Nichop's Shaft - XUN Mining Game - Find Real Cryptocoins
Update Game has now finished. The winning locations were:
500 = P31
100 = S23
50 = M7
50 = V1
25 = E17
25 = R5
25 = F30
25 = U28
10 = E24
10 = E23
10 = D17
10 = V34
10 = D9
10 = H19
10 = N25
10 = I4
10 = C13
10 = K22
10 = A9
10 = U16
10 = V8
10 = T16
10 = T12
10 = B9
10 = F17
10 = G28
10 = N20
10 = K7
A new game has started with a massive 2000 XUN prize fund and top find of 1000 xun here:
Update Massive 500 XUN nugget hidden in mine
Update: Energy drink power up now available. Resteem this post and earn yourself a Energy Drink which allows you to mine a one time bonus of 3 coordinates. Say that you have resteemed with your 3 extra guesses in the comments (I will check).
The Game
One of the Ultranote developers had become tired trying to mine XUN with his very old laptop and it's gigantic 10h/s. Rather than saving up and buying a more powerful mining beast, he decided to instead, dig his own XUN mine right under his house.
He named his mine Nichop's Shaft.
However, the authorities in Cryptoland took a dim view of this enterprise and he was arrested leaving the mine unused and full of XUN nuggets to be found.
The Hidden Mineable Nuggets
There are 28 nuggets to be found and mined:
- 1 x 500 xun
- 1 x 100 xun
- 2 x 50 xun
- 4 x 25 xun
- 20 x 10 xun
How to play
Each miner can make 3 guesses per day by cross-referencing and stating the grid coordinates in the comments i.e. A6, P19, E1. I will let you know if you have found a nugget in the reply or, if any coordinates are already taken and you didn't spot them in the comments then I WILL let you have another go for each duplicate.
Note! The nuggets can be anywhere on the grid under the ground, even in the white spaces away from the shafts in the picture. The game ends on the 3th March 18:00GMT. Any left over XUN will be rolled over and added to the next game.
You MUST have a Ultranote Wallet address which I will ask you for if any nuggets are found. Although, if you don't want the coins or are not interested in Ultranote at this time, you can still play as I will send your winnings to the charity wallet on your behalf. A wallet can easily be downloaded or an online wallet created by going to
Mining update
The following coordinates have been mined so far (updated 02/03/2018 08:11 GMT):
Xun Nuggets found so far:
10 xun (H19), 10 xun (D17), 10 xun (I4), 10 xun (F17),25 xun (F23),50 xun (V1)
Extra Deposits Hidden:
10 x 10 Nuggets
2 x 50 Nuggets
Also, 100 XUN still up for grabs in the country quiz Click Here to View
Ultranote is a new CPU/GPU mineable cryptocurrency I have been supporting with charity very much at it's heart (plus loads of useful features) and as a way to help promote it, I am running this game and using personally mined coins as prizes. I am not one of the developers.
To find out about Ultranote, download Windows, Linux and MAC wallets and/or start mining yourself: Click Here
To check out the lastest price or to invest in a few (mining may not be your thing): Click Here
To meet the community and/or speak with the dev's on Discord: Click Here

As a former game dev I love how crypto mining is being combined with gaming. Dragonglass has done it and the above, which you cover sounds really interesting to me. Thank you for showcasing it.
I can imagine a future where something like a WoW raid or Diablo dungeon rewards a cryptocurrency. Participation = validation on the chain et al.
It's such an interesting future, even if it ends up with Angry Crypto Birds or Crypto Run casual games. I can't wait.
Thanks buddy. Yea, would be interesting to see something like that. I've followed you btw ;)
Thank you. In my reply, I forgot to have a go at your game lol.
G12, G13 and G14.
Sorry for delay. Newbie bandwidth recharge required.
G12 = Rock, rock and more rock
G13 = You forgot to bring your budgie, gas pocket hit, you pass out
G14 = Dinosaur bones, a new species
Try your luck again tomorrow :)
Pick and headlamp in hand: Q18, J11, A11
Resteem Energy Drink keeps me goining: C33, F17, G8
You drink your energy drink and head down the mine for the second time today.
