded in the script ! ! ! is domain which has been identified as high-level PC threat. It belongs to the family of web browser hijacker / redirect virus which earns web traffic and create profit via hijacking users web browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, IE and Chrome.

Here is a solution to stopping the virus:

This public service announcement brought to you by:
FBD Sticker Add.jpg

That is a blatant lie

What you show is google adsense

Google ads running on our site

Our site has a SiteLock safety certification on it

Our site is scoured in real time for any malware

Our site has been proven to be clean


More evidence that doc harasses innocent people

Evidence that doc spreads lies and deceit

DIY Tube Video Community is clean and safe

DIY Tube Video Community has the sitelock seal


DIY Tube Video Community has the SiteLock seal

DIY Tube has been proven to be malware free

DIY Tube uses SSL for security



That is a blatant lie

What you show is google adsense

Google ads running on our site

Our site has a SiteLock safety certification on it

Our site is scoured in real time for any malware

Our site has been proven to be clean


Troy are you the same guy that said Chris was dieing of cancer? Will they be investigating that fraud too?

Troy caught scamming but THIS time he's afraid the law will come calling. This man operates in the shadows of the internet and think the law can't touch him. This time he ventured into financial matters instead of being content to scam gift cards and small dollar donations from elderly shut-ins.

you are hell bent on destroying our company.

Because you are spreading lies on all social media sites that it is a scam.

Then there is no sense in wasting my time.

I will just let people buy the coins here:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

Which just leaves us free to do other work anyway.

So, instead of running a coin sale which takes a lot of resources and funds.

We dont.

We let people buy anyway.

No harm done to us at all.

And there is NO WAY you can stop that.

Your cries of fraud and scam are useless. You cannot harm us with those words now.

We are not selling coins.

You cannot hurt us with your lies in that area.

Troy the only reason you cancelled your coin sale was because YOU WERE AFRAID the law would come a calling. We both know you are running a scam and the only reason you have gotten this far is that you try and fly under the legal radar. Your game all along is to trick people into giving you real money for worthless crap that you made up.

You and your coin sale going bye, bye.

You'd better hope the right whale doesn't catch wind of you attempting a crypto scam here on SteemIt. I say scam because based on your reaction (fold up your tent and cancel your "coin sale") after having the light of day shone on you, screams fraudulent!
Your rep here on SteemIt, good sir, needs to be adjusted DOWN!! Hopefully a whale reads this and agrees

Adventure Business Card.jpg

Unfortunately I find you to be extremely ignorant and uninformed. I, as well as several others told you that want you were doing had legal ramifications. You are so arrogant and full of yourself that you cannot see the error of your ways but through your own stubbornness you fall into one debacle after another. It appears that anyone disagreeing is labeled as harassment and called a troll. To that I say, reap what you have sown.

Looks like Ryan (doc) is doing his harassment of my again on my own blog. Here is the comment again:

Well now. Nice words but we did not sow anything. We were going to have a very normal coin sale which happens around the World

But - due to you guys harassing us - we realize that the laws are just too unclear.

So, in a way, you guys saved us :)

Troy sounds like a street drug dealer complaining that the police won't let his run his business in peace. Troy, operate legitimately and you wouldn't have to worry. How is reporting you for fraud harassment? Just show links to your prospectus, SEC license, and disclosure documents. Troy can't show what he doesn't have. There are laws in place to prevent charlatans like Troy from doing exactly what he is trying to do. Reporting him is no different than calling the cops when you see someone walking down the street braking car windows rooking for items to steal. Troy thinks just because he make a video and posts comments that the law doesn't apply to him.

Did you even read what bladefire wrote? You are an ARROGANT PETULANT CHILD having a name calling fight with another school child. TROLLS ON MY BLOG blah, blah, blah. Get over yourself narcissistic asshole. WORK FOR OWN MONEY NOT SCAMMING OTHERS FOR THEIRS.

