Why do you still Mine? Damnit!
With all the up and down going on, my friends, family, and wife asked me... "Why do you continue to mine if it is not making you as much money?" They like most people measure the market performance based on Fiat currency, where I measure according to BTC. I agree with Rhett Creighton's, creator of Zclassic and now working on Bitcoin Private, point in the linked tweet below.
I mine because I want to, where most miners new into the game, mine for short term profit. I am looking for long term profit, but also because I believe in the currencies I have choosen to mine.
With much of the Ethereum market within ICO's if they decide to get out, or cash in they can tank the market.
What are your thoughts, are you wanting to buy a second hand GPU?
Do you think all miners, should get lost, and giveup mining?
Are you still mining crypto, and why? What do you believe will happen in the long run?
Link to Tech Yes City, On Second Hand GPU performance concerns:
Link to Rhett Creighton's Tweet:
Hey @serpentxsf, the markets are pretty crazy right now. Crypto is back to a weird space but I know long term it's still what we're all hoping it will be! Cheers
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