C33 - You find some Lead
G8 - You find some more Lead ... this is turning into a very boring day for you.
F17 - One last try ... Woo Hoo!!! .... A 10 XUN Nugget .. Almost covers the cost of all the pickaxes you broke
Please reply with your address so I can transfer the coins. Don't forget to try again tomorrow. P.s. sorry about the delay, I was waiting for my bandwidth to recharge
Coins sent :)
You finally decided to join in on the XUN rush sweeping Cryptoland. After buying yourself a new pickaxe and lamp, you finally descend into Nichop's Shaft seeking your fame and fortune.
Q18 - You break your pickaxe ... god damn it
J11 - After going back to the surface and purchasing another for twice the price (they are in demand) you have another go and break your pickaxe
A11 - Another miner feels sorry for you and give you his, you find nothing but rock
After wake up from a long celebration of yesterday success, I start searching again:-) lets finish that left corner with U1, U2 and U3
Energized from yesterdays success, and after spending it all on better equipment, you head back down the mine for another day
U1 - Nothing ... That's fine, the new equipment will pay off ... early days yet
U2 - Nadda ... You start to worry
U3 - Bugger all .. You leave the mine feeling deflated and depressed ... will tomorrow be the day you strike xun??????
Better luck tomorrow. Don't forget your resteem powerup for 3 more goes today.
Hah, bad luck. Still worthy, your comments makes me always smile:-)
Haha trying to work at the same time. Just making shite up as I go :P lol
Hello again, starting to know my way around the tunnels by now...
Today I'll go for J4, K4, and L4
After getting lost for hours because you were being cocky and didn't take your map, you eventually find your favorite mining spots.
J4 - More hours wasted and you found nothing
K4 - You found some Tin
L4 - Wondering why you bothered. It's been a bad day ... not a sausage
Please try again tomorrow.
M4, N4, O4 (I think you can start seeing a pattern...)
Haha I can, let's see if will reap you any rewards. Will answer with nothing quotes
M4 - If you write a line of zeroes, it´s still nothing
N4 - Do not look too far for you will see nothing.
O4 - Darkness does not age; nothing is always nothing
Last Day tomorrow. Good luck. I will do another game map with some more power ups and twice as much hidden XUN
Almost forget to take a shot today:-) let's stay in the left corner and try V1,V2,V3
Here you go again. Yet another day of hard labour in the hope that you hit the jackpot and can retire early
V2 - Oooo something that has not been mined before ... Aluminium
V3 - You pulled a muscle as the rock was especially hard ... right until the last of it, nothing but rock.
V1 - You toil away for hours, sweating and aching and then catch a glimpse of some large and shiny .... You have only gone and found the biggest nugget of xun so far ...... 50 xun Nugget found!!!!!
Haha thank god mate, thought you would never find one. Please reply with your wallet address. If you are not interested in the coin then let me know and I will send to our charity wallet. Please have another go tomorrow or use the power up (resteem) to get another 3 goes straight away.
P.s. I'm off to bed now so will catch up with your reply tomorrow ;)
Yeaha, I knew I found my luck it that corner:-)) Just installed a wallet, hope it will be working correct:
Brilliant. All seems fine as just sent the 50 coins. They should appear in your wallet once it has finished sync'ing. Don't forget to have another go today and also your resteem powerup to get an additional 3 goes :)
Ye, coins just arrived, thanks!! I´ve already posted for today search.
Today i'd like to try R15, T5 and I31 :) enjoying this game man, didn't manage to get mining underway last night will give it another shot today (weather permitting) may have to shoot home from work early!
Well this is mining isn't it? ... well kind of haha Don't forget, with a resteem you can have 3 extra goes :)
R15 - Lots of Iron Ore in this mine and you just found some more
T5 - You found some Thorium but don't worry, only slightly radioactive so you won't be glowing the dark
I31 - Some Nickel Ore
Please have another go tomorrow or use your powerup
Welcome to Nichop's Shaft. Here is a complimentary pickaxe.