You are not worth wasting my time on.

whaddaya mean because of harrassment the laws are unclear. horsehit. the law is clear and you didnt get legal counsel to find out just how far you could skirt the law and your cock got caught in a greedy trap reid. quit blaming your greed,scams and sloth on everyone but yourself you retarded,lazy,scammy,smarmy,scuzzy,weasel piece of shit,lousy lazy husband,even worse father, and all around drain on society. dont you realize you bring nothing to humanity except a desperate cry for help to be put down like a sick dog because you wont ask for help as a man? we as society are tired of giving you a helping hand. time for you to stand on your own 2 feet and grow up and become a man.take care of you,mel and michelle. get a job. the internet and the taxpayers are not your slaves either asshole. guess workin for the man is your only option left. dont feel bad. millions of us men and women cant be captains of industry. we realize that. we get up every morning and give our all to the man who gives us a check. if we dont like our pay we can bitch and get a raise,suck it up if not,or quit. find another job. ebegging and woeisme on youtube is not our forte. again. get a fukking job you bum.

somebody has to because you wont even save yourself because you are lazy. if you think mels gonna stay with you as soon as she gets her green card ,you are woman wants a lazy bum for a husband.

Well now. Nice words but we did not sow anything. We were going to have a very normal coin sale which happens around the World

But - due to you guys harassing us - we realize that the laws are just too unclear.

So, in a way, you guys saved us :)

Foolish, foolish man. You can spin it anyway you like because you live in fantasy. But as any dream, we all eventually wake up.

Doc is graying out my own comments on my own blog again.

Here, again:

Well, you guys are going to continue to turn me in for crimes I did not commit. Nothing has changed in 6 years so I do not expect any changes now.

I will get the coffee going and wait for the next authorities to arrive.

Gotta keep them happy. Its cold out today.

theyre probably in your computer now. better unplug the internet and do a hillary on that hard drive.

Well, you guys are going to continue to turn me in for crimes I did not commit. Nothing has changed in 6 years so I do not expect any changes now.

I will get the coffee going and wait for the next authorities to arrive.

Gotta keep them happy. Its cold out today.

Here is something for you to ponder on. If a person creates a counterfeit currency and it's discovered before being put into circulation does not absolve one from committing a crime. If you had any brain matter at all, you would have realized this while doing all that extensive research.

Guess doc did not like this one. Here it is again:

So, is a cryptocurrency a counterfeit currency? no, I think not.

Its a cryptocurrency. I made my own. Not a copy of any other.

And he grayed out this one too:

Now, think before you answer. Here you sit on the steemit blockchain talking about crypto being counterfeit.

If it was then this site would not exist.

i dont give a flying fuck for getting one red cent on steemit. i earned my money the old fashioned way. off my own back you cocksucker. you ,ya bum always want something for nothing. youre as big as a bum as my dad was. but he had an excuse. he was an unemployable drunk. youre even worse. youre just a lazy,worthless narcissitic asshole full of false self importance.

Looks like he is really harassing me today. He grayed out this one too:

One more thing.

The only part that I was unsure of - was the security part.

Is a token crowdsale a security or not?

That is the question.

But - since there was no crowdsale, there is nothing more to discuss :)

So, is a cryptocurrency a counterfeit currency? no, I think not.

Its a cryptocurrency. I made my own. Not a copy of any other.

One more thing.

The only part that I was unsure of - was the security part.

Is a token crowdsale a security or not?

That is the question.

But - since there was no crowdsale, there is nothing more to discuss :)

"i think not" remember those words.
You sir are in way over your head and your arrogance will only make it worse. It is pointless to plead your innocents upon me as I am not to one who will judge you. Have a nice day, while you still can.

Now, think before you answer. Here you sit on the steemit blockchain talking about crypto being counterfeit.

If it was then this site would not exist.

