Fear fucks the fearful. If you work for money, like most people do, than you will keep working for money the rest of your life!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

So let me paint a picture for you. And I am certain that you can recognize it in many ways.
You get born and most of us are raised by loving parents. They will tell you early on that you have to work for money to make ends meet. But if you go to college/university you can get a steady job, earn more money and make a career. The career makes it possible to spend money on vacations, a bigger house, kids, a new car, toys, electronics and gadgets, pay for the education of your kids etc. You do not question this because your parents love you and are all knowing. When they order you to go to school you will probably ask: ‘how high should I jump’? Of course you will jump through all the hoops, because you are a good boy.

The young ones learned how to run for the carrot that is always in front of them. A new education will bring me this, if only I had more money I could do this and pay for that.

Well, in order to pay for the education they are willing to take on debt. The debt rises. A couple is even willing to live in a small room together and cut expenses in half. After college they have an enormous debt and they have to pursue a lot of work and make 60 hours a week just get them through the month. Well, they are a bit lucky because other college buddies are jobless and will be unemployable in the next couple of years because the central banks ranked up another round of ‘quantative easing’.
The only solution the couple has is to work harder in order to keep their jobs, so they specialize in their field of work. This actually means you are getting more dependent on the system.
They work hard and get a promotion and on top of that they finish their studies again. Now they can think about buying a house and get a mortgage (death grip). They will move to a bigger house and they acquire credit cards, just in case. More money, more spending. They deserved it, right? Of course they do. Life is about fun and games in the end. A bigger car, and maybe even a bigger house, some gadgets, a new tv set, a pool, an expensive trip to Hawaii, a cruise etc. Life is fun.

More earnings, more expenses. Another promotion. Thinking about kids. Getting kids. Need to save to cover their kids college expenses so they do not need to get a loan from the bank as they themselves had to do.


What is the point of that?!

The couple will stay in the rat race. And I did not even mention mental and physical stress and the costs of Medicare because of the stress. What have they gotten themselves into? They are respected members of society, for sure. But what are the costs?

They will stay in the rat race if they do not change their ways. Thinking comes before action, so the thinking is outdated. Sure… a college degree and a steady job worked for our grandparents just after the war. But those times are long gone. And there is nothing wrong with a ‘good education’ and a ‘good’ job. But it is what you do with the money you earn because of your job that really counts. If the couple will continue to work for money, than money will rule their lives and they will be forever a slave to the money. They do not understand the power of money. They rather say during conversation: ‘I am not interested in money, I’ll never be rich, I do not have to worry, I am still young, etc.’. I can tell you that all my good friends talk about money. And they make a lot of money. Why? Because they are interested in how money works on an intellectual level. They are fascinated by the subject. They are fascinated how acquiring lot’s of money is part of a process in which they learn lot’s about themselves. The couple, though, is fearful. And fear fucks the fearful. That is the reason why they are still in the rat race until they change their thinking.

Money should work for you. Don’t fool around. Work hard as the couple does, but spend the money wisely. Spend the money on acquiring ASSETS and avoid Liabilities.
So what is an asset? It puts money into your pocket while you sleep. Simple.
So what is a liability? Something that drains money out of your wallet/bank account. A car is a liability. A house is a liability. Yes! IT IS A LIABILITY. But if you rent this house to somebody else it becomes an asset, it becomes passive income. So… you need to acquire and invest in things that generate passive income. And if you generate enough passive income to a point where you are no longer dependent on your job, business or (God forgive me) the government than you know you are really on the right track. Now you can start thinking of acquiring liabilities. Why? Because you can pay for them now.

There is gold everywhere. People are not trained to see it. Or are people trained not to see it?

So, Danny… wise guy… how do I get passive income?

Well guys, you have your own brains. So let them work for the first time in life. Get up and think for the first time in your life ( I am just teasing, do not be angry!). The first big step is getting to know the word ‘passive income’ and wanting it really really hard.. Why? Now you are seeking out opportunities to generate passive income. You start to see them everywhere. But… remember: FEAR fucks the fearful. If you do not overcome fear, than you will not generate passive income. You need to take risks if you can not make very good music or whatever. You need to invest your money or your time learning things. And this can be very discomforting at the beginning for sure.

So let me throw you some bones:

  • Investing in property (and renting them out)
  • Multi level network marketing, like Forever Living Products, for example. My Forever Business Owner number is: 310002061648 Go and get an account at Forever too with my number. Start your business today with little or no costs.

  • Making a lot of money with cryptocurrencies:

Mining/ Cloud mining. My genesis mining code is: 9orKPJ
Bitconnect. My bitconnect Referal is: Danzel40
Investing in the Steemit platform through steempower

There is nothing holding you back acquiring lot’s of money and a chance to get out of the rat race. Only your mind can hold you back.

Peace be with you.


Whoa! Especially the sentence "Are you not trained to see it? Or trained not to see it?" It hits the spot perfectly.
And yes: FEAR fucks you right up for the entirety of life. Let go of it.

Yes.. who knows right?

Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.

Hi Danny,
Good article, I truly enjoyed reading it. With other words you say "A golden cage is still a cage" and you show people that there are other ways. Keep up the good work!



Yes.. it is. It is like a bombshell realization.

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