The future of NEO looks very good indeed!

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

Red Pulse is a bust for me.

In an email sent out On Sept. 31 Red Pulse announced they will not be accepting citizens from US, Singapore, and China.

So what does this mean for the future of NEO? Absolutely nothing and its still my coin pick DESPITE this news sending the value plummeting. So what is it really that makes me so hopeful of NEO?

Well perhaps you have not heard the news, but China is considering a full stop on ICO's.

This is exactly what I predicted would happen and exactly why I dove on NEO.

Allow me to explain. NEO is a public blockchain as we all know. Is a blockchain very much like Ethereum.

What most people don't know is the same team that created NEO, is also working on another blockchain called Onchain.

Onchain is to be the NEO for the corporate world in China.

Now as we already know, NEO is basically given a green light go on passing all new Chinese laws. This is logical considering the belief is they worked directly with the government to make this possible.

This means only two blockchains are likely to be legal in China - a corporate blockchain and a public blockchain.

What China has no plans of doing, or at least per my understanding, is to stop the investment tokens, smart contracts, etc. This again is a logical move. Why would they stop this if they have control over the blockchain itself, they know every asset created.

So why is this lack of competition good for the value of NEO? Because all assets MUST go through NEO or Onchain.

If you try to register an asset on NEO, you will find this is not a free practice by any means, though it is INCREDIBLY easy to do.

In fact, if you were to release asset tokens in the number of 5,000,000 you would find it will cost you close to 5000 GAS - or a value of $75000 USD.

Now stop and absorb all this. Chinese people will only be allowed to use 2 blockchains - either corporate or public based on who they are and what their project is.

To utilize these blockchains - they have to pay hefty fee's.

What do you suppose happens to the value of NEO and GAS each and every time these projects take place.

This is why Red Pulse is no concern and I welcome a falling price. This is why the panic and fear is wonderful to me.

Just like people getting fearful and dumping bitcoin means I can buy it up cheap, panic about NEO means the exact same, and the scarcity that comes with GAS is just a benefit of it all.

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I was first worried about NEO.. but I think I'll be buying a few more coins based in this info..


Any time there is speculation and fear and craziness going on, its the perfect time to hold and to buy. Its when there is no news that you truly have to start worrying.

Bought NEO a few months ago because I expected Chinese to use it because of nationalism, but now they will even have to.

NEO to the moon!

Doubled down on NEO myself and letting this wave of market negativity flow

Just to clarify, you're saying that NEO is going to be the only blockchain left?

But ICO's are banned, so no one will be issuing tokens using NEO. So, I'm a bit confused how does this work out.

I could understand the confusion, there is a lot of it these days because of different terminologies.

A cryptocurrency is not specifically a token, it is a token that acts as money. What China is saying is.... no no no.... you will not be creating new money and new tokens that act as money and new blockchains for our money. You can however create INVESTMENT tokens. (similar to the US saying cryptocurrency is okay but if it is an investment security it must register with the SEC - not pose as a cryptocurrency).

For the record, NOTHING I say should be taken as gospel. Please understand in most of my posts I try to stress to people I AM NOT YOUR INVESTMENT ADVISER. If you lose every penny you have listening to my advice - do not blame me!

Ohh, this clarification really helped :) thanks

Why would a Chinese company have to use NEO and not be allowed to use Ethereum?

Because china is a nationalist republic often associated as being a communist nation. That is how they roll.

Great analysis and great post! I did the same to hold on to my NEO and buy in more when the price dropped to $30 per coin.
upvoted and followed.

Its typical advice if you have been investing for any length of time, fear is a driving force for news. :)

Also consider China's current economy. It's belong to the top economy and a country who lend billion dollar to US and other Asian country. Look at that potential, if China honnor neo as there official exchange, NEO became ETH and BTC killer one day.

I predicted this exact thing to happen by April 2018.

7 months from now. Wow, looks like a legitimate quick rich scheme.

I know you said not to ask you about unrelated coins, but could you check out and possibly do an article on bnb/binance? Not completely irrelevant

I will in the future put out information about the exchange and the coin. However not in the immediate future. I have other coins to share, NEO just keeps being the talk of the town so I share its info. But it will come in the future. :)

been holding my neo, this news makes my heart warmer!

NEO will have some big IOT + blockchain technologies coming up in 2018 - don't bail on it. :)

Friend great information, this information is very useful for lovers of CryptoCurrency like me. I follow you

thanks for following, hope you check my other posts as well : )

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