Bitsend (English Version)
BitSend Coin is a cryptocurrency based on a peer-to-peer network and Bitcoin Core 0.14. Its main function is online payment transactions. The BitSend developers have developed various technologies for their open source platform. Currently, BitSend has a market capital of $ 24,442,008. At a rate of $ 1.38 per BitSend Coin, approximately $ 404,855 per day is being invested in the cryptocurrency on the Bittrex, Livecoin,, Cryptopia, SouthXchange and CoinGather exchanges (as of 02/01/2018).
The Cryptocurrency
The company BitSend is working on the topic of online payments and is currently developing three things for it: the Wallet BitSend Core 0.14, the SPV Wallet and other technologies related to gambling websites. On the BitSend platform, miners can earn money by backing up the blockchain, and so-called "masterternodes" are rewarded for saving the blockchain and making it available to users. Masternodes are a layer of networks that work in secure patterns to offer a variety of decentralized services. The more Masternodes have a network, the more secure the performance on the network and the greater the capacity for end users to transfer digital money globally and 24/7. Since the introduction in 2016, 330 Masternodes have already become active. The requirements to become a mastermind are just a fixed IP and the following technical requirements: 1 CPU, 512 MB Ram and 5GB HDD. The BitSend Core 0.14 Wallet is a wallet that implements SegWit technology. This means that it becomes possible for software to separate transaction signatures from the part of the data of a transaction obscured by "txid". If you want to mine BitSend, the following key data are relevant for this: BitSend can be used with the Xevan algorithm mines. In total, there will be 210 million coins, of which 14.6 million are already on the market. The block speed is 3 minutes per block. The emission rate is 33 years mining. BitSend wants to distribute its coins on a long-term and fair basis in order to further develop the currency for current and future generations.
The Company
BitSend Coin was originally founded as LIMX Coin in 2014. Later, the company was acquired and renamed BitSend. There are currently five core developers, one of which is known as "Chris". BitSend is a German company. The company does not have a roadmap like many of its competitors, but prefers to focus on the current evolution of its technologies. Furthermore, it wants to work closely with its community and asks them for donations in the form of infrastructural elements. BitSend attaches importance to a fair and slow distribution of its coins. In the eyes of the developers, this is crucial for the success of a cryptocurrency. Only in the long term can users and developers hand in hand promote the project.
BitSend Coin is a cryptocurrency that deals with the central topic of online payment. Currently the BitSend Core 0.14 and the SPV Wallet are being developed. The team behind BitSend also deals with technologies in the field of online gambling. The philosophy of the company is the long-term development of technologies and close cooperation with its community.