Q8 - You found some Tin
Q9 - Oooo Platinum but worthless in Cryptoland
Q10 - Nothing but Rock :(
Please try again tomorrow or resteem this post for an extra 3 guesses
N 21
J 31
Another day prospecting
N21 - Nothing but Granite
J31 - Your broke your pickaxe
F22 - Found another pick axe but put your back out mining worthless rock
Have another go tomorrow or resteem this post for 3 more guesses
L12 H19 Q25
Hmmm what have you found?
L12 - Gold? hmmm just fools gold
Q25 - Rock, rock and more rock
H19 - What's this? Something small, shiny and almost magical .......... A XUN NUGGET WORTH 10 XUN
You have won 10 xun. Please give me your address and I will transfer the coins. Feel free to try your luck again tomorrow :)
heyyyy Spammy thanks a lot here is my XUN wallet Address Xun3bfVhkWpNbkECD4BRsMTjVHCs19Et24aH2rVQrDtohtHocAZzsxj81zCDEphKPt3VwNCA2mX7F4AMh7uKgSMy4Fb92sWcUx thank you buddy... I deeply appreciate each and everyone's participation in this and I am also very glad to see the positive response towards Spammy's efforts to make these fun games for us. please hold on before sending me the coins lets see if we can add a twist to the game using the 10XUN coins
Thanks matey. Coins sent. I like the twist you suggested with power ups and will do something like that for the next game ;)
Fantastic, I'll take A8, G22 and D2!
Sorry for the delay. Hardships of being a newbie i.e. bandwidth exceeded
A8 = You found a humanoid skeleton, could this be the missing link?
G22 = Boring old Iron
D2 = Something shiny .... hmmm just some Quartz
Please try again tomorrow :)
Damn it haha! I had the bandwidth issue, try buying some delegated steem power from @blocktrades 7sbd gained me 43 steem power delegated for 90days basically borrowed to allow me upvote and post more :)
Only normally goes down for an hour or two a day. Just took ages yesterday. Still looking for my niche and learning the ropes, will probably power up then :)
Anyways, ready for another go? :) :) :)
D17, E19 and J32 :)
You really want that deposit for a new car so here you go again.
E19 - You discover some small fossils
J23 - Took hours to dig through this hard rock but all for nothing.
D17 - What's this? Something small, shiny and almost magical ....... A 10 XUN NUGGET WOO HOO!
You have found a nugget. Please reply with your Ultranote address and I will transfer your mining spoils. If you do not want the coins then say so and I will transfer to the Ultranote charity wallet. Feel free to try again tomorrow :)
How did you know i need a new car haha heres my address (i think) just signed up and started mining!
Brilliant. Love new members. I have sent your nugget value and a little present to help you get started ;)
Feel free to use the power up (resteem) for an extra 3 goes or try again tomorrow
2nd try:
O12; P19; F23!
You have not eaten for days and are hoping that this is the day you strike XUN
O12 - Nothing .... Your stomach grumbles
P19 - A rather hard area of pure granite which saps the last of your energy
F23 - You manage to gather just enough energy for one last try. Just minutes later you spot something shiny and know immediately what it is and can't believe your luck .... THE BIGGEST NUGGET FOUND SO FAR WORTH 25 XUN
You have found a nugget. Please reply with your Ultranote address and I will transfer your mining spoils. If you do not want the coins then say so and I will transfer to the Ultranote charity wallet. Feel free to try again tomorrow or use the powerup if you have not resteemed this post before :)
Yeah the charity wallet seems like a good idea!
25 xun just sent to Xun3Q7yeY6Q4s7z7iXmptcWC8p6UCqhVRidCicW7v8cGNJjtorfiSQZcGQeRsShMXveYxGiZ4ob7JBn6xLvttCjv9W14ns44ND care of yourself ;)
Hope you have another go tomorrow or use the resteem powerup