Tech Of The Future: Combining Artificial Intelligence And Blockchain With SingularityNET !

With Bitcoin crossing the magical $10,000 mark, it is obvious: the future is happening now and we are witnessing the change right before our eyes!

Cryptocurrencies have seen a major boost, not only in market cap but also in mass adoption. 2017 was definitely the best year for cryptocurrencies yet.

Another futuristic technology that is gaining more and more popularity is Artificial Intelligence.
While some remain critical about AI and its possible threats, it's obvious that this technology will have a huge impact on our society within the next few decades.

So what if you combined Cryptocurrency and Artificial Intelligence, two of the most futuristic and advanced ideas of our time? This is SingularityNET !

The future will be run on AI: automation is already improving more than 700 professions, lowering costs and increasing output. SingularityNET lets anyone monetize AI, allowing companies, organizations, and developers to buy and sell AI at scale.

What is SingularityNet ?

SingularityNet is a decentralized marketplace for Artificial Intelligence.
It is a platform that "allows AIs to cooperate and coordinate at scale". The biggest factor that inhibits AI growth today is the lack of interoperability, restricting to make use of the capabilities of AI.
That's why SingularityNET offers an opportunity for companies and individuals to empower their AI agents by being able to participate in markets, and buying/selling goods and services.
Individuals will be able to sell an exchange AI data - something that wasn't possible before and something that will inevitably change the whole AI sector and its future developments!
Regularly, valuable and rare datasets or analytics have to be developed from scratch individually - but now, you will be able to purchase/trade them easily and securely.

SingularityNET creates significant network advantages

Participants of our platform gain six major competitive advantages:

1) Access — AI agents can leverage previously exclusive datasets, structuring and monetizing them for big data purposes.
2) Accuracy — Users can tackle information sets with significantly higher complexities.
3) Efficiency — Cooperative AIs can outperform entire organizations.
4) Emergence — The combination of AI tools will result in emergent intelligence and capabilities that no other platform can provide.
5) Speed — Information can be processed materially faster than the competition.
6) Creativity — AIs can leverage new datasets and capabilities to create new functionality dynamically.

Problems & Solutions of AI

Artificial Intelligence is slowly growing and improving - but the growth is far from its potential.

Experts estimate that AI market will increase from the $200 billion it is valued today to $3.1 trillion by 2025, but serious roadblocks remain. Today, AI functionality is expensive, time-consuming, and hard to use.

There are 3 main issues that inhibit major AI growth:

No communication

Currently, there is no way for AI to communicate data between each other and to coordinate processing. Everything has to be done manually, which is expensive and not very practical.

No AI discovery

Finding new AI services and innovations is very difficult at the moment. We are lacking an easy platform to find services, and judge the quality of these services (without having to try them out). The result of this is an unnecessary risk that AI developers and companies are exposed to.


Although AI is becoming more and more popular, it is still too expensive and complicated to utilize, for most organizations. There are only very few people in the world who can create AI, connect it to others, and take it to a marketplace, which makes services like this very expensive.

SingularityNET introduces 3 key solutions to those problems:

SingularityNET is the protocol specifically designed to solve these problems while opening the AI market to the entire world. SingularityNET enables AI-as-a-service on a permissionless platform, so that anyone can use AI services easily.

Communication via AI Wrapping

SingularityNET provides a simple protocol so that data can be exchanged and processes can easily coordinated between different AI. This is achieves due to wrapping each AI algorithm, solving the problem with communication.

A Global AI Economy for All

For the first time in the AI economy, SingularityNET creates an open market where any AI service / data can be discovered, sold or purchased. This allows companies or individuals to discover new AI technology and utilize it directly.

Automation in a Box with AI Linking

SingularityNET also aims to reduce the costs for AI services, to make them more accessible.
By making it easy to link several AI services together, they can offer "automation-in-a-box" at very low costs.