Mr. Reid, it is very odd that you complain about trolls harassing you here, yet you engage them. However, I posted comments on several of your recent blog posts in a respectful manner, with no name-calling, and you ignored them or were evasive in your answers.

I simply asked why you have not published actual dollar figures as your goal in your crowd-funding pre-sale of DIY tokens, as is done on every other crowdfunding site such as GoFundMe. You have stated in your white paper and elsewhere that sale of the tokens would fund development of software, building a blockchain, getting your coin registered on Ethereum, and "building the DIYTube community", whatever that is supposed to mean.

Absent this information, a prudent man would have to wonder how he would ever know when and if you collected the funds necessary to do all this work. A cautious man would have to consider the possibility that you could say "I didn't reach my funding goals so I couldn't get DIYcoin registered and I'll have to cancel the entire project" and keep all the money that people paid you, leaving them with only worthless tokens.

Is this the real reason you cancelled the pre-sale, Mr. Reid? And not because people are calling you names?

And, while you act so innocent, it is all on the blockchain that you guys were not "name calling" but rather turning me in for many crimes again.

Like it has been before again and again through the years. And like it will continue to be for years to come I am sure.

and we dont mind namecalling you for being a lazy crook while turning you in for your crimes against humanity. if this was a war you did this in, you would be shot.

and there you go again reid. acting all innocent and not answering the mans question. what is there to fear if youre on the up and up and innocent of any wrongdoing?

You and your coin sale going bye, bye.

Considering your past of harassing me and name calling, I would not expect anything serious or truthful to come from you.

As was very clear in the coin sale terms, coins sold were sold. You see, it was to be that a person paid for coins and got their coins. An ERC20 contract cannot lie. Someone puts in Ether, they get their coins. Its an automated program. Neutral and uncaring.

The DIY Tube Video Community is up and running regardless. So no, nothing is worthless, nor will it be.

We are going to continue using the promoting the site.

People will continue to come to the site.

It will grow.

That builds value.

You have no value. No videos uploaded on your site for a week until you did one days ago. In 3 days it got 3 views. Your site is as DEAD as your WORTHLESS COINS. No one will leave youtube for your virus infected scamming website. Just how stupid are you?

There is no scam. There was no scam

WE pay for everything

We allow members to upload videos for free


So your accusations dont make sense.

Anyway, none of that matters now anyway.

The coins can be bought and sold on the coin exchange:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And we keep going on the community.

Ryan graying out my comments again. Here it is again:

And, while you act so innocent, it is all on the blockchain that you guys were not "name calling" but rather turning me in for many crimes again.

Like it has been before again and again through the years. And like it will continue to be for years to come I am sure.

And this one was grayed out too:

Anyway, none of that matters now anyway.

The coins can be bought and sold on the coin exchange:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And we keep going on the community.

You are selling WORTHLESS coins for real money which is your SCAMMING FRAUD. You are AFRAID. Your friend, hb.

There is no scam. There was no scam

WE pay for everything

We allow members to upload videos for free


So your accusations dont make sense.

Your video site infects any visitor with a crypto mining virus to use their cpu power to mine for you. You SLEAZY BASTARD, cause NOT enough bad words to describe your low class SCAMMING FRAUD self. This is on top of selling worthless coins. You suck ass Mister.

And another one of my comments was grayed out.

Considering your past of harassing me and name calling, I would not expect anything serious or truthful to come from you.

As was very clear in the coin sale terms, coins sold were sold. You see, it was to be that a person paid for coins and got their coins. An ERC20 contract cannot lie. Someone puts in Ether, they get their coins. Its an automated program. Neutral and uncaring.

The DIY Tube Video Community is up and running regardless. So no, nothing is worthless, nor will it be.

We are going to continue using the promoting the site.

People will continue to come to the site.

It will grow.

That builds value.

