Bitfinex Will Ban All Users From USA | November 9, 2017

Now this is a Big News in the crypto world, One of the Famous Exchange Bitfinex is going to disable the accounts of all the users from USA. In their Announcement Post made on October 16, 2017 they said
This message is further to our announcement of August 11, 2017, with respect to terminating our business with U.S. individual customers. As indicated in the announcement, we are terminating trading, deposits, and withdrawal functionality for U.S. individual customers by no later than November 9, 2017. U.S. customers are already barred from receiving financing from other users on Bitfinex’s peer-to-peer financing platform. This restriction will remain and, in addition, U.S. individual customers will no longer be able to provide financing on Bitfinex effective November 9, 2017.
All U.S. individual users must make arrangements to withdraw their Digital Tokens by November 9th.
U.S. individuals holding Recovery Right Tokens (RRTs), if any, which relate to the exchange of now-defunct BFX tokens to equity in iFinex Inc., may, starting on October 27, 2017, sell all of their RRTs on the exchange, if they so elect. This is an exception to the general terms of use for RRTs. U.S. individuals are not permitted to buy RRTs during this time period. All terms and conditions relating to the sale of any RRTs remain in full force and effect and are deemed to apply to the sale of any RRTs by U.S. individuals or otherwise. Any RRTs remaining in the hands of U.S. individual verified customers after the November 9th deadline may be sold through Bitfinex on an OTC basis through special arrangement with us.
Well Bitfinex had issued a token Called RRT which caused a lot of issues to them and thus they came into regulators and due to the regulation they are taking this step. All the coins in the users wallet can be sold before 9 November and if a user is unable to do so bitfinex will sell it for themselves
Ceasing all the operations in USA may cause a lot of trouble to users but all can be solved once they move all their coin holdings to other reliable exchange
Knew this was going to happen. As soon as everyone started buying IOTA from them, the price steadily went down after they first announced in August that they were kicking out all the USA customers. Now all of these customers are trying to sell off the IOTA before Bitfinex cuts them off. Seems like a big price manipulation to me.
Outch .. That is going to be painful for Bitfinex and for the market
thanks for the info
very interesting...please also check my article about the safety of Bittrex
It's bad news for USA and It will going to be worst. Thanks for information you shared with us.