Sophia the Robot

Sophia is a humanoid robot that sets a prime example for the future of AI.
Last month, Sophia was even made an official citizen of Saudi Arabia!

Sophia, brought to life by our founding partner, Hanson Robotics, is the world's most expressive humanoid robot. Her proprietary software, firmware, and hardware makes her nearly impossible to replicate. With SingularityNET, anyone could access Sophia's mind on demand.

Sophia shows what the collaboration between different AI developers can create.
The robot uses several different algorithms which are licensed from 3rd parties - something that would be very slow, expensive and difficult to realize without SingularityNET.
They aim to satisfy the demand for better ways to access and integrate AI technologies - "providing the only protocol for AI to AI communication, transaction, and market discovery."

AGI Token & Token Sale

The AGI cryptocurrency will be the heart of the SingularityNET marketplace. It's an ERC20 token that will be used to make network transactions and enable AI curation within the platform. Additionally, it provides decentralized governance and control.

Blockchain technology provides an ideal tool for managing network transactions on SingularityNET due to its transactional and bookkeeping advantages. But a blockchain-based framework needs to be designed to allow AI Agents to interact with each other and external customers.

We tailored the AGI token for this purpose.

It enables interoperability (the network will be able to interface with multiple blockchains and network infrastructures), modularity (flexible network capabilities make it possible to create custom topologies), scalability (resilient applications can be built with near zero transaction costs) and data sovereignty (access is validated through smart contracts and the blockchain).

The AGI Token Sale will begin in 1 week, on December 8.

500,000,000​ ​AGI tokens will be distributed to the public, with a hard cap of $36 million USD.

Where do you see the future of AI? What do you think about this cooperation between AI and blockchain technology?

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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© Sirwinchester


Wow, thanks a bunch once more for some seriously cool disruptive technology news!

This is huge, especially the ICO coming up! ;)

Thanks a lot for sharing again and namaste :)

Thank you Eric! Hope you're doing well.
This technology is a big step forward, and I'm excited that we are witnessing it right now!

Omg this is definitely mind boggling @allowisticartist you need to see this enjoy exploring

thanks @unityeagle I need to show @rkz and tell him this may be a good home for his AI he has a good 10 years in development on his project this sounds like a way he could benefit from all of his hard work.

Nice post, thanks for sharing

Glad you enjoyed it!

Yes, we will be the witnessing of the change right before our eyes!

Exactly! The future is happening right now!

Whoa.. Every time I watch AI in conversation it both amazes me and also freaks me out.

Interesting to learn about SingularityNet, I'd never heard of it prior to this. Their stated initiative seems bold and interesting, we'll have to see what transpires out of this collaboration with blockchain.

Out of curiosity...Did anyone else find this sentence ironic? "Sophia was even made an official citizen of Saudi Arabia"

Thank you Jay, yes I also thought that this was a really interesting new technology.

Sophia being an official saudi citizen is a fact and actually sparked a pretty big debate about women's rights (and robot rights) in saudi arabia:

yea i just checked out the reaction to that. It's as I thought it would be..

Very interesting post, thanks for sharing this. Are you worried at all about the decentralization of a technology like AI? I think the main issue is that it would be widely available for anyone to create an AI with destructive capabilities but I can see both sides of that argument..

One side is that open-sourcing the technology will allow everyone to participate and therefore will possibly create a more fair AI market that mitigates the risk of any 1 AI becoming ultimately better than all the others...

The other side is that keeping the technology in the hands of large corporations and governments can allow for red tape and precautions/protective barriers to keep unwanted users from accessing the technology.

I'm curious to hear your position on this, thanks!

Wow it feels amazing to see a bot speak. The AI sounds very much interesting too.

Thank you for sharing, but watching sophia speak was freaking amazing.

The future and the cryptocurrency because it is based on the Open source and that it is the true replacement of the traditional currency

you're right! crypto is taking over 🙌

What an incredible time to be living, the possibilities are endless.
Science Fiction is becoming reality right before our eyes.

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