How are sales since your video saying you had to stop before any investigation. People are very hesitant when someone announces they were involved with Fraud.

well reid. you changed your mind again. which alphabet agency whacked your peepee and told you stop or else? it seems your rules change daily with your scam site. now how does that build value with the investers not knowing what youre going to change the rules to tomorrow? ill bet you end up owning all the marbles in this game. and as you said, coins sold were sold. aka a sales a sale. no refunds. tough shit.

Considering your past of harassing me and name calling, I would not expect anything serious or truthful to come from you.

As was very clear in the coin sale terms, coins sold were sold. You see, it was to be that a person paid for coins and got their coins. An ERC20 contract cannot lie. Someone puts in Ether, they get their coins. Its an automated program. Neutral and uncaring.

The DIY Tube Video Community is up and running regardless. So no, nothing is worthless, nor will it be.

We are going to continue using the promoting the site.

People will continue to come to the site.

It will grow.

That builds value.

Thank you for the non-answer, Mr. Reid. Have a nice day :)

does this mean you wont be applying any jobs soon for ceo of a fortune 500 company? how about chris 3?

Anyway, none of that matters now anyway.

The coins can be bought and sold on the coin exchange:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And we keep going on the community.

And, while you act so innocent, it is all on the blockchain that you guys were not "name calling" but rather turning me in for many crimes again.

Like it has been before again and again through the years. And like it will continue to be for years to come I am sure.

hey retard. even though you rode the yellow bus youre still smart enough to know that if you get off the internet and quit scamming and begging and get a job the socalled harrassment will stop.

Anyway, none of that matters now anyway.

The coins can be bought and sold on the coin exchange:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And we keep going on the community.

Give the reader a definitive link that shows the value of a DIYT Coin to the dollar. That link does not give a value. I can't even see a listing for it!

That is rather childish little man.
You might need to call MOOOOOOOOMMY.

You'd better hope the right whale doesn't catch wind of you attempting a crypto scam here on SteemIt. I say scam because based on your reaction (fold up your tent and cancel your "coin sale") after having the light of day shone on you, screams fraudulent!
Your rep here on SteemIt, good sir, needs to be adjusted DOWN!! Hopefully a whale reads this and agrees

Mr. Reid, if you're not going through with the crowdfunding sale, then how do you plan to pay for building software, building a blockchain and registering your coin on Ethereum network? Why should anyone feel confident in buying coins when there is no guarantee that any of this work will get done? If your business plan was so ill-conceived and poorly planned that you have to suddenly drop the pre-sale, why should anyone feel confident going forward in buying your coins and joining your community? I ask on behalf of those who are not "trolls" and who were sincerely interesting in your offering.

Oh, another comment doc grayed out:

No fraud. Nothing done. We were going to sell some ERC20 tokens. We did not.

But now you have NOTHING you can harm us with.

Now we are paying for everything and nothing you say can change that.

No fraud. Nothing done. We were going to sell some ERC20 tokens. We did not.

But now you have NOTHING you can harm us with.

Now we are paying for everything and nothing you say can change that.

what about intent to do so by your own words fuckhead? musta been shady if you quit all of a sudden in 1 day. as gomer always said " surprise surprise!"

Oh, another comment doc grayed out:

No fraud. Nothing done. We were going to sell some ERC20 tokens. We did not.

But now you have NOTHING you can harm us with.

Now we are paying for everything and nothing you say can change that.

Back to the normal for you. Ebegging.
Get a real job Dick Head.

No fraud. Nothing done. We were going to sell some ERC20 tokens. We did not.

But now you have NOTHING you can harm us with.

Now we are paying for everything and nothing you say can change that.

where as before your suckers would have paid for everything instead of you. your own words of escape from an indictment implicates you. are you really this stupid?

since Troy Reid FLAGGED my original post I'm reposting

How do you arrive at the valuation of .10$ on your coin?
What tangible assets, equity and revenue $$ streams are there?
Where is your business plan? I'd like to read it.
Where are the resumes of the people who are part of the company?

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